Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Dallas

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Dallas with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: Adbhelm.mp4

Download: Bdbhelm.mp4

Download: Ddbhelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00090000.wav Nav Point Clear Nothing here. Let's go.
00090001.wav Nav Point Clear All clear.
00090002.wav Nav Point Cleared We got 'em all.
00090003.wav Nav Point Cleared You see anything else? I've got nothing on radar.
00090004.wav Enemy Sighted Oh, no! They're here!
00090005.wav Enemy Sighted Why do I always run into the bad guys?
00090006.wav Enemy Sighted Looks like we're in for a fight.
00090007.wav Enemy Sighted I think we're gonna die.
00090008.wav Player Kill Nice shooting, Casey!
00090009.wav Player Kill Keep it up, Casey!
00090010.wav Player Kill How'd you do that?
00090011.wav KIA Oh damn! Oh damn! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
00090012.wav Ejecting I've gotta get outta this thing! Ejecting!
00090013.wav Ejecting Ejecting! WHOOOOOOOOOAH!
00090014.wav Friendly Fire Hey, Casey! Don't you think I have enough problems?
00090015.wav Friendly Fire Cut it out, Casey!
00090016.wav Starting Bombing Run I guess you got 'em all. Here goes!
00090017.wav Starting Bombing Run We're on our way in.
00090018.wav Player Rescue If you guys need any help, we can probably give you a hand.
00090019.wav Requesting Assistance They're killing us!
00090020.wav Bridge Destroyed We got the bridge!
00090021.wav Shields Destroyed Took down some of their shields.
00090022.wav Engines Destroyed I think their engines are out.
00090023.wav Escorts Cleared You guys go ahead and take over. We're done.
00090024.wav Objective Sighted That's what we're looking for.
00090025.wav Objective Missing The big guys aren't here, Casey.
00090026.wav Mission Successful We did it! We survived!
00090027.wav Retreat Let's get out of here before we're all killed.
00090028.wav Negative No way!
00090029.wav Negative Nope.
00090030.wav Negative No, sir.
00090031.wav Negative Wish I could.
00090032.wav Clear Turrets Get those turrets, or they'll get us!
00090033.wav Break and Attack Everybody do your stuff!
00090034.wav Break and Attack Ok. If everybody's ready, let's attack.
00090035.wav Requesting Assistance Make sure they don't start shooting at our butts.
00090036.wav Follow Player Orders Just do what he said!
00090037.wav Follow Player Orders You know, that isn't a bad idea.
00090038.wav Form on my Wing Everybody get close to me.
00090039.wav Retreat Run for it!
00090040.wav Attacking Capital Ship I'm taking a shot at it. Wish me luck!
00090041.wav Attacking Capital Ship All right. I'm going for it.
00090042.wav Attacking Capital Ship Here goes nothing.
00090043.wav Ready to Engage I'd be happy to just stay back here.
00090044.wav Ready to Engage I'm ready... I think.
00090045.wav Ready to Engage Do we have to do this?
00090046.wav Enemy Sighted See! I told you this was a bad idea!
00090047.wav Enemy Sighted There are more of them coming!
00090048.wav Enemy Sighted More of 'em are on the way!
00090049.wav Enemy Sighted Should we leave?
00090050.wav Missile Fired Die, you bastard!
00090051.wav Torpedo Fired I'm launching a torpedo.
00090052.wav Capital Ship Hit YES! I got one!
00090053.wav Requesting Assistance SOMEBODY! HELP!
00090054.wav Requesting Assistance Oh God! Help me!
00090055.wav Requesting Assistance I'm in big trouble! I need assistance!
00090056.wav Helping Player Keep him distracted. I'll get him.
00090057.wav Returning to Base I've gotta get out of here, or I'll be history!
00090058.wav Scored Kill YEAH! That's what you get for messing with me!
00090059.wav Scored Kill Maybe this isn't so bad.
00090060.wav Scored Kill Better you than me, bug.
00090061.wav Moderate Damage This is looking like a really bad idea!
00090062.wav Severe Damage I'm taking a lot of fire here!
00090063.wav Turret Damage Those turrets are trashing my ship!
00090064.wav Retreat I'm ready to head back whenever you are.
00090065.wav Exclamation My life's flashing before my eyes.
00090066.wav Exclamation Well, if it's this easy, I'll be ok.
00090067.wav Exclamation I don't wanna die!
00090068.wav Exclamation You think I'm just a pushover, huh? We'll come on!
00090069.wav Taking Command I'm the only one left to take over!
00090070.wav Taunt Eat that, bug!
00090071.wav Taunt You're not taking me down!
00090072.wav Taunt Get away from me!
00090073.wav Taunt Stay behind him, watch the reticle... stay behind him...
00090074.wav Requesting Assistance Somebody want to take this guy?
00090075.wav Taunt You're not so tough!
00090076.wav Saved by Player Thanks a million, Casey.
00090077.wav Saved by Player I'm awful glad to see you.
00090078.wav Saved by Player If you're not gonna shoot at me, I'm happy to see you.
00090079.wav Affirmative Yes, sir.
00090080.wav Affirmative All right.
00090081.wav Affirmative Sure thing.
00090082.wav Affirmative Fine by me.
00090083.wav Requesting Report Report in.