I wish Academy would've at least had all ships of WC2, it would've been fun to put Concordia and other carriers against several fralthras.
I'm always somewhat hesitant to plug my work in an ongoing thread, as such derailing might not be considered good etiquette... In this particular case however, since i think it's relevant to the topic, I'll just go ahead and go on a quick trip down memory lane
I remember being just as frustrated as you with the limitations of Academy, and back in 1997 I ended up doing a few patches for Academy. Most of them relied on basic ship replacing (eg replace the Data Pod with the Fralthra, or the Epee with the Bloodfang), but the most advanced ones went as far as relying on EXE editing and some DOS TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) files to add some interesting functionality. I'll just quickly describe two I ended up revisiting last night while going through old files:
- Drakhai patch:
This was basically an attempt of re-incorporating the Drakhai back into WCA. Copy the INTEL.* ships to the GAMEDAT folder, and DRAKHAI.EXE to the main game folder. Launch the game via DRAKHAI.EXE and something very cool happens: you can now select level 5 difficulty, which triggers Drakhai behavior: more resilient ships, the AI taunts you at the beginning of the encounter, and after enough damage, they will actually try to escape. Even the music changes when the encounter begins, which was actually a side effect of the patch and I thought it was pretty amazing
- Multiple Friendlies patch:
Ok, for this one, leave the INTEL.* files in GAMEDAT from the previous patch where they are, you will need them. Also backup WCA.EXE before unzipping the file, since it will be replaced by a patched version. Afterwards, launch IFF.EXE (at least once per Dosbox session), and then run the modified WCA.EXE afterwards. If the game hangs when entering combat, you forgot to run IFF.EXE (made that mistake last night myself when giving this a shot)
This patch is an extension of the previous one. Basically we have levels 1-4, plus level 5 for Drakhai! But.... what about friendlies? This patch allows you to select a "Level 0" skill level, which (from memory) is equivalent to Level 4, but allows you to have human pilots on your side. So you can have more complex scenarios: put a few friendly broadswords making torpedo runs on a few Ralatha cruisers, while you escort them on a lighter ship.
As an aside, this patch removes the default "friendly" setting of the Human Station, so if you have a station as Level 1-4, it will be considered an enemy.
Anyway just thought it might be fun sharing this. These files date back from 1997, so it's very likely no one remembers about them anymore