[2020-02] Some novel character portraits

I would translate the indicated line like so:

"Ni'hraki'i daigga, jha ni'hraki'i tr'thano, jha ni'ig'ai daigga... Hagai, aiy'hra, ni'havu anruni uni. Ri'ukarhi'inga'bhakil madichodyapa maks, he?"

Wow! Thanks soooo much! Sorry to take up so much of your time explaining! 😅

(Thrakhath says you must be crushed and then eaten for such a mangling of the tongue, of course, but then again he's getting kind of old and crotchety at this point so I wouldn't pay him much attention as long as you can outrun him. He's heading your way now though, so I'd get a move on if I were you. And I'd appreciate it if, when you see him, you don't say anything about me calling him old and crotchety...)

Er...sorry...I'm a little confused about the memes here.... (Actually, trying to translate WC4 subtitles recently has put a higher demand on my English learning and showed me that those exams for non-native speaker students were just something new beginning, and though I can watch children's English animations without subtitles now, I still struggle with authentic native English expressions...)
Er...sorry...I'm a little confused about the memes here....

Die fragliche Aussage war als Scherz gedacht. (Using Google Translate here, so hopefully the German isn't mangled.)

The statement in question was meant as a joke. No memes involved; I was just trying to be funny with the whole Thrakhath line...
EDIT: I have daigga = "big school", assuming laq Kaligara is a commoner and didn't go to an academy for thrak'hra either to learn or to teach.

Wow, it seems like this is also a point of information for my fan fiction plot that at least nobles and commoners won't be trained in one sector. Got it!

P.S. Actually I would like to refer to this character...
If you are interested and really bored and need to pass the time, take a look... 😆
Harga nar Ki'ra


"Ja'lhu ri'ha a, gar?"
"What are you doing, cub?"

This's the look when he blames a young one.

Edit: Thanks to capi3101 for the Kilrah line.
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Haga Kaligara
(As a young test pilot)


"Gar'le, ni'kirni'lavingai uni, mas mahu'aiychur erg ni'kiresh diyai gakiga aiy'hra, du ri'ukarhi maks. Lebanai, mas'hahe?"
"One of my granddaughters says this picture of my youth time looks excellent today, to you apes also. Tell me, is that true?"

Well, I've expanded my mind a bit with this portrait. 😆

Since Haga Kaligara was just a test pilot at that time, his flight suit was barely decorated at all. And... he had to keep such kind of "stupid" photos secretly for a long time.... 😅 (Note: Fan Fiction expansion! )

The design of the tail armor references this work.

Edit: Thanks to capi3101 for the Kilrah lines!
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"One of my granddaughters says this photo of my youth time looks great today, even to you apes. Tell me, is that true?"

Gar'le, ni'kirni'lavingai uni, mas mahu'aiychur erg ni'kiresh diyai gakiga aiy'hra, du ri'ukarhi maks. Lebanai, mas'hahe?

(This is not an exact word-for-word translation. I've got gakika = "excellent" as opposed to thrak = "great / ultimate / noble / final / top" because I think it's more in context. I've got hu'aiychur = "picture / image" instead of 'photo' as there is no word in the lexicon for 'photo' but it's serviceably close enough...I could've gone with knav'aiychur = "hologram" as well. And I've got du ri'ukarhi maks = "to you apes also" instead of "even to you apes" at the tail end of it, again to keep it in context.)
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Melek of WC3



This is another pose.

"Killing the Heart of the Tiger, the one warrior great enough to humble the Empire, will bring me no honor."


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"A new millennium lies ahead."

Kireshthrak'hanisk nisjha.

(This was harder to translate than it might seem. I had forgotten that I already had a word for "millennium", while I had no word for "lies" in the meaning of "to be situated"...ultimately with with hanisk = ha nis'k = "is begun").
Kireshthrak'hanisk nisjha.

(This was harder to translate than it might seem. I had forgotten that I already had a word for "millennium", while I had no word for "lies" in the meaning of "to be situated"...ultimately with with hanisk = ha nis'k = "is begun").
Thanks so much!

I have a question, what is Melek's level of Teran language?

Well, let's just consider the original English version lines at first. The WC3 novel mentions that his accent is heavy. How about grammar and expression habits? Is there any difference in WC4?
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Melek of WC3



“For now the Empire will fall . . . and the enemies who harassed our outer marches will now have nothing to stand between them and your Confederation. They have a power that even Thrakhath was wary of. Do you Terrans, who barely held against us, have the strength to face them when they come?”

Another facial expression.
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Update the index in the first floor. Characters completely original to my own are not included in the index.

Ah, as of now I've drawn portraits of more than 15 characters. Many of these characters have more than one portrait.
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Haga Kaligara
(pilot of Imperial Claw)


“Ja'lan ri'ukarhi'a'k is mahu'aiychur? Du dadya'ikgantdo?
"Where did you apes find this picture? The flight log storage?"

Drawing a pilot in the cockpit for the first time. Reference to a pose by Patrick Colasour from Gundam 00...

Thanks to capi3101 for the Kilrah line.


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