You called me dangerous...I found that a bit laughable, no offense to you or your words (it just made me laugh at what you said and myself a bit). You - and many of the others here - would probably feel better demonizing the things I'm suggesting, considering them to be the words of a completely radical mind, and you're welcome to think that (I'm not here to argue differently). But should the world continue on its present course, I would be curious to see your thoughts on the matter in the years to come.
Calling you dangerous was basically a slightly exaggerated way of suggesting that you don't understand the implications of what you're saying. I didn't mean that you were actually dangerous.
...Until I read this post. You really
are dangerous. I find it scary to think that you're out there somewhere infecting people with your ideas. If even one person out there reads your post or listens to you in real life and agrees with you, that's already a disaster.
But that's just hyperbole on my part, isn't it? I mean, all you said was that parenthood should require a license because there's irresponsible people out there having kids even though everyone agrees they shouldn't. Surely, preventing such people from having kids would improve the world? Wrong.
Lemme try to put this in as few words as possible, as I don't feel like writing a two thousand word essay today. A license is not a one-time thing. If the government grants you a license, it can revoke it. This means that the day the government introduces parenthood licenses is the day parents lose control of their kids. When you drive a car and come by a "stop" sign, you stop without thinking. You don't care if the situation really requires you to stop. All you care about is that the government put it there, and they can revoke your driver's license if you ignore it. It would be the same here. You don't want your parent's license revoked, after all... you've grown attached to the little blighters, and you don't want the government to take them away. So, the government controls what you do with your kids. The government calls the shots.
Your kids would effectively be government property. Hey, that would put a great new twist on election campaigns. "Vote for us! We'll let you keep your kids!"
And let's talk enforcement for a moment. What are you gonna do, make it illegal to have sex without a license? Yeah, that'll work, I can see people obeying that. Or what, just abort all the unlicensed pregnancies - that's a fine piece of mass-murder. Hey, I know - we'll give out free condoms at schools, supermarkets and tax offices, and make it illegal for people without a license to have sex without a condom. Yep, that's a nice and cheap solution (in the context of the USA, I suppose we're only talking about a "few" billion dollars a year). And it surely does wonders for all the religious people out there who just might disagree on the morality of using a condom. But hey - who gives a damn about such religous extremists? You don't want such people to have kids anyway - no license for them. Ooh, and China's got great some tips about how to deal with offenders against such laws... so, who's up for sterilisation?