Another classic gaming Franchise getting the Deluxe treatment

DeFrancoj said:
Actually, Civ2's Leonardo's Workshop is far from overpowered; in fact expert players rarely bother with it, whether they are attempting early conquest or an early space victory. If one were playing for points or a "builder"-style game, the Workshop might be valuable--but more for the fact that it would upgrade your settler workforce to Engineers.

I personally find early-victory games boring;
And the fact that so called "expert players" don't use means nothing... People win Rise of Nations MP skirmishes in 5 minutes with spearman, but that doesn't mean that Panzer tanks aren't powerful. Those Civ "experts" might never use Nukes, but that also doesn't mean they're weak.

Don't mix up things.
hurleybird said:
Who needs Civilization when you have MOO?

I pretty much despise Civ. Way too much micromanagement, especially in the late game where the game becomes too bogged down to be fun. Also, you're paying $70 for what's essentially a whole bunch of versions of the same game with the same gameplay throughout, whats the point?

Yeah, MOO is still such a great game. I love going back to it. It was the game that got everything right. YOu had great options of micromanaging but I liked how the combat felt like a chess match. You wanted to attack in just the right way. Great stuff.
Sorry, sir, but you are the one who has experienced a mix-up or two.

Edfilho said:
you will ALWAYS have a spanking brand new army...Leonardo's will upgrade them from from spearmen to mech. inf... Same thing goes for horsemen to tanks.
Unfortunately for your theory, Leonardo's doesn't upgrade horses to tanks because it expires with the advent of the Automobile advance, which is a prerequisite for the Mobile Warfare advance, which makes tanks available. Automobile also necessarily appears before Labor Union (usually years before), which makes Mech. Inf available, so even if there were such a thing as a spearman in Civ2, it wouldn't get upgraded to Mech Inf.

Those Civ "experts" might never use Nukes, but that also doesn't mean they're weak.
It's not clear why you think the word expert requires derisive quote-marks. Regardless, you didn't say that Leonardo's was not "weak." You called it "ridiculously overpowered," an adjectival phrase best reserved for your own original claim.

At this point I could easily shore up my contention that Leonardo's simply isn't that great in Civ2, and certainly nowhere near being overpowered, but the greater point is, don't be so dismissive, particularly until you get your facts in order.
DeFrancoj said:
Sorry, sir, but you are the one who has experienced a mix-up or two.

Unfortunately for your theory, Leonardo's doesn't upgrade horses to tanks because it expires with the advent of the Automobile advance, which is a prerequisite for the Mobile Warfare advance, which makes tanks available. Automobile also necessarily appears before Labor Union (usually years before), which makes Mech. Inf available, so even if there were such a thing as a spearman in Civ2, it wouldn't get upgraded to Mech Inf.

Bullshit. Big load of bullshit.
My Civ2 poster and my Civ2 official guide state that Cavalry is made obsolete by Mobile Warfare. Ergo, when you discover tanks, Leonardo's will upgrade Cavalry to tanks.

And ok, so it's Phalanx, and not spearmen. You know that there is an upgrade line from phalanx to modern units? and that having ALL your cities ALWAYS garrisoned with the best and latest defensive unit is damn powerful to me.
It's not clear why you think the word expert requires derisive quote-marks. Regardless, you didn't say that Leonardo's was not "weak." You called it "ridiculously overpowered," an adjectival phrase best reserved for your own original claim.
Well, the irony was lost on you, pity. And they nerfed Leonardo's, it was powerful indeed.
At this point I could easily shore up my contention that Leonardo's simply isn't that great in Civ2, and certainly nowhere near being overpowered, but the greater point is, don't be so dismissive, particularly until you get your facts in order.
Kid, you're the one with the fucked up facts, you're the one sounding really damn arrogant. I've read time and again how powerful the damned wonder is, I have won a lot of Civ2 games on God level with ridiculously high scores using it, therefore I have absolutely no reason to care about your yapping. The fact that you seriously over-write your posts only makes it more irritating.

And you know what? It's the same to me whether other people agree with my assessment of the aforementioned game mechanic or not. I made this thread to commemorate the release of that great collection.
I don't think I've ever seen Ed pissed off before, except for before his latest ban... this is weird.
Edfilho said:
Kid, you're the one with the fucked up facts, you're the one sounding really damn arrogant.
Starting off the sentence with "kid' and then going on to say that the other guy is the one sounding arrogant makes you look like a complete idiot.

I've read time and again how powerful the damned wonder is, I have won a lot of Civ2 games on God level with ridiculously high scores using it, therefore I have absolutely no reason to care about your yapping. The fact that you seriously over-write your posts only makes it more irritating.
That's right, you have no reason to care about his posts - which, presumably, is why you bother responding to him. Or at least it would be, in the land of reverse-logic.

All in all, I suggest you give it a rest before you get another... vacation. His posting style may be excessive, but he did not insult you, and the correct response for you (if you truly don't care about what he's saying) is not to launch into a bizarre rant, but to simply shut up. You only recently got unbanned, and the CIC does not offer amnesties that often.
Edfilho said:
Bullshit. Big load of bullshit.
My Civ2 poster and my Civ2 official guide state that Cavalry is made obsolete by Mobile Warfare. Ergo, when you discover tanks, Leonardo's will upgrade Cavalry to tanks.

Kid, you're the one with the fucked up facts, you're the one sounding really damn arrogant. I've read time and again how powerful the damned wonder is, I have won a lot of Civ2 games on God level with ridiculously high scores using it, therefore I have absolutely no reason to care about your yapping. The fact that you seriously over-write your posts only makes it more irritating.


Dyret said:
I don't think I've ever seen Ed pissed off before, except for before his latest ban...

What a coincidence.
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