Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Kilrathi Pilots

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with the Nephilim Pilots with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: Akilhelm.mp4

Download: Bkilhelm.mp4

Download: Ckilhelm.mp4

Download: DKILHELM.mp4


Pilot 1

Speech Download Role Transcript
00860000.wav KIA Arrrrgh!
00860001.wav KIA I join my ancestors.
00860002.wav Scored Kill To the death!
00860003.wav Scored Kill Witness our vengeance!
00860004.wav Requesting Assistance Aid me, humans!
00860005.wav Scored Kill Your days are ended.
00860006.wav Scored Kill Another Warrior is avenged!
00860007.wav Treason Human, you have no honor.
00860008.wav Taunt Darkness awaits you!
00860009.wav Taunt Your death will be too easy.
00860010.wav Taunt I shall tear you apart.
00860011.wav Taunt Show your claws, pathetic creature!

Pilot w

Speech Download Role Transcript
00870000.wav KIA This cannot be!
00870001.wav KIA Arrrrgh! Nooo!
00870002.wav Scored Kill My name shall be written in the Tome of Sivar.
00870003.wav Scored Kill This is your punishment!
00870004.wav Requesting Assistance Assist me!
00870005.wav Scored Kill For Kilrah!
00870006.wav Scored Kill Now you realize your error.
00870007.wav Treason You are without honor, human.
00870008.wav Taunt You shall be scattered to the solar winds.
00870009.wav Taunt You will die, foul creature!
00870010.wav Taunt I shall feast upon your entrails.
00870011.wav Taunt Taste death, fool!

Pilot 3

Speech Download Role Transcript
00880000.wav KIA I die with honor.
00880001.wav KIA Farewell, my clan.
00880002.wav Scored Kill This is a time for great deeds!
00880003.wav Scored Kill Now all shall know and fear the Kilrathi!
00880004.wav Requesting Assistance Argh! This pest is stubborn!
00880005.wav Scored Kill There is no need to fear such weak foes.
00880006.wav Scored Kill None shall survive!
00880007.wav Treason You shall pay for your betrayal!
00880008.wav Taunt You are foolish to attack the Kilrathi.
00880009.wav Taunt Fight, furless freak!
00880010.wav Taunt My claws are sharper than yours.
00880011.wav Taunt Tremble, hairless ones!

Pilot 4

Speech Download Role Transcript
00890000.wav KIA I die for Sivar!
00890001.wav KIA Death claims me.
00890002.wav Scored Kill Now you shall see a true warrior in battle.
00890003.wav Scored Kill The blood of innocents is avenged!
00890004.wav Requesting Assistance I am in need of assistance!
00890005.wav Scored Kill A satisfying kill!
00890006.wav Scored Kill My kills grow more numerous!
00890007.wav Treason There is blood between us, human!
00890008.wav Taunt You are powerless, prey!
00890009.wav Taunt I smell your fear.
00890010.wav Taunt We shall never be conquered!
00890011.wav Taunt Beg for mercy!

Pilot 5

Speech Download Role Transcript
00900000.wav KIA I am dishonored!
00900001.wav KIA Arrrrgh!
00900002.wav Scored Kill Now! To battle!
00900003.wav Scored Kill Count the dead!
00900004.wav Requesting Assistance Finish this one!
00900005.wav Scored Kill How satisfying it is to watch them die!
00900006.wav Scored Kill This foe is no more.
00900007.wav Treason Destroying you will be a pleasure, human.
00900008.wav Taunt I shall smash your skull!
00900009.wav Taunt Pathetic wretch!
00900010.wav Taunt You are no match for me!
00900011.wav Taunt Disintegration would be too good for you.