Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Rattler

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Rattler with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: Adbhelm.mp4

Download: Bdbhelm.mp4

Download: Ddbhelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00350000.wav No Enemies I don't think there's anyone around.
00350002.wav Many Enemies This was a bad idea!
00350004.wav Player Kill Nice!
00350006.wav Ejecting I'm ejecting! Punching out NOW!
00350007.wav Friendly Fire Hey! I'm a friendly!
00350009.wav Reinforcements Here I've brought a few friends.
00350010.wav Some Enemies I hope we make it.
00350010.wav Player Kill Wow! Great shot!
00350010.wav KIA Oh God! NOOOOOOOOOO!
00350010.wav Fighters Cleared This is our chance!
00350010.wav Wingman KIA We're doomed!
00350011.wav Bridge Destroyed YES! That ship's a goner!
00350012.wav Shields Destroyed Shields are off.
00350013.wav Engines Destroyed BOOM! Stopped it cold!
00350014.wav Escorts Cleared All clear. Take it out so we can go home.
00350015.wav Objective Sighted I think that's what we're looking for.
00350016.wav Objective Not Sighted Aw, c'mon! Where ARE they?
00350017.wav Mission Successful We did it! All right!
00350018.wav Mission Failed There's no way we're gonna beat these guys.
00350019.wav Negative I can't!
00350020.wav Negative Unh-unh.
00350021.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Shoot those turrets!
00350022.wav Wing: Break and Attack Let's toast these bastards!
00350023.wav Protect Wing from Turrets We need cover. Hurry!
00350024.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders Do what he said.
00350025.wav Wing: Attack Target Follow his instructions.
00350026.wav Wing: Disengage Form up, OK?
00350027.wav Wing: Retreat Bug out! It's too hot!
00350028.wav Attacking Capital Ship Here I go!
00350029.wav Ready to Engage I'm ready for action.
00350030.wav Exclamation Oh no! Oh NO! That's WAY too big!
00350031.wav Enemies Inbound Uh oh! They're coming! They're all over us!
00350032.wav Missile Fired Launch!
00350033.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo away!
00350034.wav Capital Ship Hit Hot damn!
00350035.wav Need Help Help me! HEEEEEEEEELP!
00350036.wav Helping Player I think I can take him.
00350037.wav Returning to Base I can't do this! See you later.
00350038.wav Scored Kill Toast!
00350039.wav Scored Kill BANG! Yer dead!
00350040.wav Scored Kill I took one out!
00350041.wav Nav Point Clear I've got a really bad feeling here.
00350042.wav Enemy Turrets Active They're chewing me up!
00350043.wav Some Damage I'm messed up! I...
00350044.wav No Damage I'm ready. Ok, I mean.
00350045.wav Worst Damage I'm a dead man.
00350046.wav Player Traitor You putz! I'll kick your butt!
00350047.wav Taking Command What'm I supposed to do now?
00350048.wav Taunt Take that, creep!
00350049.wav Taunt Watch me strike!
00350050.wav Taunt Take a hike, roach!
00350051.wav Taunt I feel lucky today!
00350052.wav Saved by Player Thanks a lot, sir!
00350053.wav Saved by Player Whew! Good thing you guys showed up.
00350054.wav Affirmative Gotcha.
00350055.wav Affirmative Right!