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  1. M

    Deus Ex 3 announced

    The only worrisome part of Deus Ex 3, to me, is the Spector-less design team. As perhaps one of the biggest Deus Ex fans around (top of my list of favorites), I am highly likely to be mailing someone both my ears.
  2. M

    Do more than 3 people play this game?

    I'm all about getting some kind of regular weekly game night going for WC:A. Not only will it get us WingNuts some air-time, but it'll allow us to network on Live and possibly play other games. Heck, I don't mind keeping a 'scoreboard' for each weekly game, and sending it in to you CIC staffers...
  3. M

    It Sure Was Good While It Lasted (December 4, 2007)

    Cool! We're in the same neighborhood. I lived in Londonderry prior to Manch, and I work in Chelmsford.
  4. M

    Do more than 3 people play this game?

    ... Or is there something up with my Live? Games seem few and far between. I played a total of 3 games in Arena so far, out of dozens of 'quick play' and 'custom game' search attempts. It just seems like nobody's playing. Is there a time where you WingNuts meet up? And if not, should we make...
  5. M

    Excalibur gripes

    Hey, if it weren't for the Excalibur, then you wouldn't have met Flash. Wait, that's not a good argument... ... But then you get to kick the punk's ass!
  6. M

    Arena Reviews versus BSG Reviews

    BSG has slightly better graphics, but that's because it has half the content - making more room for larger textures. Other than that, though, the controls are only a shadow of Arena's and fairly boring all around.
  7. M

    Wing Commander's music

    Edx! THANK YOU! That's exactly what I've been trying to find! It's awesome! This made my day.
  8. M

    The Movie. Jump points. Cats. and so on...

    Discount what I said about the Maniac / cable thing, AD; I got my scenes mixed up in my head. That was the decompression scene, and not the 'Rosie Rescue' scene.
  9. M

    Wing Commander's music

    Doesn't surprise me. Wear a shirt that says "RPG" in Japan, and someone will try to kidnap you. Though the definition of 'RPG' has changed between our markets since then. I enjoy RPG's, but not JRPG's. I actually really enjoyed the little classic overture tease at the end of the Kilrathi...
  10. M

    The Movie. Jump points. Cats. and so on...

    In the movie, Blair could do math really well. That's really all you get from if, if you never played the games. Maniac basically got portrayed as the 'Ace' of the two... ... Which really chafes me up, actually. He was way too competent, but we all know this. ;)
  11. M

    Wing Commander's music

    I wouldn't be surprised, and hopefully it'll be sooner than later. I had created a nifty re-sequencing a long time ago (we're talking a decade, here) utilizing the Kilrathi March and a confed-march melody I came up with, and mixed together. I used it on my pretty - though atrociously low-content...
  12. M

    Scimitar Gripes

    Flush that wreckage off the deck.
  13. M

    Wing Commander's music

    As cool as it is, I don't necessarily count the surf music version. I think it'd be awesome to hear it orchestrated on modern sampling systems (or an actual orchestra). I was a bit disappointed when I finally got to witness what was to be included on Wing One. I was under the false impression...
  14. M

    Scimitar Gripes

    The real question is how they got it in there in the first place.
  15. M

    Wing Commander's music

    It might just be me, but it seems like a lot of remakes / remixes of the Wing Commander music seem to be centered around the WC3 / WC4 scores. Am I alone in my preference for the original WC1 / WC2 tracks? Compositionally, I felt they were stronger, and only afflicted by their dated...
  16. M

    Yet another DVD covers...

    Nice! Any chance of these in 144-300 DPI range?
  17. M

    It Sure Was Good While It Lasted (December 4, 2007)

    You have no idea how much I want that. I've even been contemplating dishing out cash for a PSP just so I can plug it into my 42" and play Replay.
  18. M

    Rapier Gripes

    I never considered any of the missions to be particularly difficult as the result of a fighter, either, but you can't discount the sadness that the lack of Mass Drivers brings in any situation.
  19. M

    The Movie. Jump points. Cats. and so on...

    Even still, you can still extrapolate the logic from the apparent effects of the fictional technology. All I am saying is that it wouldn't make sense for the gravity to extend outside of the ship's physical boundaries, otherwise it'd affect the trajectory of any kind of projectile fired from it...