Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Series C

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Series C.

G'wriss G1

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05010000.mp4 Anderson Good luck, Casey.
05010001.mp4 Anderson Alpha, it looks like the battle has been joined. We're patching you in to their comm channel.
05010002.wav Pilot 1 Keep at them, boys! Help's on the way!
05010003.wav Pilot 2 There's too many of them! They're coming in too fast! Are we getting help from the Midway, or not?
05010004.wav Maestro They're getting creamed out there!
05010005.mp4 Anderson Bad news, Alpha Wing: our latest analysis confirms you will not reach the convoy in time to offer much assistance. Save any ships you can. Good luck.
05010006.wav Barkley Mayday! Mayday! This is TCS Barkley. We are under attack by unidentified hostiles! We need immediate assistance!
05010007.wav Pilot 2 Got to eject! Somebody pick me up!
05010008.wav Pilot 1 Sit tight, Lieutenant. We don't have an SAR available right now.
05010009.wav Maestro That's our objective, Casey. Let's get it done!
05010010.wav Barkley We're taking heavy damage! Our fighter cover is gone! Please respond to our location at once!
05010011.wav Pilot 2 No! Keep away from me! Somebody... HELP!
05010012.wav Pilot 1 Fighters, concentrate on that strange ship! It's picking up OUR pilots!
05010013.wav Maestro Let's go, Lieutenant. Those boys need our help.
05010014.wav Porter Hull collapsing! We're breaking up! NOOOOO!
05010015.wav Barkley Help! They're all over us! AHHHHHH!
05010016.mp4 CAG Too bad, Alpha Wing. We could've used that ship.
05010017.mp4 CAG Alpha Wing, we're reading heavy losses of convoy ships. Be careful out there.
05010018.wav Redeemer We're all that's left of the convoy. Our escort's gone! We need some cover here!
05010019.wav Maestro That's the last of them. I just wish we could have gotten here sooner.
05010020.wav Redeemer There was nothing you could have done to save those transports. The bugs were just toying with them until you got here.
05010021.wav Maestro That doesn't make it any easier.
05010022.wav Redeemer This is the refueling vessel Redeemer. Anybody out there thirsty?
05010023.wav Redeemer Match our speed and close to 5000 klicks. We'll take over from there.
05010024.wav Maestro Go ahead, Casey. I'll cover you while you hook up.
05010025.mp4 Anderson All pilots return to Midway. We are under attack. I repeat, we are under attack!
05010026.wav Maestro Can't a guy get a little rest around here?
05010027.mp4 Anderson What's keeping you, Alpha Wing? We need assistance at once!
05010028.mp4 Anderson Where in blazes are you, Alpha Wing? The Midway needs you now!
05010029.mp4 Anderson Be sure their bombers don't get close!
05010030.mp4 Anderson & CAG Lieutenant Casey, the launch control is off line, and we cannot release any additional fighters. Support Black Widow Squadron until further notice. Chief, I need that LC Marine backup ASAP!
05010031.mp4 Rachel All right. I'll have three squadrons on the flight line in two minutes or less.
05010032.mp4 Anderson & CAG Make it less. Lieutenant, we're taking hits on every side. Defend each section of the Midway as ordered.
05010033.mp4 Anderson & CAG Refueling ship, you are ordered to hang back until our current crisis is over.
05010034.mp4 Anderson & CAG Casey, get busy. We need those bandits off our backs.
05010035.mp4 Anderson Excellent job, Casey. Next time maybe we'll keep you closer to home. By the way, the Redeemer has reported in. Tough luck about the transports, but there was apparently nothing you could do.
05010036.mp4 Anderson Good work on the bombers, Lieutenant. A little longer and we would have gotten a first-hand look at what those clusters can do. Too bad you couldn't have come back with some of that convoy. You're cleared to land.
05010037.mp4 Anderson We've sustained major damage, and we have heavies moving our way. Looks like we're going on the run again. The Redeemer is reporting in now. You're clear.
05010038.mp4 Anderson We've sustained major damage. Looks like we're on the run again. Bring it home ASAP.

G'wriss G2a/G2b/G2c

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05010039.wav Stiletto All right, Casey. You're on the clock now. Take out their cover so the bombers can do their stuff.
05010040.wav Dallas Those Destroyers are huge, Casey! Hope our Shrikes can handle 'em.
05010043.mp4 Anderson All ships return to base. Your mission has been scrubbed. Repeat: return to base immediately!
05010044.mp4 Anderson Nice work, Lieutenant, but it's not over yet. We've still got that cruiser to deal with. At least now we have the upper hand.
05010045.mp4 Anderson What's the problem, Lieutenant? We were counting on you to clear the way for those Shrikes. Word has it that we're going to attempt one last stand before we evac the sector.

G'wriss G2c

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05010041.wav Dallas The big guys aren't here, Casey.
05010042.wav Dallas Let's handle these fighters and get to the next NAV point before Anderson pulls the plug on this one.

G'wriss G3a/G3b

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05010046.mp4 Anderson No time to lose, Casey. You've got to clear out all of the fighter craft so the Shrikes in Bravo can take out that cruiser.
05010047.mp4 Anderson We need you to get that bomber cluster before it gets within range. Air patrol will take the fighters. You handle those big guns.
05010048.wav Nephilim Death is awaiting you!
05010049.wav Zero Looks like these boys learned our language quick enough.
05010050.wav Maestro I think I liked it better when I didn't understand them.
05010051.mp4 Anderson Looks like that cruiser got off more bombers before it went down. You and the rest of Alpha had better get back before they're within range.
05010052.wav Nephilim Your test is at hand!
05010053.wav MISSING? Test? Nobody said anything about a test. I didn't study.
05010054.mp4 Anderson You have 60 seconds to start your landing sequence, my friend, then the Midway is jumping out of this system.
05010055.wav Stiletto We'd better get back home, Casey, or we're goinna miss the bus.
05010056.mp4 Anderson Congratulations on a job well done. For a while there, it looked like the Captain was going to pull the plug, but you saved the day.
05010057.mp4 Anderson All ships return to base. Your mission has been scrubbed. Repeat: return to base immediately. We are evac-ing this system on the double!
05010058.wav Redeemer All right, Lieutenant Tracy, it's your turn. Come on in.