Wing Commander Prophecy ICIS Briefings - Series D

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy ICIS briefing lines associated with Series D.


H'hrass D1

Speech Downloads Transcript
04030000.wav The communication relay station in this system is our only hope of warning Confed HQ about our current situation.
04030001.wav Your Alpha Wing will escort a Marine Landing Craft to this station, which is located just outside the perimiter of the H'hrass asteroid field.
04030002.wav There, the LC will dock and a shock team led by Colonel Dekker will secure the station.
04030003.wav Enemy forces in the area are moderate to strong, and some of the Midway's fighter complement has begun quick hit-and-run strikes to keep them away from the relay station.
04030004.wav With the Midway's fighters harassing them and the Midway herself as a decoy, the enemy forces should leave the station alone, making resistance fairly light.
04030005.wav When Dekker's team has the station back on line, he will send a message to Confed command via the main relay transmitter, and return to the landing craft.
04030006.wav Your team will then escort the Marines back to the Midway.