
Vice Admiral
Nope, this is not a comment to the before 2012 thread.

It's just a thought I was entertaining myself with.

Anybody remembers 2011?

Stern's Wildcats?
The United States of America dissolves and the world is a far more economically dangerous place to live in.

I was just wondering about this Chris Roberts' creation.

Could there be any connection between Strike Commander and Wing Commander?
Say... the Wildcats' commander, could he be an ancestor of Christopher Blair perhaps?

-Funny- :D

:cool: Fraix :cool:

While not WC, I always wanted an up-to-date remake of Strike Commander and also Pacific Strike.(After seeing Pearl Harbor, I had to play Pacific through again)

The closest we've got in style was Crimson Skies. Anyone fancy trying a TC?

The poster for the game or the posters in the game? There was one for the fellas and one for the ladies. I've never seen anything that tied the two stories together. Did we ever find out the main character's name in SC? I can't recall.
IIRC everyone just referred to you as Commander. Since there was full speech they couldn't tailor it to fit every possible name you could come up with.

As for linkage Strike Commander is similar to WC in that they're both simulators, but include very strong story elements.
Originally posted by Shane
The poster for the game or the posters in the game? There was one for the fellas and one for the ladies. I've never seen anything that tied the two stories together. Did we ever find out the main character's name in SC? I can't recall.

The posters in the game.
Originally posted by Penguin
IIRC everyone just referred to you as Commander. Since there was full speech they couldn't tailor it to fit every possible name you could come up with.

As for linkage Strike Commander is similar to WC in that they're both simulators, but include very strong story elements.
I first had the floppy version which (of course) did not have full speech... so just like in WC1/2, the name you select at the beginning was used in the dialogs... but IMO nobody at Origin ever intended SC to be in any way *connected* to WC... it just would not make any sense IMO
Originally posted by panther
After seeing Pearl Harbor, I had to play Pacific through again)

You should try Combat Flight Simulator 2. It's a good game, but it is more realistic. But the manual rocks !
In fact it is one of the best I have with the Claw Marks and the magazine supplied with SC (I don't remember it's name).

I agree with you all ! Strike Commander was really a great game ! I even still have my savegames :rolleyes:!! But SC doesn't like my win2000 :mad:
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Sudden Death
It's better than penalty shootouts for sure... (ehm sorry, not enough soccer fans around here to get that, I guess... <g> )
I understand what you're saying, but it isn't really a 'get it' thing... I don't see why people wouldn't get it...

To get it what I said, these four must apply:

  1. You should understand I was talking about soccer.
  2. You should know what Sudden Death is in soccer.
  3. You should know what a penalty shootout is (still in soccer).
  4. You should be able to understand why Sudden Death is better than penalty shootouts...
    I got the feeling not many people were interested in soccer around here, hence why I expected most people not to "get it", that's all... :)
Except you have the same concept in other sports as well... like hockey, for example... You go to shootouts in some tournaments, standard overtime in others, and sudden death in rare cases...

Overtime in hockey IS sudden death. The first team to score in overtime wins.

In any case, I find both suspenseful. Just you and the goaltender can be quite nerve-wracking.
Unless, you're playing in the Olympics. In which case (unless it has been abolished,) you go to penalty shots.

AND... If you're playing Blades of Steel (NES), you always go to penalty shots for overtime. :p

I love my NES. :) :)

---NOT IN THAT WAY!!!!!---
Yes, the NES was (still is) nice. I have two. The SNES was good as well. Speaking of which, I'm playing FF3 right now....
Originally posted by TC
Except you have the same concept in other sports as well... like hockey, for example... You go to shootouts in some tournaments, standard overtime in others, and sudden death in rare cases...
True that. Yet, though I guess Suddden Death is the same for other sports, penalty shootouts in soccer are unique (and no, I'm not talking about the ones they do in MLS...)
Originally posted by Ghost

No it isn't :(
Dude, penalty shootouts are like lottery, the most lucky bastard or the team that is less tired wins, and they reward defensive play. Sudden Death (or Golden Goal) rewards offence on the other hand, and tries to force the defensive teams to get their thumb out their ass during overtime...
Originally posted by mpanty

Dude, penalty shootouts are like lottery, the most lucky bastard or the team that is less tired wins, and they reward defensive play. Sudden Death (or Golden Goal) rewards offence on the other hand, and tries to force the defensive teams to get their thumb out their ass during overtime...

Exactly... luck plays a role during the penalty shootouts, and stress too... Imagine it: you are in a stadium, 60,000 people are watching you, and the guy in front of you, and nobody breathes... that must be very difficult...

"to get their thumb out their ass".... hmmm, I didn't know that phrase... Well, I'll try to put it in my next english test !! :D:D