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  1. enigma

    Confederation low observability fighter

    It was all AI, pretty impressive though. It actually read through a lot of wcnews before crafting the story.
  2. enigma

    Confederation low observability fighter

    Got inspired by the mere thought of Sean Connery playing a defecting Kilrathi pilot. I do think he would’ve made a decent Hobbes in a live action remake. I hope a real human writer picks up this thread.
  3. enigma

    WC Novels - preferred order?

    Sounds logical! Time to load up the kindle. Or go on ebay and try to find the real thing.
  4. enigma

    WC Novels - preferred order?

    I never really dived into the novels, flipped through them here and there. Any recommended order for a newbie?
  5. enigma

    Privateer and Righteous Fire on YouTube

    For sure! Need to add to this feed:
  6. enigma

    Privateer and Righteous Fire on YouTube

    Tall order for a weekend!
  7. enigma

    Privateer and Righteous Fire on YouTube

    awesome! I just thought about twitch streaming a playthrough of Privateer this weekend, but this is fun to watch. Maybe I'll do Privateer 2 instead.
  8. enigma

    Wing Commander 1 AI enhanced Characters

    Here's my take on it. Not as true to the original as the other ones shared on this thread.
  9. enigma

    Wing Commander 1 AI enhanced Characters

    Doomsday would be a fun one to do.