Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Falcon

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Falcon with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. Professor uses the same lines as Professor and Stardust.

Video Loops

Wolf Pack

Download: Awphelm.mp4

Download: Bwphelm.mp4

Download: Dephelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00330000.wav No Enemies Everything's quiet here.
00330001.wav Some Enemies Enemies detected. Be careful.
00330002.wav Some Enemies Get ready for it!
00330003.wav Many Enemies I'm picking up significant enemy activity.
00330004.wav Player Kill Good shot, son.
00330005.wav Player Kill Don't get too cocky, son.
00330006.wav Player Kill Nice job, Casey.
00330007.wav KIA AAAAAAAAH!
00330008.wav Ejecting I won't do you any good if I'm dead. Ejecting now!
00330009.wav Ejecting Shields and power critical! Got to eject!
00330010.wav Friendly Fire Careful, there.
00330011.wav Friendly Fire I'd advise you to watch your fire.
00330012.wav Fighters Cleared Good show! We're going in!
00330013.wav Reinforcements Here You fellows need a hand here?
00330014.wav Reinforcements Here Anything we can do to help?
00330015.wav Wingman KIA That was a good pilot.
00330016.wav Bridge Destroyed There goes the bridge!
00330017.wav Shields Destroyed Ha! Shields down.
00330018.wav Engines Destroyed Engines are disabled.
00330019.wav Escorts Cleared I hope that's clear enough. Go to work, Casey.
00330020.wav Objective Sighted Concentrate on your objectives, men.
00330021.wav Objective Not Sighted I don't see it. Keep looking.
00330022.wav Mission Successful That's a good day's work.
00330023.wav Mission Failed We gave it our best.
00330024.wav Negative No, sir.
00330025.wav Negative I wouldn't suggest that.
00330026.wav Negative That's a negative.
00330027.wav Negative Negative.
00330028.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Turrets are now priority one.
00330029.wav Wing: Break and Attack Break formation and attack your targets.
00330030.wav Wing: Break and Attack My wing, make your attack.
00330031.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Requesting fighter cover from your wing.
00330032.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders You heard him. Do it!
00330033.wav Wing: Attack Target Ladies and gentlemen, you have your orders.
00330034.wav Wing: Disengage Form on me.
00330035.wav Wing: Retreat My wing, report to the Midway.
00330036.wav Attacking Capital Ship I'm making my run.
00330037.wav Ready to Engage Let me know if you need me, Casey.
00330038.wav Ready to Engage Awaiting your orders.
00330039.wav Exclamation Holy mackerel!
00330040.wav Enemies Inbound Multiple contacts closing on attack vectors.
00330041.wav Enemies Inbound Enemies inbound.
00330042.wav Missile Fired I'm taking a shot!
00330043.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo locked... and away!
00330044.wav Capital Ship Hit We have a confirmed hit.
00330045.wav Need Help Need assistance.
00330046.wav Helping Player I'll handle it.
00330047.wav Returning to Base I've got no choice. Returning to the carrier.
00330048.wav Scored Kill Almost there... got him!
00330049.wav Scored Kill Enemy targeted... and DESTROYED!
00330050.wav Scored Kill Strike one enemy ship!
00330051.wav Scored Kill We have impact!
00330052.wav Nav Point Clear Stay awake, people.
00330053.wav Enemy Turrets Active Turret fire is pretty heavy here.
00330054.wav Some Damage Giving as good as I'm getting.
00330055.wav Some Damage Damage control is handling it.
00330056.wav No Damage No damage to report.
00330057.wav Worst Damage I've taken some shots.
00330058.wav Player Traitor That's enough of that, Casey.
00330059.wav Taking Command Is this mission worth the price?
00330060.wav Taunt Learn to fly, bug!
00330061.wav Taunt Eat hot plasma, space roach!
00330062.wav Taunt Gonna stomp you, bug!
00330063.wav Taunt The only good bug's a dead one.
00330064.wav Saved by Player I'm grateful, son.
00330065.wav Saved by Player Damn glad to see you!
00330066.wav Affirmative Fine by me.
00330067.wav Affirmative All right.