Wing Commander Secret Ops ICIS Briefings - Series G

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops ICIS briefing lines associated with Series G.


Krieger G2

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04100025.wav Friendly forces in this system report an immense blockade presence leading up to the Proxima jump point. We will eliminate the alien capital ships one by one. Our first step is a tactical repositioning for Cerberus. Escort the cruiser along this route and defend against any hostiles.

Krieger G3

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04100026.wav Alien fighter presence in this system is extremely heavy. Sweep this NAV route of all alien fighters. You will come across the alien Carrier during this patrol. Eliminate the Carrier's turret defenses in anticipation of a subsequent bomber strike.

Krieger G5

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04100027.wav Multi-stage assault tactics have proven effective against the alien blockade. We are going to attempt another multi-stage strike on a second alien star-ship in this system. The enemy vessel is positioned to block our path into Proxima and is most likely guarding more capital ships in and around a nearby jump point. In order to punch through this obstacle, Cerberus will need to be repositioned. Provide cover for Cerberus along this NAV route.

Krieger G8

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04100028.wav Intel believes that the aliens are using the binary star system of Proxima to fuel a new wormhole device. Confed Science Division has deduced that this second wormhole in Proxima, once opened, will remain open until the stars' energy has been depleted. We must reinforce the scattered Confed ships active in Proxima and eliminate the alien presence. Lead Cerberus along this NAV route to the Proxima jump point.