Anyone want to trade governors?

what a great Idea that always bothered me in school I mean why wear pants if there not even really on (I suggest making pants ilegal)

vindicator said:
what a great Idea that always bothered me in school I mean why wear pants if there not even really on (I suggest making pants ilegal)


Cool! So that would mean we all will get to walk around in kilts. :)
BigsWickDagger said: like being given the choice between hospital food and airline food: You don't really want either one but they will both get you by. ;)

Obviously I've been on the wrong airline.
Moonsword said:
Obviously I've been on the wrong airline.

Really? The last time I flew Delta from Salt Lake City to Atlanta I paid $11 for a sandwich, chips and a drink- no other choice really. Then again, I can't speak for Dennis Miller, only paraphrase. ;)


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Gotta love airline food, you have to pay for it now (well you paid for it before, but now you pay for it again). There are smaller carriers now that are doing more, like food and entertainment. Not that it bothers me, just give me my bag of peanuts and a soda, and I can read a novel (maybe even a WC novel)
Haggis?... From what I heard, haggis is rather like the old Philly *ahem* 'delicacy' known as scrapple.

Back to the topic, my governor after gaining office promising to get the budget passed on time (which it hasn't been for, like, 18 years), has consistently participated in the furtherance of the status quo. Not only that, but he's a Republican who acts like a Democrat. Rotten bastard (on both the above counts).