A Little BattleTech & Shadowrun Nostalgia

they just released a whole new rule set for tabletop, Total War
The books have gotten better, more mech action
The Dark Age rules did not sell as well as they had hoped. They recently (within the last couple of years), re-released the original rule set, since the Classic rules have always sold well with avid fans.
The first thing that actually got me into BattleTech was the Crescent Hawks game... then the books... once i realized how vast the BattleTech universe was, i was hooked.
My exposure to BT and Shadowrun is limited - but I read one of the Shadowrun books many years ago and it was good fun. I also have strong memories liking the console RPG they made.

I hope the new Shadowrun game turns out good; I'd like to see the franchise come back around.
Oh the old days. It has been quite some time since I played it. I also tried out MWDA but the continues rulechanges and the "buy new stuff or you can't win" philosopy behind it stopped me from playing.
I still own both but don't have much time to play it...or say none.
Still I am waiting for the new rulebook that will be released..or is it allready?
Maybe with it I would find a way back and write scenarios and find people to play with.

Reminds me ...does anyone knows Mechwars? The game where you play as one of the original 5 houses and move your armies along, research tech and have lots of diplomacy? At least with the rulechange I made with the guys I played it with it got realy interesting.
You would have to follow contracts made around the table...but when you leave the room to speak with another house leader any contract you made could be broken.
Lots of betraying, creating new alliances and stuff was going on behind closed doors when we played what made the game much more fun.
gevatter Lars said:
Oh the old days. It has been quite some time since I played it. I also tried out MWDA but the continues rulechanges and the "buy new stuff or you can't win" philosopy behind it stopped me from playing.

Dark Age was great - but once they put out Fire For Effect and added artillery strikes, it simply became a game of "rush the field".
LeHah said:
My exposure to BT and Shadowrun is limited - but I read one of the Shadowrun books many years ago and it was good fun. I also have strong memories liking the console RPG they made.

I hope the new Shadowrun game turns out good; I'd like to see the franchise come back around.
Unfortunately the new Shadowrun game seems to have done everything wrong. The trailer is really scary. I'm no nay sayer, I even think that System Shock 3 will be a good game... But if the shadowrun game is anything like the trailer, we are screwed.
He's not. There's no System Shock 3, but there's Bioshock, which is being developed by a lot of the same guys who worked on SS2.
Bioshock looks like it could be an excellent game.

From what I've seen, it's basically system shock, only set in the 60s and underwater instead of space.

Its due next year for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
MartySheen said:
I dont understand why theyr'e releasing Mech Assault for the DS tho. Dont Microsoft own the rights?

Yeah, they do. Microsoft makes games or licenses its properties for both the GBA and DS.

MartySheen said:
Anything is possible. I certaintly didn't think EA would ever revisit the original C&C, and now look - thats exactly what they're doing with Tiberium Wars.

And exactly what they're doing with Wing Commander in EA Replay.

Fatcat said:
But we have as much chance of seeing another Mechwarrior game as another Wing Commander game.

Yeah, there's a very good chance we'll see both before too long.
MartySheen said:
From what I've seen, it's basically system shock, only set in the 60s and underwater instead of space.

In other words, it's not System Shock
MartySheen said:
No, its not a System Shock game, but the guy responsible for System Shock is at the helm and the gameplay will be very similar.

Thats like saying Bad Blood is similar to Wing Commander because Chris Roberts was behind both those games.
LeHah said:
Thats like saying Bad Blood is similar to Wing Commander because Chris Roberts was behind both those games.

Well, dont take my word for it. The preview is on gamespot (among other sites). The project lead is Ken Levine who was also the lead for SS2 and his team is purposely trying to recapture the gameplay of the SS games.
Remember the cartoons? Those were fun!

Man I loved taking out that Warhammer and Marauder out for a hex-map spin. I miss that game.