[2020-02] Some novel character portraits

When it comes to WC3 style Klirathi speech, could we make the growls a little lower? After all, we know the voices in this scene is translated and too strong growls might cause players hearing fatigue.

Should be doable. I'll have to find some time to do some fiddling around.

And, have you seen the original part at the end of this demo? Unfinished morning news, I mean. According to my design, there will be the human protagonist and two Kilrathi protagonists meeting for the first time after the news and a telephone call, and they might greet each other in Kilrah. Here we could use the original WC3 style sound (of course, not the human, but the kats 😅 ), and it could be expressed directly in Kilrah.

Haven't watched it yet; will do so at the earliest opportunity.

P.S. Excuse me, where can I find the Kilrah pronunciations of "My blood warms at the sight of thee. " , "Your father, his blood flows well? " and "His blood is thick. "? Have the Kilrah versions of these sentences appeared in the novels or the games? Thanks!

To my knowledge, the Kilrathi versions of those phrases didn't appear in the novels or the games. I do have translations of them in the Kilrathi lexicon I was developing for the WCRPG Elegy campaign though (link attached), if those would be suitable for you. In which case I have:

  • My blood warms at the sight of thee. = Ni'ka'akh du aiy'rai or N'ikh ka'akh du aiy'rai. The second is the stronger formal tone.
  • Your father, his blood flows well? = Ka'ri'nhar a aknis ki?
  • His blood is thick = Gar'ka'ha arg. (The phrase in Action Stations is "His blood flows thick" = Gar'ka'aknisarg ; you can choose either, of course).
If you want any other Kilrathi phrases at any point, by all means feel free to ask.
Should be doable. I'll have to find some time to do some fiddling around.

Thanks so much! The translation is awesome!

P.S. I am planning to design a scene where the first time the characters meet, the player needs to choose the correct greeting within a limited time, which could increase the friendship point, or else the Kilrathi protagonists will greet in Terran language. Of course, there is a short language instruction before.
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A semi-original character: Master

(Sorry, I haven't considered his name yet. )


The Kilrathi photographer who was recording the scene of the False Armistice signing in 2668. (Fleet Action, Chapter 2)
He is a retainer of Jukaga Family. This is his look in 2686. (My fan-made original part. )

Edit: 03-22 Optimization and new expressions

Edit: 03-26

An original character: ???


(For original characters, I just insert thumbnails. Please click these thumbnails to show full images. )

The exchange student of the Kilrathi Assembly of Clans. At first he declares that he is Master's nephew, but actually he is a student of Master, and...


  • Master_peace.jpg
    155.9 KB · Views: 179
  • Master_cepeace.jpg
    156 KB · Views: 140
  • Master_watching.jpg
    156.1 KB · Views: 146
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If you would like to try it out (only prologue) online, click the link below:
I've been going through the hole prologue with joy. Would like more to come. First criticism is the lagging of the sound (music) right after loading the next bunch of text. Second one is the srollbars you always have, even when in full screen mode of the browser. Third is some typing errors I might have found. Have a look at the following screenshots:

full screen mode - typing error.png
should read "weapon"

typing error 1.png
should read "within" (I guess)

typing error 2.png
should read "in an apartment" (because of the a-vocal "apartment" starts with)
I've been going through the hole prologue with joy. Would like more to come. First criticism is the lagging of the sound (music) right after loading the next bunch of text. Second one is the srollbars you always have, even when in full screen mode of the browser. Third is some typing errors I might have found. Have a look at the following screenshots:

View attachment 11212
should read "weapon"

View attachment 11213
should read "within" (I guess)

View attachment 11214
should read "in an apartment" (because of the a-vocal "apartment" starts with)

Thanks so much for the feedback! I will try to fix the typos tomorrow. Sorry, my broad band is too slow now, so I could not view the screenshots at the moment. I will try later.
What ever is convenient to you. ;) Do you know what I mean with "lagging"? It's stuttering somehow.

Got it! Actually, the online version is resource consuming. It is an Emscripten implementation. Firefox runs it better on my laptop. After all the online version is convient for demonstration.

I will release a more efficiency download version later.
I've been going through the hole prologue with joy. Would like more to come.

Now there is more. Just a draft, maybe too rough. But the logic of this part is more complicated.

I don’t make any tips 😀, so when you have time to experience it, please see if the feeling is right.
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Sometimes the screen is shaking. Is that to emphasize important sentences? Sometimes the text switches to the next passage without having me clicked. About the newly added part I can't tell much. It's looking good so far. :)
Sometimes the screen is shaking. Is that to emphasize important sentences? Sometimes the text switches to the next passage without having me clicked. About the newly added part I can't tell much. It's looking good so far. :)

About the shaking... I'm learning a narrative technique from the game series of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. It is something exaggerated, funny and even a little stupid. Of course, as an amateur beginner, I am not able to use it so well. Of course, as I planned, when it returns to the novel plots (serious history), the atmosphere should not be like this.

About the text auto switching... I want to present a slightly awkward state of the scene. So sometimes the nervous of the protagonist leads to some uncontrolled thoughts, so the display will continue without clicking the mouse.

And, I am not sure whether THAT kind of choices bring an ideal experience. Did you get the best choice result? Although as of now, it only shows one important difference in appearance.
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What do you mean with that? Which choice? Which result? Sorry, my English isn't as good as it should be. You have to explain.

OK. Up to now, there are several situations in the process that require players to make a choice.

The first one is whether talking about the dream about the Empire Conference. If you choose talking about the dream, you will see the corresponding dialogue, or else you will not. But then everything will be the same.

After the call of Sister and leaving the room, you will face another set of choice with time limitation (when time is up, it will choose one choice automatically) . This set of choice is more completed. Depending on your first choice of this set, a second one may appear. If you choose the best answer(s), there will be a small but critical change in the later performance. Actually this set of choice affects Favorability of characters. Last but not least, many thanks to @capi3101 for the assistance of Kilrah language!
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OK. A new version of Nargth's portray is here:
Maybe I could start the work of the part of Action Stations, Chapter Four.

BTW: FF14 Benchmark (https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/) is really a good tool for models.
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I ran through the story twice so far, but I don't remember my decisions. Since I don't know what would have been happen with another choice, I'm not able to determin wheather my decisions lead into the best result or not. But I'll have a closer look to my decision next time I go through it.
I ran through the story twice so far, but I don't remember my decisions. Since I don't know what would have been happen with another choice, I'm not able to determin wheather my decisions lead into the best result or not. But I'll have a closer look to my decision next time I go through it.

Now, a new Chapter begins.


It is still here: https://palmusicfan.github.io/

You could load old save states, and it just continues.

BTW, I just use a soundtrack from my fan-made Ace Attorney story. It might not be matched well. I will arrange it to a new version later.
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