a full fledged GF
Well if that's your only objection you should download Safari and see if you like it, since that won't happen. The Apple Software Update program will offer to install Safari for iTunes users (Quicktime comes with iTunes) but if they uncheck the box when they run the update, it won't download Safari, quietly or otherwise.So, while I'm happily browsing the internet, I don't want Safari to be quietly "updating" itself with, QuickTime, SimIphone, or any of a number of other things I didn't want it to.
Firefox is a shitty browser, especially on an Apple, where it behaves nothing like an Apple application. Firefox on Windows doesn't really act like a real Windows app either, but it's not so bad because a lot of Windows developers don't give a shit, so Firefox gets lost in the noise. On my Mac, where every application behaves exactly the same, Firefox is like vandalism. Especially since when I use it, I get nothing I didn't have with Safari in the first place.I do think, however, that it's slightly ludicrous to call it a piece of crap...
I have a feeling that IE8 is going to destroy Firefox on Windows and I don't think it ever made significant headway on the Macintosh platform. I guess for lunix users though, it's not such a bad choice.
That's just me messing around, though. It should be obvious.As for your question about hostility- I suppose the thread title might've biased me against the whole thing to begin with.
I can't see the problem here. I posted that Firefox 3 fails, and also that I think it sucks. You come at me with a lot of rargh-web-standards-mean-nothing-to-me garbage, and somehow I'm an instigator.I still hold your post that I quoted contains just as much of it as my earlier one.
I mean seriously. Firefox is trash.