A Second Wing Commander Movie?

WC3 kilrathi look better my thinks. However has anyone noticed that the kiltathi emporer got his robotic eye and claw replaced with a real claw and eye.
Not at all. He only appears in once scene in WC1, and it's far too dark to be able to tell if his eye is real or not :).
I haven't played WC3 in years. Yet I still clearly remember the emperor's robotic eye. Yes, it gleamed quite brightly, yet was cut off like a fire squelched by a tsunami, when a certain 'furless freak' dropped a certain 'bellringer.' ;) :D
Let's give the old fogie the benefit of the doubt and say the implant is there because of a combat wound and not his head falling on a pencil placed in his hand when he was sitting in the thrown, asleep listening to news of the war from his grandson.:)

[Edited by Death's Head on 12-11-2000 at 00:10]
Its probably a momento from some past failed assassination attempt. Or maybe its a telescopic device enabling him to spy on his subjects.
Originally posted by Death's Head
Let's give the old fogie the benefit of the doubt and say the implant is there because of a combat wound and not his head falling on a pencil placed in his hand when he was sitting in the thrown, asleep listening to news of the war from his grandson.:)

Actually, the implant was to replace an injury from when the kats were at war with the Varni, before Confed officially encountered the Kilrathi, as was mentioned in the novel Action Stations.
The Emperor took the throne in 2629 (TCH) and expected to die by 2669/2670 (WC3N) -- the problem is that we don't know how old he was when he became Emperor. We *do* know that Kilrathi mature *much* more quickly than Terrans -- Ralgha was a Rear Admiral at 13.
Err... that only shows that the manual writers goofed. The same way that they goofed with Blair's age of 32. Ralgha mentions that he fought the humans for ten years. Yet, to suggest that he joined the army at the age of 3 is insanity.
No, my dear Quarto, it is to suggest that Kilrathi are not men in furry suits. Wouldn't maturing so quickly (reletively slowly compared to most animals, of course) be a trait selected for in Kilrah's violent environment?