Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Hellion

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Hellion with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. Hellion uses the same lines as BoomBoom.

Video Loops

Download: Awphelm.mp4

Download: Bwphelm.mp4

Download: Dephelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00040000.wav No Enemies Nothing yet.
00040002.wav Many Enemies Here comes a whole bunch of 'em.
00040004.wav Some Enemies Here they come.
00040004.wav Player Kill Leave some for me!
00040004.wav Player Kill Hey! That one was mine!
00040004.wav KIA Oh sh...! AAAAAAH!
00040006.wav Ejecting Time for me to bail.
00040007.wav Friendly Fire Watch where you're shooting, big guy!
00040008.wav Fighters Cleared Now it's time for the pros to take over.
00040009.wav Reinforcements Here You got a job that needs doing?
00040010.wav Wingman KIA They got one of us.
00040011.wav Bridge Destroyed Bridge hit and destroyed.
00040012.wav Shields Destroyed Shield emitter hit and disabled.
00040013.wav Engines Destroyed Engines are disabled.
00040014.wav Escorts Cleared That should do it. Go to it, bombers.
00040015.wav Objective Sighted Let's do what we came to do.
00040016.wav Objective Not Sighted Are we there yet?
00040017.wav Mission Successful That's about the last of them.
00040018.wav Mission Failed There's no way we can pull this off now.
00040019.wav Negative Not in MY orders.
00040020.wav Negative You wish.
00040021.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Shut those guns up!
00040022.wav Wing: Break and Attack Everybody, let's rumble!
00040023.wav Protect Wing from Turrets You guys look out for us, hear?
00040024.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders Just do it, folks. You don't have to like it.
00040025.wav Wing: Attack Target Go with that, people.
00040026.wav Wing: Disengage Would you people stay together?!
00040027.wav Wing: Retreat Let's get outta here!
00040028.wav Attacking Capital Ship This is it, baby!
00040029.wav Ready to Engage I ain't getting any younger, big man!
00040030.wav Exclamation Well I'll be...
00040031.wav Enemies Inbound Company's a-comin'.
00040032.wav Missile Fired Present for ya, bugs!
00040033.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo on the way.
00040034.wav Capital Ship Hit They sure die nice!
00040035.wav Need Help Whoa! Somebody get over here!
00040036.wav Helping Player Don't you forget this!
00040037.wav Returning to Base See ya!
00040038.wav Scored Kill Tagged him!
00040039.wav Scored Kill Squish!
00040040.wav Scored Kill That's a hit.
00040041.wav Nav Point Clear I got me a big-time case of the heebie jeebies.
00040042.wav Enemy Turrets Active Did somebody paint a big bull's eye on my butt?
00040043.wav Some Damage Banged up, but still flyin'.
00040044.wav No Damage Not a scratch on me... yet.
00040045.wav Worst Damage You can write off this hunk of metal.
00040046.wav Player Traitor One of us isn't going home.
00040047.wav Taking Command This is my show now.
00040048.wav Taunt Let's see what you're made of!
00040049.wav Taunt Game's over for you, bug!
00040050.wav Taunt Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn!
00040051.wav Taunt Don't get in my way.
00040052.wav Saved by Player I do appreciate it.
00040053.wav Saved by Player Glad you could make it.
00040054.wav Affirmative Right on!
00040055.wav Affirmative If you say so.