Lynn Murphy - Mission B (Wing Commander Privateer)

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This article is about the Wing Commander Privateer mission. For the Privateer Righteous Fire mission, see Lynn Murphy - Mission B.

Lynn Murphy - Mission B
MM - PRIV - Murphy A.png
Date 2669
Type Attack Mission
Jumps 0 (Palan)
Payment 10,000 credits
Objectives Go to Palan, Nav 1

Clear navpoint

Cargo Alien Artifact (1)
Designation S4MB
Previous Lynn Murphy - Mission A
Next Lynn Murphy - Mission C
Saved Game S4MB.SAV

Lynn Murphy - Mission B is a mission in Wing Commander Privateer. It may be accessed by talking to Lynn Murphy at the bar on Basra in the Palan System after completing Lynn Murphy - Mission A.

Mission Description

Locate and intercept patrol at Nav 1 or Nav 2 in Palan system. Engage and destroy the patrol.

Pays 10000 credits.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Palan System
Nav 1 4 Bounty Hunter Demon fanatical aces wave one
4 Bounty Hunter Centurion confident aces wave two


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Lynn Murphy

Scratch one set of reinforcements, Lynn.  
Make it Murphy, $CS. Only my close friends call me Lynn.
And how do I go about getting close to you?  
I'm a sucker for love letters...posted from Kilrah.
Jeez, you must have a lot of company.  
No. And I like it that way. Now listen up...
We've received a tip that a large scout patrol is approaching our base.
They're probably just looking for the first reinforcement wing...
...but if they come across this base, they'll destroy it.
We're not equipped to deal with an assault.
So we'll pay you 10,000 credits to eliminate this patrol.
How about it?
Accept Refuse
I can handle that patrol, no sweat. Where do I find them?  
They're currently sweeping the Palan system.
Intercept and eliminate the reinforcements at Nav 1...assuming you CAN.
Like I said, don't sweat it.
I'll handle things on my end. It's your end I'm concerned with.  
Again with the cheap come-ons? How about a fat lip, Mister?
Lighten up. I only meant for you to have the money when I get back.
I like you, Murphy...but you ain't keeping me up nights.  
At last, we have something in common.
No can do. The downside's too steep.
I think I'd do better against this blockade on my own.  
I think you're kidding yourself. You'll never get down to Palan without help...
...but that's not my problem. Good luck, $CS. You'll need it.


Talk to Lynn Murphy

Well, you may talk a good game, $CS...
...but I can't say I'm impressed with your performance so far.
Performance? We haven't even gotten to the good night kiss yet.  
If you spent as much time flying as you do making lousy jokes...'d have flown the mission by now. What's the hold-up? Scared?
Or are you enjoying the rec facilities here on scenic Basra too much to be bothered?
No problem. I just got tied up.  
Look, either head for Nav 1 and intercept that patrol headed for our base...
...or blow off the 10,000 credits and quit wasting my time.


Talk to Lynn Murphy

You want me to beg you to take the damn mission? Forget it!
A large scout patrol may be headed toward our base...
...but I'll never be desperate enough to plead with someone like you.
C'mon, Murphy. Can't a guy have second thoughts?
I've got to get down to Palan.
Seems like if you get blown to atoms, it doesn't improve my chances.  
Logic from a spacer? That's a first...but you're right.
This base won't survive an assault...and we could use your help.
We'll pay you 10,000 credits to intercept that patrol.
That's my final offer.
Accept Refuse
I can handle that patrol, no sweat. Where do I find them?  
They're currently sweeping the Palan system.
Intercept and destroy them at Nav 1...assuming you CAN.
Like I said, don't sweat it.
I'll handle things on my end. It's your end I'm concerned with.  
Again with the cheap come-ons? How about a fat lip, Mister?
Lighten up. I only meant for you to have the money when I get back.
I like you, Murphy...but you ain't keeping me up nights.  
At last, we have something in common.
Still no can do, Murphy. The downside's getting steeper by the minute.  
Then buzz off, $CS. I got a blockade to break through.


Talk to Lynn Murphy

What's the matter, Murphy? You look more sour than usual.  
You want it straight? Well here it is.
I don't think much of your flying. You're sloppy.
You fail to realize mission objectives. We can't afford to waste time with you.
You're washed up here. Collect your things and pull out.
But we have the same goal. I have to get down to Palan.  
Then you'll have to do it alone. Good-bye.

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Summary The next mission is to destroy the enemy patrol looking for the reinforcements you just destroyed.
Payment 10,000 credits.
Requirements Destroy all seven hostiles.
Opponents Three hostile Demons (confident aces), then another wave of four hostile Centurions (fanatical aces) at Nav I of Palan.
  • You will want to take out the Demons in the first wave by using only your guns. Save your missiles for the Centurions. Hit them quickly with guns and missiles. Use the same technique as in Mission A by staying on the afterburners and choos-ing shots carefully. — "Havoc"

WC:CIC Game Guide


A batch of fighters from the Palan blockade have moved away to search for the "missing" reinforcements. It's your job to make them go missing too.


Find patrol wing at Nav 1 and destroy it. Then return to Basra.

Scripted Encounters

Bounty hunters at Nav 1


  • Upon reaching Nav one you are greeted by an initial wave of 3 Demons. These are soon backed up by 4 Centurions. These ships are fast, maneuverable and strong while carrying four guns up front and an additional two on a rear turret. A bombardment of missiles is the best way to go, but stay on one ship until it is destroyed. The last thing you want is for the enemy's shields to regenerate.