Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Hawk

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Hawk with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: Abwhelm.mp4

Download: Bbwhelm.mp4

Download: Dbwhelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00150000.wav Nav Point Clear Nothin' goin' on here.
00150001.wav Nav Point Clear All clear from my end.
00150002.wav Nav Point Cleared That's gonna do it for here.
00150003.wav Nav Point Cleared Looks like this area's bug-free now.
00150004.wav Nav Point Cleared That's the last of them!
00150005.wav Nav Point Cleared That's all they could scrape together?
00150006.wav Nav Point Cleared This NAV point's secure. Let's go.
00150007.wav Enemy Sighted Scope's showing some activity.
00150008.wav Enemy Sighted This'll keep us busy for a while.
00150009.wav Enemy Sighted Oh, yeah. We've found us some targets!
00150010.wav Enemy Sighted Definitely some bad guys around here.
00150011.wav Enemy Sighted Got enemy ships on my scope.
00150012.wav Enemy Sighted Prepare for battle!
00150013.wav Enemy Sighted This is definitely not good. This place is crawling with bugs!
00150014.wav Enemy Sighted This is a serious hot zone!
00150015.wav Player Kill Good shot, Lieutenant.
00150016.wav Player Kill Fine shootin'!
00150017.wav Player Kill Pretty piece o' work.
00150018.wav Player Kill Nice work, Lieutenant.
00150019.wav Player Kill Just like your old man used to do.
00150021.wav Ejecting I gotta bail.
00150022.wav Ejecting I'm not worth much to you like this. Ejecting.
00150023.wav Ejecting Ejecting now!
00150024.wav Friendly Fire Watch it.
00150025.wav Friendly Fire Hey! Chill out!
00150026.wav Friendly Fire The Academy didn't teach you to shoot straight?
00150027.wav Escorts Cleared You boys did just fine. We'll handle this.
00150028.wav Reinforcements Here We're jumpin' in.
00150029.wav Reinforcements Here Well, well, well... we got here just in time for the show!
00150030.wav Reinforcements Here Anybody call for backup?
00150031.wav Wingman KIA Damn! Lost one!
00150032.wav Bridge Destroyed Leveled that bridge!
00150033.wav Shields Destroyed That shield won't be getting in your way.
00150034.wav Engines Destroyed Guess this puppy won't be going anywhere.
00150035.wav Escorts Cleared It's all clear. Take in the torps.
00150036.wav Objective Sighted Yeah. That's it.
00150037.wav Objective Not Sighted Guess they decided not to wait for us.
00150038.wav Mission Accomplished That's gonna do it.
00150039.wav Mission Failed That was some sorry-ass work.
00150040.wav Negative No, sir.
00150041.wav Negative Not on your life.
00150042.wav Negative No can do.
00150043.wav Negative Nope.
00150044.wav Negative Not a chance.
00150045.wav Attack Turrets Pick off those guns!
00150046.wav Break and Attack Everybody, let's go to town!
00150047.wav Break and Attack Break and shake!
00150048.wav Break and Attack All craft, make your attacks now.
00150049.wav Break and Attack Break formation and let 'em have it!
00150050.wav Break and Attack Keep our butts clean, folks.
00150051.wav Follow Player Orders Do what the man says, people.
00150052.wav Player Rescue I'll let you know if I need you to do anything else.
00150053.wav Break and Attack You all waiting for an invitation? Go!
00150054.wav Follow Player Orders If the Iceman's kid says jump, you all jump!
00150055.wav Form Up You folks familiar with the word 'formation'?
00150056.wav Retreat Get on home, folks.
00150057.wav Taunt I'm gonna kick some bug ass!
00150058.wav Taunt About time we got in a good fight!
00150059.wav Engaging This is Hawk: I'm going in.
00150060.wav Engaging I'm going after him!
00150061.wav Ready to Engage You mind getting off your butt and giving some orders?
00150062.wav Ready to Engage What are we waiting for?
00150063.wav Enemy Sighted Man, oh man!
00150064.wav Enemy Sighted Bugs on their way.
00150065.wav Enemy Sighted Here comes trouble!
00150066.wav Enemy Sighted They're coming in fast!
00150067.wav Firing Missile Little surprise for you, bug!
00150068.wav Firing Missile Firing missile!
00150069.wav Firing Torpedo Smoke that cigar, bugs!
00150070.wav Firing Torpedo Torpedo away!
00150071.wav Capital Ship Hit Yes! Look at 'em burn!
00150072.wav Capital Ship Hit That's a little present from the Hawk!
00150073.wav Requesting Assistance Gimme a hand here!
00150074.wav Requesting Assistance Hop on over here and help out!
00150075.wav Requesting Assistance I got a few troubles here.
00150076.wav Requesting Assistance Mind lending a hand?
00150077.wav Helping Player You got nothing to worry about.
00150078.wav Retreating I gotta get back.
00150079.wav Scored Kill Oh, yeah! Smoked him!
00150080.wav Scored Kill That's right.
00150081.wav Scored Kill Fried that mother!
00150082.wav Scored Kill This ain't right.
00150083.wav Taking Damage Got a bit of heat coming at me.
00150084.wav Turrets Active Turrets are pretty thick on that thing.
00150085.wav No Damage This is nothin'.
00150086.wav Moderate Damage I'm reading about 50% damage.
00150087.wav No Damage I'm cool.
00150088.wav Severe Damage They're busting my ass!
00150089.wav Treason You ain't the Iceman's kid. You're just a little punk.
00150090.wav Taking Command I'm taking charge over here.
00150091.wav Taunt Come at me, cockroach!
00150092.wav Taunt You're dead meat!
00150093.wav Taunt I'll squash you flat, bug.
00150094.wav Taunt Your ass is mine!
00150095.wav Taunt That the best you got, roach?
00150096.wav Taunt I'll rip your head off and crap down your neck!
00150097.wav Taunt Keep it together, folks!
00150098.wav Taunt You'll make a nice addition to my kill marks.
00150099.wav Taunt You're gonna be bent, folded, spindled, and mutilated, bug.
00150100.wav Player Rescue Thanks, kid.
00150101.wav Player Rescue You come ready to fly?
00150102.wav Kilrathi Present Just stay the hell away from me, cat.
00150103.wav Affirmative I got ya.
00150104.wav Affirmative Uh huh.
00150105.wav Affirmative Fine by me, Casey.
00150106.wav Affirmative Sure.
00150107.wav Affirmative Whatever you say.
00150108.wav Status Report My wing, give me a status check.