Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Bishop

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Zombie, Bishop & Posse with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. Bishop uses the same lines as Posse and Zombie.

Video Loops

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Zombie, Bishop & Posse

Speech Download Role Transcript
00580000.wav No Enemies I see nothing.
00580001.wav Some Enemies There are enemies present.
00580002.wav Some Enemies I have them on my scanner.
00580003.wav Many Enemies The aliens have gathered their forces here.
00580004.wav Player Kill A magnificent shot.
00580005.wav Player Kill That's the way it should be done.
00580006.wav Player Kill Admirably done, Casey.
00580007.wav KIA No! NOOOOOOOO!
00580008.wav Ejecting Ejection is necessary.
00580009.wav Ejecting I must eject now.
00580010.wav Friendly Fire Be careful, sir.
00580011.wav Friendly Fire Please restrain yourself.
00580012.wav Fighters Cleared Now it is our turn to attack.
00580013.wav Reinforcements Here Are you in need of reinforcements?
00580014.wav Reinforcements Here We'll give them more than they bargained for.
00580015.wav Wingman KIA This pilot shall be avenged.
00580016.wav Bridge Destroyed The bridge has been disabled.
00580017.wav Shields Destroyed The shield emitter has been disabled.
00580018.wav Engines Destroyed The engines are no longer functional.
00580019.wav Escorts Cleared Your way is clear. Make your attack.
00580020.wav Objective Sighted This is our objective.
00580021.wav Objective Not Sighted We must continue to search.
00580022.wav Mission Successful Our mission has been accomplished.
00580023.wav Mission Failed We can no longer achieve our goals.
00580024.wav Negative I cannot do that.
00580025.wav Negative That is impossible.
00580026.wav Negative I must respectfully decline.
00580027.wav Negative I am unable to do this.
00580028.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Focus your weapons on their turrets.
00580029.wav Wing: Break and Attack Members of my wing, break and attack.
00580030.wav Wing: Break and Attack You are to take offensive action.
00580031.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Provide us protection while we strike.
00580032.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders Carry out his orders.
00580033.wav Wing: Attack Target Do as he tells you.
00580034.wav Wing: Disengage Return to your places.
00580035.wav Wing: Retreat Return to the carrier at once.
00580036.wav Attacking Capital Ship I am attacking now.
00580037.wav Ready to Engage I await your orders.
00580038.wav Exclamation When you're ready.
00580039.wav Enemies Inbound Incredible!
00580040.wav Enemies Inbound Enemy signals on radar.
00580041.wav Enemies Inbound Prepare for an attack.
00580042.wav Missile Fired I've fired a missile.
00580043.wav Torpedo Fired I have launched a torpedo.
00580044.wav Capital Ship Hit Impact... now.
00580045.wav Need Help I am in dire peril.
00580046.wav Helping Player I will help you.
00580047.wav Returning to Base I must abandon this mission and return home.
00580048.wav Scored Kill Direct hit.
00580049.wav Scored Kill Steady... steady... target destroyed!
00580050.wav Scored Kill Target eliminated.
00580051.wav Scored Kill I have destroyed an enemy.
00580052.wav Nav Point Clear This may be a trap.
00580053.wav Enemy Turrets Active Turrets are firing upon my position.
00580054.wav Some Damage I have taken moderate damage.
00580055.wav Some Damage I am in no danger.
00580056.wav No Damage My status is optimal.
00580057.wav Worst Damage I have sustained much damage.
00580058.wav Player Traitor You betray us!
00580059.wav Taking Command I shall assume command of this wing.
00580060.wav Taunt This is your day to die.
00580061.wav Taunt There won't be much left of you to send home.
00580062.wav Taunt There isn't room in this town for the both of us.
00580063.wav Taunt Remain calm, my friends.
00580064.wav Taunt You cannot escape.
00580065.wav Taunt You will die.
00580066.wav Saved by Player I am indeed grateful.
00580067.wav Saved by Player Welcome, Casey.
00580068.wav Affirmative Yes.
00580069.wav Affirmative As you command.
00580070.wav Affirmative That is affirmative.
00580071.wav Affirmative I understand.