A Second Wing Commander Movie?


This is really good news. I don't know how FOX has kept this hidden from us. Usually we'll hear about a movie several months before it's released. The Wing Commander sequel will come out in January! Yes, this coming January! If anyone gets more information about it at all, please let me know!
Hm, well considering that FOX has been known to do some incredibly stupid things in the past (anyone remember: Who Wants to Mary a Multimilionere?) I don't see why they couldn't make a sequel to a movie that brought virtually no profit.

I'd love to see another WC movie though...
Well I hope that the new WC move will do better. There been a good number of seque
ls that did better then there first.

[Edited by Hawk on 11-28-2000 at 19:03]
I may be rather cynical, but I won't believe there's a movie coming until I see the press release myself (I looked, couldn't find one)
Yeah, I don't believe the rumors either, who was it that introduced them anyways. The movie would be pretty cool though if it could involve either the happennings of wc2 or wc3 I think
If I'm being realistic, its the first thing I've ever done that could be labled as such.

i'm listing to the mark interview right now, i'm not at the wing commander part yet but why would he make something like that up...
It may not be made up, but if FOX behaves like EA, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to scrap the movie during shooting or editing or something...
I'd like to shoot down some hopes for a moment with my own dark prediction.

I think the interviewer guy that announced it was intentionally mistaken.

Think about it: a little heard of website, a lame backwoods job on said website. How can he get out of that? He needs to be more popular. How can he be? If his announcement suddenly get's a lot more hits? And the timing with Mark Hammil would be perfect for such a rumor.

I don't believe it. I hope fervently, but I doubt it.
Hmmm, Yeah. I thought of that one too but I didn't want to say it out loud. I'm a "cursed mouth" of some sort. Everything bad that I say tends to happen...;)

[Edited by klaus on 11-29-2000 at 20:50]
Pfft.. I just assume he came across the name Wing Commander 2 somewhere, got confused and thought it was a movie. Either that or he's stupid. Horribly stupid.

Yeah, then I'd be twice as right...

hmm.. I think that makes it.. yeah... 200% right! Yay me!
