Kilrathi could see infrared light, while they couldn’t see short wave blue and purple light Terran could see. So I assume the sky and ocean in their eyes are different. That’s the context of this line.Two translations, not sure which one fits better in this case:
Ni'aiydudapa eshmang ja'lhu Terran'hra'aiy takh karhmakslanshikthrak. = lit. "I imagine sometimes what Terrans see as sky and ocean."
Ni'aiydudapa eshmang ja'lhu Terran'hra'sa karhmakslanshikthrak. = lit. "I imagine sometimes what Terrans consider sky and ocean."
'sometimes' and 'imagine' get transposed in the translation either way thanks to the grammatical rules (such as they are).
Kilrathi could see infrared light, while they couldn’t see short wave blue and purple light Terran could see. So I assume the sky and ocean in their eyes are different. That’s the context of this line.
Thanks for the encouragement!I really like all these portraits, they look really cool. Can't comment much on the fan fiction, since this is not a big part of my WC interest, hehe. But good job, keep it up!
Thanks so much! It's the visible light issue related line. I'm so sorry, next time I'll pay attention and express the idea more clearly.Okay...wasn't sure which line to translate necessarily, so I did both (literal translations):
Excuse me, are there any Kilrathi words of blessing for the lair mates in the official scripts or novels? Thanks... If not, well... let's try to make one line up?
"Blessings", eh? How about Lekarhga'riga'vrash'h'inha lega dyahu jaqulahri... 😜😝😈
Lekarhga'riga'vrash'h'inha lega dyahu jaqulahri means "May the noise of your mating be loud enough to awaken the gods." It works for a language where there are no kind euphemisms for fecal matter...
If I use this one... what would this classroom atmosphere be like....
Eh, what about this one:
"May your heirs spread like seedlings of ulanna trees."
Riga'hraijhaki h'innisjhamakschur takh jaqirini'irgaiulanna. I even had all the words for that one. More tame of a phrase to be sure.
Could use both phrases, of course. The one about the ulanna trees come first. Sosa and Catstratch are a little embarrassed about it, the Harga character says 'well, at least he didn't use blah blah blah as a blessing', which is either a) shockingly embarrassing to those prudish Terrans or b) something the Harga character doesn't translate - he just stands there smiling...![]()
yanaqdalhar = lit. "hair vomit". aqdalharyan = "to vomit hair" would have roughly the same meaning."f(urball)" word.
ukarh = "ape". IIRC, the roots of the word are uk (food/prey) and ar (first/primary).'a(pe)' word."
The rest of it sounds fine to me (including the course introduction).
About "Documentary Literature and History"... I've no idea if such a course actually exists, but let me just write it off as such.
The first draft of this part is done, and althought there isn't an update for the online demo yet, the visual novel script file has been uploaded in #228.I recognized her instantly without reading her name in the painting. You should use Catscratch's and Sosa's romantic relationship somehow in that story.![]()