Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Spyder (Demo)

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy Demo communications associated with Spyder.

Video Loops

Black Widows

Download: Abwhelm.mp4

Download: Bbwhelm.mp4

Download: Dbwhelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00420000.wav Nav Point Clear Nice and peaceful.
00420001.wav Nav Point Clear Not a thing in sight.
00420002.wav Nav Point Clear All quiet again.
00420003.wav Nav Point Clear NAV point clear.
00420004.wav Nav Point Cleared All enemies destroyed.
00420005.wav Nav Point Cleared This zone is clean.
00420006.wav Nav Point Cleared That's about the last of them.
00420007.wav Nav Point Cleared We've got business to attend to.
00420008.wav Nav Point Cleared Doesn't look like they're running out of ships.
00420009.wav Nav Point Cleared About time for a fight, I'd say.
00420010.wav Nav Point Cleared Looks like we've found a live zone!
00420011.wav Nav Point Cleared Definitely got a few enemy ships here.
00420012.wav Nav Point Cleared Radar's lit up like a Christmas tree!
00420013.wav Nav Point Cleared They're throwing quite a lot at us.
00420014.wav Player Kill Nice shot, Lieutenant.
00420015.wav Player Kill Good job.
00420016.wav Player Kill Don't get too cocky, kid.
00420017.wav Player Kill You really tagged him, Lieutenant!
00420018.wav Player Kill Good show, Casey!
00420020.wav Ejecting Bailing out, Lieutenant.
00420021.wav Ejecting Ejection is the better part of valor.
00420022.wav Ejecting I'm out of commission. Ejecting.
00420023.wav Friendly Fire Wait 'til I'm clear!
00420024.wav Friendly Fire Would you look where you're shooting?
00420025.wav Escorts Cleared You've done your job. Now we'll do ours.
00420026.wav Escorts Cleared Good work. Commencing bombing run now.
00420027.wav Reinforcements Here I've brought a few Widows to help you out.
00420028.wav Reinforcements Here We're here to assist.
00420029.wav Reinforcements Here Got some backup for you, Casey.
00420030.wav Wingman KIA Make it worth something, people!
00420031.wav Bridge Destroyed That's got their bridge.
00420032.wav Shields Destroyed Shield emitter's out of commission.
00420033.wav Engines Destroyed We've shut down their engines.
00420034.wav Escorts Cleared That's the last of their cover. Do your stuff.
00420035.wav Escorts Cleared You're clear to deliver the goods, Casey.
00420036.wav Objective Sighted Objective sighted.
00420037.wav Objective Not Sighted Aren't they supposed to be here?
00420038.wav Mission Accomplished Great work, pilots! Mission accomplished.
00420039.wav Mission Failed We can't do anything more here.
00420040.wav Negative No, sir.
00420041.wav Negative Not a good idea, Lieutenant.
00420042.wav Negative Sorry, Casey.
00420043.wav Negative Unh unh.
00420044.wav Break and Attack Make sure you hit anything that can hit back.
00420045.wav Attack Turrets Take out those turrets, or this'll be a short mission.
00420046.wav Attack Turrets Go for the turrets first!
00420047.wav Break and Attack All pilots in my wing: break and attack.
00420048.wav Break and Attack Everybody go to it.
00420049.wav Break and Attack I'd like for my wing to break formation and attack now.
00420050.wav Break and Attack Break and attack, my wing.
00420051.wav Attacking Capital Ship You boys take the little guys, and we'll take the big ones.
00420052.wav Attacking Capital Ship This is Bravo Leader. Once you take out those defenses, we'll come in for the kill.
00420053.wav Follow Player Orders Carry out that order, pilots.
00420054.wav Follow Player Orders I assume you heard him?
00420055.wav Form Up My wing: get in formation. Now!
00420056.wav Retreat This just ain't worth it.
00420057.wav Retreat My wing, pull back!
00420058.wav Retreat We're outnumbered! Pull back to the Midway!
00420059.wav Status Report All pilots in my wing, report status.
00420060.wav Attacking Capital Ship I'm going in!
00420061.wav Attacking Capital Ship Making my attack!
00420062.wav Attacking Capital Ship Configuring power and taking it to 'em.
00420063.wav Attacking Capital Ship This is Spyder: I'm making my attack.
00420064.wav Attacking Capital Ship I'm doing my stuff.
00420065.wav Ready to Engage When you're ready, Casey.
00420066.wav Ready to Engage Just give the word, Lieutenant.
00420067.wav Ready to Engage What's the hold up?
00420068.wav Ready to Engage Let us know when to jump, Casey.
00420069.wav Enemy Sighted That's a little bit nastier than I expected.
00420070.wav Enemy Sighted Incoming!
00420071.wav Enemy Sighted Enemies inbound.
00420072.wav Enemy Sighted They're coming for us.
00420073.wav Missile Fired Missile fired.
00420074.wav Torpedo Fired Let go a torpedo.
00420075.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo fired.
00420076.wav Capital Ship Hit How about that!
00420077.wav Requesting Assistance Spyder requesting assistance.
00420078.wav Requesting Assistance Any available pilot, please assist.
00420079.wav Requesting Assistance I've picked one up.
00420080.wav Helping Player I'm on my way!
00420081.wav Retreating I've gotta abort. See you at the Midway, Casey.
00420082.wav Scored Kill There's one bug who won't bother us again.
00420083.wav Scored Kill Whack! Target destroyed.
00420084.wav Scored Kill Oh yeah! I got him.
00420085.wav Scored Kill Target eliminated.
00420086.wav Scored Kill One down!
00420087.wav Nav Point Clear I've got a feeling they're not done with us yet.
00420088.wav Taking Damage They may not be aiming at me, but they're hitting me!
00420089.wav Turrets Active Major turret fire in my area.
00420090.wav Moderate Damage I've taken a few hits.
00420091.wav Moderate Damage I'm marginally damaged.
00420092.wav No Damage Everything checks out ok.
00420093.wav Severe Damage I've taken heavy damage.
00420094.wav Treason Sorry, but I'm going to have to eliminate you.
00420095.wav Taking Command I'll take over here.
00420096.wav Taunt That's Spyder with a 'y'.
00420097.wav Taunt Watch out! He's coming.
00420098.wav Taunt Lining up on him now.
00420099.wav Taunt You guys aren't very bright.
00420100.wav Taunt It's you or me, bug.
00420101.wav Taunt Hop in front of my guns, bug!
00420102.wav Taunt Switching target modes.
00420103.wav Taunt How about a little laser surgery?
00420104.wav Player Rescue Thanks, Case.
00420105.wav Player Rescue You're a sight for sore eyes!
00420106.wav Player Rescue You're sure these guys wanna be friends?
00420107.wav Affirmative Yes, sir.
00420108.wav Affirmative Sure, Casey.
00420109.wav Affirmative You got it, Casey.
00420110.wav Affirmative You betcha.