Capn Johnny
Cap'n Johnny
Well.. I for one am planning on seeing it soon. I just didn't feel like fighting the crowds on opening weekend.
I've got an astounding home theater setup myself, however that doesn't stop me from going to the theater. It's a social thing.
It's like claiming that Hamlet is badly written, because it mentions Norway invading Poland, which obviously could never happen.
[*]The music was all kinds of wrong, for the setting, I thought.
Wherever I go DVDs are almost always 20 bucks. I don't know where you're getting those numbers from but they certainly aren't the ones I'm getting here.
That's retarded. No DVD can compare to the EXPERIENCE of going to a good movie theater and watching it there. No amount of HD TVs and home theaters make up to it.
Why buy the damned DVD, when you can wait for a neighbor to buy it instead and use a spyglass to peek him watching it.
Better yet, why spend a single dollar on art or entertainment when you can live your life without them.
Seriously if you don't like it, your a woman or a girly man.
Just shut it. It was a great movie. Not the best movie I ever saw and its not the most historically accurate but c'mon. Dosen't anybody like to see a movie now a day's were the seven to ten dollars that you spent was well worth it. Plus its based of the graphic novel by Frank Miller. Its just a fictional story about the 300 troops of Sparta. There are a lot of real things in it like about the boys and the women having higher standing then most civilizations back then. Seriously if you don't like it, your a woman or a girly man.
OMFG, it's tha gheys111!1! thEIR dissing our movies!11!1![]()
Haha,O.K. point taken after that but this is a serious guy movie. It has hot naked women and over excess of violence. What more could be wanted. Even that I don't want to say but the part with Xerxes rubbing Leonidas's shoulders did look a little ghey.