Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Flight Instructor

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with the Flight Instructor with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.


05100000.wav Level 0 Welcome to the TCS Midway combat simulator. This system is comprised of several training details for Confed Academy pilots of varying levels of experience.
05100001.wav Level 0 This first mission encompasses basic flight and fighting tactics. The white arrow on your forward view is pointing to the first navigation buoy. Turn your ship to face this NAV point. Once it is in front of you, the NAV point should appear as a white cross. Fly to within 100 klicks of the buoy.
05100002.wav Level 0 Good. Now, turn your ship to face NAV point two. You will, again, need to fly to within 100 klicks of the NAV buoy. Since it is a bit farther away, use your AFTERBURNERS to increase your speed.
05100003.wav Level 0 Excellent. Now, stop your ship. Use the minus key to decrease your set speed to zero. When you stop, we'll do some basic target practice.
05100004.wav Level 0 There is now a target nearby. Use the T key to select this target. Watch for changes in your 'Heads Up Display.' The selected target will appear, along with sensor data, such as alignment, range, shield strength and armor level.
05100005.wav Level 0 The cursor in the center of your forward view will point you towards the target. Turn your ship to face the target and increase your speed to close in. Get within 20 klicks of the target.
05100006.wav Level 0 Here is a new target. Use T to select it, and then use the L key to LOCK the target. Target lock will engage the Inertial Target Tracking System as well as an advanced sensor package which will allow you to identify the contents of cargo boxes.
05100007.wav Level 0 Using your ship's weapons, destroy this buoy. Press G to cycle through available guns. Press F to select FULL GUNS. Use the trigger on your joystick or the SPACEBAR on your keyboard to open fire.
05100008.wav Level 0 The next NAV point is more than a hundred thousand klicks away. Flying manually to this point can take a very long time. To avoid this use the AUTOPILOT feature. Press A when you see the AUTO light and your ship will fly automatically to NAV 3.
05100009.wav Level 0 Experiment with your ship's missile system on the next target. Press the M key to select missile types and use the ENTER key to fire the selected missile. Missiles that require a lock can only be fired on locked targets.
05100010.wav Level 0 Press the T key to select the Kilrathi ship. Use the L key to lock the target. The Inertial Target Tracking System (or ITTS) provides a green diamond which you can use as a bullseye when firing your guns and missiles.
05100011.wav Level 0 Close in on the Kilrathi drone. Turn your ship if the drone moves from your forward view. Line up the center of your viewscreen and the green ITTS diamond and open fire. If the target gets away from you, use the TAB key to afterburn towards it.
05100012.wav Level 0 Congratulations! You have successfully completed this simulation detail.
05100013.wav Level 0 Use the minus key repeatedly to bring your ship to a complete stop.
05100014.wav Level 0 Approach the drone to begin combat training.
05100015.wav Level 0 Face the NAV buoy and fly to within 100 klicks of it to continue this mission.
05100016.wav Level 1 Welcome to the TCS Midway combat simulator. This detail will expand upon your existing knowledge of maneuvering, targeting and weapons control.
05100017.wav Level 1 A Confederation transport and her escorts are being harassed by a wing of Kilrathi raiders. Autopilot to NAV 1 and assist the Confed forces.
05100018.wav Level 1 The escort's job is to ensure the safety of the cargo craft. These escort fighters have very little experience, and will require your assistance.
05100019.wav Level 1 You will now rendezvous with a detachment of friendly fighters at NAV 2.
05100020.wav Level 1 A pair of light fighters have located you and are en route to your position. Lead them to NAV 3 for a more lethal round of enemy fighters.
05100021.wav Level 1 Use AUTOPILOT to reach NAV 3. Your wingmen will follow.
05100022.wav Level 1 Kilrathi presence is heavy in this area. Take out every enemy ship, and be careful of asteroids.
05100023.wav Level 1 Another transport is trying to make its way through NAV 1. They are under attack by Kilrathi raiders, and have lost their escorts.
05100024.wav Level 1 Mayday! Mayday! This is the TCS Marburg to any ships in the area: we need assistance!
05100025.wav Level 1 Your NAV computer has re-selected NAV point one. Go there to assist the Confed transport!
05100026.wav Level 1 You saved the TCS Marburg! Excellent work! Congratulations on completing this simulation detail.
05100027.wav Level 1 Why won't anybody help us? The bridge is on fire! YAAAAAAA!
05100028.wav Level 1 Had you reacted more quickly, those aboard the TCS Marburg would still be alive. Better luck next time. This concludes our simulation detail.
05100029.wav Level 2 Welcome to the TCS Midway combat simulator. This detail has been engineered to enhance your situational awareness and to improve your response to enemy resistance.
05100030.wav Level 2 Autopilot to NAV 1 and clear the area of any hostile craft. Once the area is clear, await the arrival of a Confederation transport.
05100031.wav Level 2 Keep all enemy fighters away from the transport.
05100032.wav Level 2 Excellent work! Now, autopilot to the next NAV point. The transport will follow you there and attempt to jump once you have cleared the NAV area of any hostile craft.
05100033.wav Level 2 A fine job! The transport has made her jump and is out of your hands. Congratulations on completing this simulation detail.
05100034.wav Level 2 Unfortunately, the enemy fighters overwhelmed the transport. This mission is a failure. This concludes our simulation detail.
05100035.wav Level 3 Welcome to the TCS Midway combat simulator. This detail focuses on offensive maneuvers.
05100036.wav Level 3 Intelligence reports show a small detachment of Kilrathi heavy fighters awaiting a transport jump at NAV 1. Autopilot to intercept them. Once you take care of the scout wing, await the Kilrathi transport.
05100037.wav Level 3 If any of the scout wing manages to leave the sector, they will alert the incoming fleet and this offensive strike will be lost. Let none of the Kilrathi vessels escape!
05100038.wav Level 3 Now, head to NAV 2. Engage Kilrathi fighters and corvettes. Again, let none escape.
05100039.wav Level 3 Excellent work! Congratulations on completing this simulation detail.
05100040.wav Level 3 Unfortunately, you have failed this mission. This concludes our simulation detail.
05100041.wav Level 4 Welcome to the TCS Midway combat simulator. This is the final phase of offensive maneuver training.
05100042.wav Level 4 Go to NAV 1 and engage all enemies.
05100043.wav Level 4 Waves of fighters will continue to approach. Score will be awarded for the highest number of kills in the allotted time.
05100044.wav Level 4 When you are done surveying the Kilrathi fighting tactics, make your way to NAV 3.
05100045.wav Level 4 Excellent work! Congratulations on completing this simulation detail.
05100046.wav Time Remaining You now have ten minutes to complete this mission.
05100047.wav Time Remaining You now have five minutes to complete this mission.
05100048.wav Level 8 Welcome to the TCS Midway combat simulator. This simulation detail has been created specifically to exploit what we know of enemy fighter technology.
05100049.wav Level 8 Proceed to the first NAV point and engage all fighters. Each enemy vessel has been modeled according to field recon data.
05100050.wav Level 8 We urge all Confed pilots to engage this simulation detail as necessary to keep an edge on the enemy forces. End of detail.
05100051.wav Level 9 Welcome to the TCS Midway combat simulator. This simulation detail has been programmed specifically to model the flight patterns and weapons systems of enemy capital ships and their fighter complement.
05100052.wav Level 9 Autopilot to NAV 1 and engage all enemy craft. Be sure to take note of your power, shields, and weapons configurations.
05100053.wav Level 9 We urge all Confed pilots to engage this detail as necessary to sharpen their edge over enemy capital ships. End of detail.
05100054.wav Level 9 You may choose any or all of the ships at this NAV point to accompany you on your mission. Closely approach a friendly ship to add it to your wing.
05100055.wav Level 9 Confed pilot added to strike team.