Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Lookout One

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with the Lookout One with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: Agsrange.mp4

Download: Dgsrange.mp4

Download: Aglrange.mp4

Download: Dglrange.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00720000.wav Nav Point Clear All quiet here.
00720001.wav Enemies Near Looks like they're not real happy to see us.
00720002.wav KIA They're everywhere! We're hit! NOOOOOOO!
00720003.wav Friendly Fire We'd advise adjusting your ITTS, sir.
00720004.wav Friendly Fire We are a friendly craft!
00720005.wav Scanning This is Lookout One. We are beginning our scan.
00720006.wav Scanning This is Lookout One. We have all comm systems online.
00720007.wav Scanning Just keep them off of us for 90 seconds...
00720008.wav Scanning Scan complete. We're out of here!
00720009.wav Scanning That's what we needed. Thanks, guys!
00720010.wav Negative We are unable to comply.
00720011.wav Clear Nav Point Would you folks mind clearing this place out a bit?
00720012.wav Enemies Near Escort lead, we're tracking multiple hostiles ahead, vectoring straight in on us.
00720013.wav Enemies Near This is Lookout One. We are under attack. Requesting assistance.
00720014.wav Returning to Base We'll be on our way, then.
00720015.wav Requesting Assistance This is Lookout One. We are taking fire! Repeat, we are taking fire!
00720016.wav No Damage Nary a scratch on us.
00720017.wav Moderate Damage Well, if somebody were keeping these guys off of us...
00720018.wav Severe Damage Our condition is critical! Please assist!
00720019.wav Retreating You're crazy! We're outta here.
00720020.wav Treason Now, now. This won't hurt a bit.
00720021.wav Player Rescue Guess we owe you boys a steak dinner. Thanks.
00720022.wav Player Rescue Sure glad you guys showed up.
00720023.wav Affirmative Yes, sir.