Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Majestic

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Majestic with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. Majestic uses the same lines as Kona and Sultan.

Video Loops


Download: Adbhelm.mp4

Download: Bdbhelm.mp4

Download: Ddbhelm.mp4

Black Widows

Download: Abwhelm.mp4

Download: Bbwhelm.mp4

Download: Dbwhelm.mp4

Wolf Pack

Download: Awphelm.mp4

Download: Bwphelm.mp4

Download: Dephelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00230000.wav No Enemies Looks like we've got it easy this time!
00230001.wav Some Enemies Heads up, kids: we've got company.
00230002.wav Some Enemies Looks like we've got work to do.
00230003.wav Many Enemies Now that's a lot of bugs!
00230004.wav Player Kill Excellent shot!
00230005.wav Player Kill Good show!
00230006.wav Player Kill Well done, Casey!
00230007.wav KIA Good bye, my friends!
00230008.wav Ejecting Hope this ejection seat still works!
00230009.wav Ejecting I've got to sit the rest of this one out.
00230010.wav Friendly Fire Careful, there.
00230011.wav Friendly Fire Would you PLEASE watch your fire?
00230012.wav Fighters Cleared Good show, escort. We're on our way!
00230013.wav Reinforcements Here How about a little help?
00230014.wav Reinforcements Here Maybe you'd like some better odds?
00230015.wav Wingman KIA You will be missed.
00230016.wav Bridge Destroyed Bridge destroyed! Nice work.
00230017.wav Shields Destroyed OK. We popped that bubble.
00230018.wav Engines Destroyed That oughta slow her down some!
00230019.wav Escorts Cleared You're clear to bring in the big guns.
00230020.wav Objective Sighted That, my friends, is what we came to see.
00230021.wav Objective Not Sighted No sign of 'em here, sir.
00230022.wav Mission Successful That's a wrap!
00230023.wav Mission Failed It's over. Better luck next time.
00230024.wav Negative No, sir.
00230025.wav Negative I must respectfully decline.
00230026.wav Negative Can't do that, sir.
00230027.wav Negative Wish I could.
00230028.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Get those turrets, boys!
00230029.wav Wing: Break and Attack All right, team: go to it!
00230030.wav Wing: Break and Attack My wing: break and attack.
00230031.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Casey, you and your boys keep them busy.
00230032.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders I'd say listen to what the man says.
00230033.wav Wing: Attack Target You fellows got that?
00230034.wav Wing: Disengage My team: form up and await orders.
00230035.wav Wing: Retreat My wing, it's time to head home.
00230036.wav Attacking Capital Ship Making my attack run!
00230037.wav Ready to Engage I'm awaiting your orders, Casey.
00230038.wav Exclamation Ready and waiting.
00230039.wav Enemies Inbound My, my, my!
00230040.wav Enemies Inbound Here they come! Look sharp!
00230041.wav Enemies Inbound Brace yourselves, folks.
00230042.wav Missile Fired There's something for you to munch on, bugs!
00230043.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo locked, armed, and away!
00230044.wav Capital Ship Hit Now THAT is a pretty sight!
00230045.wav Need Help If you've got a minute, I could use a hand.
00230046.wav Helping Player I've got you covered.
00230047.wav Returning to Base Hate to do this to you, but I'm heading back.
00230048.wav Scored Kill Oh, yeah!
00230049.wav Scored Kill That's one problem solved.
00230050.wav Scored Kill He learned the hard way.
00230051.wav Scored Kill It's up and... GOOD!
00230052.wav Nav Point Clear Don't get lazy, folks.
00230053.wav Enemy Turrets Active Yeow! Hell of a firestorm down here!
00230054.wav Some Damage I've had worse.
00230055.wav Some Damage A few problems, but I'll be all right.
00230056.wav No Damage Never been better.
00230057.wav Worst Damage I'm afraid I'm not doing too well.
00230058.wav Player Traitor You have made a big mistake, friend.
00230059.wav Taking Command I've no choice but to assume command.
00230060.wav Taunt I'm ready for you, bugs!
00230061.wav Taunt I will rock your world!
00230062.wav Taunt Hey... they kinda look like squids!
00230063.wav Taunt They'll never know what hit 'em.
00230064.wav Taunt Good day for a furball.
00230065.wav Taunt You don't know what you've gotten yourself into, bug.
00230066.wav Saved by Player I owe you one.
00230067.wav Saved by Player Welcome to the party, Casey!
00230068.wav Affirmative I've got you covered.
00230069.wav Affirmative Roger that.
00230070.wav Affirmative Aye, sir.
00230071.wav Affirmative Whatever you say.