Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - TCS Deliverance

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with the TCS Deliverance with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops


Speech Download Role Transcript
00690000.wav KIA Mayday! Mayday! This is the Deliverance. We...
00690001.wav Friendly Fire Save it for the aliens, sir.
00690002.wav Requesting Assistance This is the refueling ship Deliverance. We are under attack and needing assistance.
00690003.wav Refueling Our deck is ready for you, sir. Put 'er down, and we'll have you back out in a jiffy.
00690004.wav Requesting Assistance We are under attack!
00690005.wav No Damage We're just fine, sir.
00690006.wav Moderate Could do with some repairs, but we're all right.
00690007.wav Severe Damage Situation critical! Multiple system failures!
00690008.wav Treason We have no choice but to open fire upon your ship.
00690009.wav Player Rescue Thank you, Lieutenant.
00690010.wav Refueling This is the Deliverance. If you need resupply, please land immediately.
00690011.wav Affirmative Aye, sir.