Wing Commander Prophecy ICIS Briefings - Series DL

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy ICIS briefing lines associated with Series DL.


H'hrass DL1

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04020000.wav The enemy cruiser and its escorts are in pursuit of the Midway and should arrive through the G'wriss jump point within the hour.
04020001.wav In order to slow their pursuit, your Alpha Wing will proceed to NAV 1 and mine the region surrounding the jump point. Stiletto's Bravo Wing will provide escort.
04020002.wav In order to limit enemy intelligence about this system, you are to destroy any enemy advance forces which attempt to enter through the jump point.
04020003.wav When the jump point is mined, return to the Midway.

H'hrass DL2

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04020004.wav The alien cruiser and its escorts have broken past the mines surrounding the jump point.
04020005.wav At their current speed and trajectory, they will intercept the Midway within the hour. Sensors reveal that they have already launched fighters and bombers for an initial assault.
04020006.wav Hawk's Charlie Wing will deploy to provide combat space patrol for the Midway.
04020007.wav Meanwhile, your Alpha Wing will escort Maniac's Bravo Wing as they make a direct assault on the cruiser group.
04020008.wav When the attack is completed, return at once to the Midway and assist in its defense if necessary.
04020009.wav The Midway is the last line of defense before Confederation space. Your mission is critical.