Yeah a mate of mine acts the same way. His head almost exploded when he saw this issue of loserz: love how all you Squenix fanboys react in exactly the same way.
Hehe, I had the (somewhat questionable) pleasure of working on a Japanese-style RPG for a few months this year, and I very quickly came to understand why this works the way it works. You know those amazingly flashy special moves animations that characters use? The amount of effort that goes into them is incredible... and the idea of having multiple sets of animations for every character just so they could use different weapons is... well, great in theory, impossible in practice. That's what you get for making a game with a "cinematic" feel - the very same reasons that made us fly only Excaliburs on planetary missions in WC3 are the reasons why each character only uses one type of weapon in JRPGs.Edfilho said:The biggest pet peevee I have with JRPGs is that they're too arbitrary and static. I mean, each character can use ONE type of weapon, with one linear upgrade path...
Quarto said:Hehe, I had the (somewhat questionable) pleasure of working on a Japanese-style RPG for a few months this year, and I very quickly came to understand why this works the way it works. You know those amazingly flashy special moves animations that characters use? The amount of effort that goes into them is incredible... and the idea of having multiple sets of animations for every character just so they could use different weapons is... well, great in theory, impossible in practice. That's what you get for making a game with a "cinematic" feel - the very same reasons that made us fly only Excaliburs on planetary missions in WC3 are the reasons why each character only uses one type of weapon in JRPGs.
I mean, for us, even shields were a problem - you have a character whose special moves involve a sword, and then suddenly somebody decides to add the possibility of using shields. Great, let's give him a shield... but wait - doesn't he hold his sword with two hands in that one animation? Crap .
(note that I'm not really trying to defend JRPGs, just to explain them)
In a few cases, yes... but swords are used for both slashing and stabbing. While the former can easily be adapted for maces, it would be kinda hard to stab someone with a mace .Dyret said:Yeah, that makes sense... Although it doesnt fully explain the lack of weapons(Swinging a sword and a mace could for example use the same animation, correct me if I'm wrong)
I worked for a Polish company called Tannhauser Gate, on The Roots (PC/Xbox), and The Roots: Gates of Chaos (Nokia N-Gage). The former title, unfortunately, was not finished and never will be - in July, our publisher pulled out of the deal, and that essentially killed the company (basically: the entire production team, myself included, was fired; the management hoped that they could find a different publisher and re-hire at least a part of the team later, but they haven't had any luck with new publishers).Out of curiousity, which company/companies have you been working with, and what project have you been working on?
Quarto said:In a few cases, yes... but swords are used for both slashing and stabbing. While the former can easily be adapted for maces, it would be kinda hard to stab someone with a mace .
Quarto said:I worked for a Polish company called Tannhauser Gate, on The Roots (PC/Xbox), and The Roots: Gates of Chaos (Nokia N-Gage). The former title, unfortunately, was not finished and never will be - in July, our publisher pulled out of the deal, and that essentially killed the company (basically: the entire production team, myself included, was fired; the management hoped that they could find a different publisher and re-hire at least a part of the team later, but they haven't had any luck with new publishers).
Quarto said:Hehe, I had the (somewhat questionable) pleasure of working on a Japanese-style RPG for a few months this year, and I very quickly came to understand why this works the way it works. You know those amazingly flashy special moves animations that characters use? The amount of effort that goes into them is incredible... and the idea of having multiple sets of animations for every character just so they could use different weapons is... well, great in theory, impossible in practice. That's what you get for making a game with a "cinematic" feel - the very same reasons that made us fly only Excaliburs on planetary missions in WC3 are the reasons why each character only uses one type of weapon in JRPGs.
I mean, for us, even shields were a problem - you have a character whose special moves involve a sword, and then suddenly somebody decides to add the possibility of using shields. Great, let's give him a shield... but wait - doesn't he hold his sword with two hands in that one animation? Crap .
(note that I'm not really trying to defend JRPGs, just to explain them)
So, it's jaw-droppingly bad?Dahan said:if you and when you guys see it you would completely understand....jaws will dropped.
Well, having seen a [completely nonsensical] trailer for it, I'd pretty much be willing to take that bet, except that I don't actually intend to see the movie, so I wouldn't be able to win .I bet on my life savings on it.....hehehe
Dahan said:Has anyone actually seen Final Fantasy Advent Children?
Dahan said:It puts "Final Fantasy - Spirits Within" to shame.
Originally Posted by Dahan
if you and when you guys see it you would completely understand....jaws will dropped.
So, it's jaw-droppingly bad?
Dahan said:"The spirits within" did not have any relation to the proper Final Fantasy genre
Dahan said:which Squaresoft made and they should have done it originally.
Dahan said:Jaw dropping as in damn the qaulity was awesome
Dahan said:I just pointing out that I enjoyed the movie because the qaulity was very good and was better with the spirits within
Dahan said:the games had more relation to each other other than cid and chocobo? if i remember correctly the use of the spirit powers calling forth giant magical beast is seen in almost all final fantasy games.
Dahan said:What I like about it was they made the movie in a quality which is worth watching not for the story but to see how far computer generated movies/characters have progress so far in the entertainment industry