Introduction (Wing Commander Secret Ops cutscene)

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops lines associated with the Introduction. These lines play over a cutscene rendered in the game's engine.


(Crowd): <applause>

Admiral Rayak: Governor Cavazos, esteemed guests, I am very pleased to announce: Confederate forces aboard TCS Midway have removed the alien threat from Kilrathi space!

(Crowd): <cheer>

Rayak: And today, CIS reported taking possession of 'Cerberus': Bartok design's first quick-strike assault cruiser.

Governor Cavazos: Congratulations to Midway and her crew from all of us, Admiral! Ladies and gentlemen, because of her value to peace-keeping efforts in foreign systems, we have assigned the best flight crew in Space Force as escort on Cerberus' maiden voyage.

Zero: You know, I think I'd prefer flying formation with Midway around Jupiter instead of this 'Black Ops' job.

(Cavazos: A toast!)

Maestro: I'd prefer to be planet-side.

(Cavazos: A return to peace!)

Zero: Oh yeah!

(Cavazos: With Midway and Cerberus churning the waters...)

Maestro: Some daylight would be nice.

(Cavazos: ...we may soon run short of beasts and villains!)

Zero: I'd pay real money for some daylight, Maestro. If we have any kind of luck, this intel gig won't last more than a few weeks.

Zero: Wow! There she is, Maestro!

Maestro: She looks fast.

Cerberus: Charlie wing, this is Cerberus. Turn to 0-6-0 for auto-pilot landing.

Zero: Evening, Cerberus! We are starting our approach.

Cerberus: Welcome aboard.