300 is Amazing.

What the Cap'n said. :)

(Also catching Ghostrider, both of them this afternoon. Yeah, GR's been out for ages, but never got around to seeing it.)
I've got an astounding home theater setup myself, however that doesn't stop me from going to the theater. It's a social thing.

And theaters have great air conditioning. It's REALLY hot in here, and I can't afford AC.

And going out with the wife, friends, catching a movie on a HUGE screen with 18381 speakers and then going to a bar is awesome.
Alright, you two, break it up. Also, if you need a silly action movie, watch Commando. Awsome movie, if you take in how unrealistic it is.
Ok, back on the subject of 300, after having got back from that double-header I mentioned, above.

Overall, I was sufficiently entertained to not say that 300 sucked, but while it had some high points, overall it was, for me, just barely on the positive side of "eh". Had I paid full evening ticket price instead of matinee ($8.25 vs $6.25), I might not have been so happy, but for what I did pay it was alright.

Some highlights of my thoughts, while I gather them for a full review:
  • Way too much CGIed blood. Plenty of blood? Fine, it is a battle we're talking about, here. But the stuff that looks like a reddened version of the Klingon blood from ST6? Blech.
  • Somewhat related to the CGI issue, too many examples of "shit thrown in because we can".
    The wolf from the background? Lame. Want to show that Leonidas was a tough-ass SOB from his youth onwards? No problem. But don't use some freaking cartoonish CGI wolf that looks like a reject from a Jim Henson production. The monsters and crap the Persians threw at the Spartans were also kind of silly. What was the point of that fat blob with the blade-hands, at the scene with the beheaded Persian general? Or the wannabee ogre? Or, hell, what about the rhino and elephants? I mean besides the "because we can" I mentioned, above.
    (spoilered for those who haven't seen it yet)
  • The music was all kinds of wrong, for the setting, I thought. I'm not some music fiend like ace or LeHah, so I won't try to analyze the fine details, but if you're going for an epic battle scene from ancient times, rock music doesn't quite cut it, at least for me. Is it cool? Arguably, yes. It's not, however, appropriate for the scene. But, then again, we all know I'm an old fart who thinks that everything was better "back in the day", too. :p
  • The queen thing? Extra fluff, for the most part. On the other hand, I will admit to amusement that they had to insert a rape scene into the story, because one wasn't in the original comi... erm, graphic novel by Miller (who's not exactly on NOW's "Happy Holidays" greeting card list).
  • I wasn't at all expecting a documentary, but there was so much stuff that was just plain wrong that I'm wondering if Miller ever read anything more about the details of Thermopylae than an article from a kid's encyclopedia on the battle. I'm not one for being a stickler to fine detail if it interferes with entertainment, but something a little closer to reality would be nice.
  • On another "because it's cool, not because it works" thing, waaaay too much use of slo-mo, in the fight scenes. IMO, it should be an occasional dash of dramatic spice, not dumped into the plot pot, so to speak, in industrial quantities.

Now, keep in mind that this is just my first thoughts, and the negative stuff tends to stick out more than the positive, as per human nature in general.
[*]The music was all kinds of wrong, for the setting, I thought.

The choral music (as well as the music used at the very end) is lifted directly - note for note for arragement - from Titus, made back in 1999
I actually was referring to the battle scenes in particular. The rest of the soundtrack didn't really stick out, to me.

(As for "the very end", I probably wouldn't have been disappointed if they hadn't recycled the Sin City credits style. :p )
Wherever I go DVDs are almost always 20 bucks. I don't know where you're getting those numbers from but they certainly aren't the ones I'm getting here.

You're paying too much then. Fry's, Best Buy, Amazon, Circuit City.. you shouldn't have to look very far. It's fairly rare to be unable to find a new release for under $15. I believe Walmart/Target prices them like this as well. I'm talking about new movie release day sales, but like Quailpilot said, older movies are even cheaper.

That's retarded. No DVD can compare to the EXPERIENCE of going to a good movie theater and watching it there. No amount of HD TVs and home theaters make up to it.

Christ Filho. It's more expensive, so it better be better. They're just different ways of doing the same thing though. I'd almost always prefer to watch movies at home myself.

Why buy the damned DVD, when you can wait for a neighbor to buy it instead and use a spyglass to peek him watching it.

Better yet, why spend a single dollar on art or entertainment when you can live your life without them.

These are bad examples.
I expect 300 to amount to:

0% Historical Accuracy.
300 Burly Spartans that will allow us viewers to bask in the glow of ass-kicking manliness (more like a 5 minute after glow).
Persians are cannon fodder.
Now we demand manly Athenians kicking Persian ass in Salamis.

Then told to stop dreaming and take out the garbage.
I caught it the other day and was really impressed. I agree that they overdid the "slow-mo" at times, but I was thoroughly entertained. I don't understand the the complains about historical accuracy. It's a movie with hideous monster creatures fighting big manly men in their underwear for Christ's sake, on top of that, it's based on a comic book.

I certainly didn't go for a history lesson. I went to have my ass kicked by an awesome cinematic experience, and that's just what I got.
Well, i saw it too,

I had to constrain my laughing because everything was way overdone, the rhino, the african elephants from asia(that you simply pushed over the cliff with a handfull of men), the two demons(the restrained giant on the battlefield and the executioner who looked liked the fat enemy guy from doom2, only with blades for forearms).

The lighting was way overdone also, sun was shining from everywhere! Also, upon climbing the mountain, leonidas jumped six/seven feet in the air for no apparent reason, to meet the monks/priests, if you looked closely the torches' flames were pointing to the left, not up like a normal flame, which gave me the idea the mountain effect was created similar to the 60's batman climbing buildings.

Also there should be 300 warriors, leonidas loses half of his men in the second battle, then he decides to make a final stand, sends his friend(the narrator) home to tell his tale to his wife, and offers the men still at his disposal the option to leave, then the narrator says: "hundreds left", so how many did he have left?

The movie is about as realistic as Army of darkness, but it had it's thing, it was good fun to watch, but not worth a purchase IMHO.
You reminded me, I forgot to mention that in regards to the actual number of soldiers under Leonidas, it never felt to me that he actually had 300 men there. It always looked about roughly fifty. Anyone else feel the same?
Just shut it. It was a great movie. Not the best movie I ever saw and its not the most historically accurate but c'mon. Dosen't anybody like to see a movie now a day's were the seven to ten dollars that you spent was well worth it. Plus its based of the graphic novel by Frank Miller. Its just a fictional story about the 300 troops of Sparta. There are a lot of real things in it like about the boys and the women having higher standing then most civilizations back then. Seriously if you don't like it, your a woman or a girly man.
Just shut it. It was a great movie. Not the best movie I ever saw and its not the most historically accurate but c'mon. Dosen't anybody like to see a movie now a day's were the seven to ten dollars that you spent was well worth it. Plus its based of the graphic novel by Frank Miller. Its just a fictional story about the 300 troops of Sparta. There are a lot of real things in it like about the boys and the women having higher standing then most civilizations back then. Seriously if you don't like it, your a woman or a girly man.

You'd do well to leave that tone at the door.
OMFG, it's tha gheys111!1! thEIR dissing our movies!11!1 :eek:

Actually I would think that women as well as gay men would like the movie equally well thanks to all the half naked macho men running around in speedos.
Haha,O.K. point taken after that but this is a serious guy movie. It has hot naked women and over excess of violence. What more could be wanted. Even that I don't want to say but the part with Xerxes rubbing Leonidas's shoulders did look a little ghey.
Haha,O.K. point taken after that but this is a serious guy movie. It has hot naked women and over excess of violence. What more could be wanted. Even that I don't want to say but the part with Xerxes rubbing Leonidas's shoulders did look a little ghey.

Come on, dude, guys who are comfortable being straight have no problem with that stuff :)
Kilrathikiller, you did realize that Dyret was mocking you when he stooped to using the word "ghey", didn't you? The fact that you picked it up makes you look kind of idiotic. No offense intended, but this is one of the few places online where you can be banned for being an moron too much, let alone being offensive. As LeHah politely put it, you'd do well to leave that tone at the door.