Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Mutant

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Mutant with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops


Download: Adbhelm.mp4

Download: Bdbhelm.mp4

Download: Ddbhelm.mp4

Black Widows

Download: Abwhelm.mp4

Download: Bbwhelm.mp4

Download: Dbwhelm.mp4

Wolf Pack

Download: Awphelm.mp4

Download: Bwphelm.mp4

Download: Dephelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00260000.wav No Enemies Woulda kicked some butt if they were around.
00260002.wav Many Enemies Bad news.
00260004.wav Player Kill Good job, Casey! Good job!
00260006.wav Ejecting Power low. Ship crippled. Ejecting now.
00260007.wav Friendly Fire I know you didn't mean to do that, sir.
00260009.wav Reinforcements Here Just point me in the right direction.
00260010.wav Some Enemies They don't look so tough.
00260010.wav Player Kill That was really good.
00260010.wav KIA Oh damn! He's on me! He's AAAAAAAIGH!
00260010.wav Fighters Cleared That was great! Hope we do that well.
00260010.wav Wingman KIA That wasn't my fault.
00260011.wav Bridge Destroyed Did you see that, sir? We killed their command bridge.
00260012.wav Shields Destroyed Those shields are out of the way now.
00260013.wav Engines Destroyed How about that! Got those engines.
00260014.wav Escorts Cleared You go get 'em now, sir!
00260015.wav Objective Sighted That's it! I'm ready for 'em!
00260016.wav Objective Not Sighted Don't worry, sir. We'll find them.
00260017.wav Mission Successful Do you think we'll get a medal for this?
00260018.wav Mission Failed We tried. We really did. I hope they're not mad.
00260019.wav Negative I can't, sir.
00260020.wav Negative I'm unable to comply.
00260021.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Shoot for their weapons.
00260022.wav Wing: Break and Attack Everybody, make your attack runs.
00260023.wav Protect Wing from Turrets We're going to need some cover on this run!
00260024.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders We'll follow your lead, sir.
00260025.wav Wing: Attack Target Everybody go with what he said.
00260026.wav Wing: Disengage Can everybody get in formation, please?
00260027.wav Wing: Retreat That's all we can take. Everybody head home.
00260028.wav Attacking Capital Ship I'm attacking!
00260029.wav Ready to Engage Sir, if you need me, I'm right here.
00260030.wav Exclamation That's not what I wanted to see.
00260031.wav Enemies Inbound We've got another fight coming.
00260032.wav Missile Fired Fox 1!
00260033.wav Torpedo Fired Firing torpedo.
00260034.wav Capital Ship Hit Now that's what I call an explosion!
00260035.wav Need Help Help?!
00260036.wav Helping Player I'm here.
00260037.wav Returning to Base I gotta get home, or I'm a goner!
00260038.wav Scored Kill Yeah! Got him!
00260039.wav Scored Kill Good riddance!
00260040.wav Scored Kill Mutant: one, Uglies: zero!
00260041.wav Nav Point Clear You think they'll try anything, sir?
00260042.wav Enemy Turrets Active Turret fire is pretty thick.
00260043.wav Some Damage I'll stay with you.
00260044.wav No Damage Don't worry. I could take on their whole fleet!
00260045.wav Worst Damage I gotta admit I'm a little banged up.
00260046.wav Player Traitor Oh... I guess you DID mean to do that.
00260047.wav Taking Command Taking command. Just tell me what you want.
00260048.wav Taunt Hold still, you freak!
00260049.wav Taunt Strike one!
00260050.wav Taunt You and me, cockroach, we're going to go mano-a-mano.
00260051.wav Taunt That's the best you guys can do?
00260052.wav Saved by Player That was great, sir! Thanks a lot!
00260053.wav Saved by Player Great to be flying with you, sir.
00260054.wav Affirmative You can count on me, sir.
00260055.wav Affirmative Oh, yes sir!