Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - TCS Redeemer

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with the TCS Redeemer with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: Agcapitl.mp4

Download: Dgcapitl.mp4

Download: Agsrange.mp4

Download: Dgsrange.mp4

Download: Aglrange.mp4

Download: Dglrange.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00640000.wav Enemy Sighted Uh oh... looks like trouble.
00640001.wav KIA Mayday! Mayday! This is the Redeemer. We...
00640002.wav Friendly Fire Careful, there. Don't get yourself too excited.
00640003.wav Negative That's not possible at this time, sir.
00640004.wav Requesting Assistance All available fighters: request that you engage enemy forces in our area now.
00640005.wav Refueling Just park it on our deck: we'll top off the tank and reload your weapons.
00640006.wav Requesting Assistance This is the Redeemer. Better make it quick. We've got company!
00640007.wav Requesting Assistance This is the refueling ship Redeemer. We are under attack. Please assist! Repeat: we are under attack!
00640008.wav Requesting Assistance We are taking fire!
00640009.wav Refueling This is the Redeemer. Remember us? After the Midway lost communications, we figured you might need our help.
00640010.wav No Damage All systems are go.
00640011.wav Moderate Damage We are functional, but have sustained moderate damage.
00640012.wav Severe Damage Situation critical! Multiple system failures!
00640013.wav Treason We have no choice but to open fire on your ship.
00640014.wav Player Rescue Thanks for your assistance, folks.
00640015.wav Refueling This is the refueling ship Redeemer. Anybody out there thirsty?
00640016.wav Affirmative You got it, sir.