[2020-02] Some novel character portraits

That's a good point. But I think I took Catscratch's character as just someone who was easily swayed by the more experienced pilots around him. As an inexperienced pilot he seemed to follow Maniac's advice pretty readily enough. Thinking about it more, I also remembered he had Sosa to 'straighten him out'. The opinion of a female would certainly have swayed him here!

I agree. So I designed this fan fictional episode with only Catscratch's ideas changing drastically. I don't think this kind of event would be enough to fundamentally change Panther's mind, but it would be enough for Catscratch.

Sosa is certainly important, and I was trying to present a part her process of straightening Catscratch out.
Thank you very much! I think I can make a rough estimate!
Can I go ahead and ask how you feel about the other two scenes in Chapter 2?

I'm sorry to say between work, new house, preparation for the party, work on the video packs and trailers, I haven't had the time to try anything else yet. I'd really like to, though - if there's anything you'd like me to test, just ping me a link to the relevant bits and I'll put some time aside of an evening to check it out :D
I'm sorry to say between work, new house, preparation for the party, work on the video packs and trailers, I haven't had the time to try anything else yet. I'd really like to, though - if there's anything you'd like me to test, just ping me a link to the relevant bits and I'll put some time aside of an evening to check it out :D
Oh, I'm so sorry, I hope I haven't taken up too much of your time. 😆 Just remember to keep the game saves for my next update.
@capi3101 , now I'm starting to concoct an interview scenario with Haga Kaligara. Could you please see if this is a reasonable outline?

Thanks so much!

1. "Concubines are NOT lair-mates! Every word you say to them may reach the Crown Prince's ears!"

2. "When noticed that a partener who have agreed to become ACEs together suddenly volunteered to commit tagugar..."

3. "What had the other pilots around been doing for the last 80 days before X day? What was on their mind?"

4. "For some cubs (like Admiral Nargth's nephew), the war was over before its beginning."

5. "What was to be done when the most honorable pilot in this strike himself disobeyed the operational command and asked others to cooperate with him?"

6. "Why were so many fighters equipped with ejection systems?"

7. "Ridiculous prey, or honorable opponent?"

8. "The search and rescue team was so efficient that most of the pilots who successfully ejected were rescued, however..."

9. "It was not that simple. Yes, it was not that simple."

10. "What went wrong? How did it look then, and how does it look now?"


One additional question.

11. "What? You're asking if I was ever scared? Well... I can tell you there was a time, but that was in your year of 2673."
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Seems reasonable to me.

Looks like I might need to come up with a word for "concubine/courtesan/mistress". Best I've got is kilavrax and that's something else entirely. Maybe kila'vrashiv? (kila'vrash = wife (a more specific term than nonvrash = lair mate/spouse) + iv = false)

I don't know...I've made Kilrathi a language spoken honestly up to this point; depending on what one does with a concubine, either kila'vrashiv or kilavrax might be accurate. Kila'vrashiv would be more accurate in the Lady Jessica Atreides sense, methinks.
Looks like I might need to come up with a word for "concubine/courtesan/mistress".

Uh, talking about the translation of these words, I guess we might have to make further detailed class distinctions for these kats first?

First, I think kilavrax is referring to those poor bottom kats works in... somewhere like GAR'S EMPORIUM?

Then courtesan, whose clients are wealthy or upper-class kats.

Finally, concubine... From the descriptions in the books, they're dealing with very distinguished clients... like the Heart of the Tiger... And we can not imagine Blair would be asked to pay for it. But do they have, say, a constant relationship here (even if it's nominal)? Or it is just temporary?

Wicked idea: I don't think the story being spread among the kats would be that the Heart of the Tiger only made himself allergic...😆


Also I have a vision. Is it possible to work out a scenario that Haga Kaligara travels to Earth together with his son Khajiit and Kna the slave and servant? They could visit the zoo, watch sports events, and then meet the woman pilot he once fought against back in the McAuliffe ambush.
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"Do you think the Emperor truly cares if they live or die? There are other grandsons of other concubines. If there is victory he will embrace them, if they die he will immortalize them, if they lose he will denounce them and blame those who fought under them as well. This war will burn off our strength and yet leave his clan even stronger."

Action Stations, Chapter 7

As can be seen from the description of this paragraph, the children concubines bore for the Emperor had inheritance rights. The concubines seem to be considered members of the Emperor's family, right? Though they certainly didn't hold a candle to the Queen.

Then... how about the concubine kat in WC4 novel?


@capi3101 , I have noticed this word in the Lexicon:

ahrava = acolyte / attendant / follower underling / subordinate

Could I ask why you would use iv = false to construct a phrase of "concubine" instead of ahrava? Thanks!
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@capi3101 , I have noticed this word in the Lexicon:

ahrava = acolyte / attendant / follower underling / subordinate

Could I ask why you would use iv = false to construct a phrase of "concubine" instead of ahrava? Thanks!

Breakdown of the word is ahr + -av + -a = to lead / leader + negative / opposite / not / do not / converse (opposite) + "being that does" / "-ist", i.e. "being that does not lead". The most general usage of the word is intended as "follower", with the others being general purpose synonyms.

As to 'concubine', like any other word I tend to first turn to a thesaurus to see if I've already got a word that will work. I did as it turned out; the word was kilavrax; here are the terms that came up: concubine - harlot / mistress / courtesan / kept woman / paramour / prostitute / whore. That didn't seem to fit, so I next went to dictionary definitions:
  1. A sexual partner, especially a woman, to whom one is not or cannot be married.
  2. A woman who lives with a man, but who is not a wife.
  3. (chiefly historical) A slave-girl or woman, kept for instance in a harem, who is held for sexual service.
So if the idea is to "a female mating partner", I'd go with kilav = female + vrash = mate. But that combination of words already existed in kila'vrash = wife, so I added -iv = false to it, thus making kila'vrashiv = "false wife", thus making a distinction.

(Vrax is intended to carry a connotation of 'mating out of season', to have relations with a non-receptive partner. Rape would be a synonym. In case you're were looking for a difference in terms there).

As to your questions about the children of concubines holding inheritance rights, I'd once again go back to look at feudal Japanese society for your guide. Concubinage was practiced as a means of increasing the likelihood of male heirs among the nobility, and it was possible under the correct circumstances for the son of a concubine to become Emperor; the most recent such instance of this was with Emperor Taisho, the great-grandfather of Emperor Naruhito (the current monarch).
Now I guess, in the first outline of my interview above, I actually should use "courtesan", who was the Crown Prince's eyes and ears in Chapter 7 of Action Stations.

P.S. If "kat concubine" is totally different from "courtesan kat", I am afraid Blair of WC4 novel might be in a bit of trouble.
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So if the idea is to "a female mating partner", I'd go with kilav = female + vrash = mate. But that combination of words already existed in kila'vrash = wife, so I added -iv = false to it, thus making kila'vrashiv = "false wife", thus making a distinction.
Sorry, maybe I didn't express myself clearly. I was asking why it is "false wife" instead of "kila'vrash that does not lead" (some word like kila'vrash'ahrava).

EDIT: On reflection, I think this distinction is essentially a distinction between different status levels if a kat concubine is considered a family member.
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Sorry, maybe I didn't express myself clearly. I was asking why it is "false wife" instead of "kila'vrash that does not lead" (some word like kila'vrash'ahrava).

Two reasons. First, kila'vrashiv is a shorter term. Second, a concubine doesn't literally follow a wife as a rule, nor are they an attendant or an acolyte. Depending on the circumstances, they may not even be fully subordinate to the wife.

I'd probably have more to say about this, but at the moment, I'm in a rush so I'll end it there.
"Wow! A Firekkan! Howdy!"

("Howdy" keeps throwing me for a loop...let's try this...).

K'rathrg! Firekka'hra! Ja'lr'a!

(Ja'l ri'a a? = "how do you do", from which 'howdy' derives...clip it to make slang. Ja'lr'a doesn't mean anything else as best I can tell. Now if I can just come up with a word for 'wow' and better rules for interjections...).
Based on this recent portrait, I would like to paint another "waving paw and greeting" portrait.
@capi3101, have you got any official images depicting the palm side of kat's paw? Thanks!
Yeah! This one is clearer!


P.S. I've always thought the paw size of WC3 and WC4 was a bit too small. Was it for the actor's ease of gesturing?
Haga Kaligara


"Hahahahahaha... Bugs Bunny the Great War Hero! Those fools in the psychological warfare department!"

@capi3101 OK, I have portraited him as a commoner with blunt teeth.


"Good to see you all!"
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Haga Kaligara


“Terran cub! What did this warrior fight against us Imperial Claw for! Answer me!”

@capi3101, I thought of a plot:

Haga Kaligara comes to Earth for the premiere of the Documentary and meets a young boy who is being bullied. The boy is coerced by a classmate into coming to Haga Kaligara with a rusty Confederation flight helmet to get his autograph.

Haga Kaligara is very angry and criticizes the boy for his weakness.

Is this reasonable? Thanks!
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