Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Drago

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Drago with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. Drago uses the same lines as Wyvern.

Video Loops

Download: Awphelm.mp4

Download: Bwphelm.mp4

Download: Dephelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00100000 No Enemies All clear, sir!
00100001 Many Enemies Oo, heavy enemy contact, sir!
00100002 Player Kill Oo, that's taking it to them, ya!
00100003 Ejecting I am ejecting, sir. Request search and rescue.
00100004 Friendly Fire Hold your fire, Boudreaux!
00100005 Reinforcements Here Reporting for duty, sir, me!
00100006 Some Enemies Enemy contact, sir!
00100007 Player Kill Oo, ya, good shot, sir!
00100009 Fighters Cleared Beginning our attack run, sir, me!
00100010 Wingman KIA Casualty in my wing, sir!
00100011 Bridge Destroyed Hoo ya! Bridge is destroyed!
00100012 Shields Destroyed Shield emitter disabled!
00100013 Engines Destroyed Engines disabled, yah!
00100014 Escorts Cleared Area clear, sir! You may attack when ready.
00100015 Objective Sighted Objective sighted, sir!
00100016 Objective Not Sighted Ain't no sign of 'em, sir!
00100017 Mission Successful We have accomplished our mission, sir.
00100018 Mission Failed Mission failed, sir. Recommend abort.
00100019 Negative Hoo, I can't touch that, sir!
00100020 Negative No sir!
00100021 Wing: Attack Turrets Attack those turrets, pilots!
00100022 Wing: Break and Attack All ships: engage the enemy!
00100023 Protect Wing from Turrets Request fighter cover, sir!
00100024 Wing: Follow Player's Orders That is an ORDER, pilots!
00100025 Wing: Attack Target What are you waiting for, pilots?
00100026 Wing: Disengage Assume formation.
00100027 Wing: Retreat All craft return to base. Repeat: scrub mission.
00100028 Attacking Capital Ship Making my attack now, sir!
00100029 Ready to Engage Oo, I'm ready for action, sir!
00100030 Exclamation Oo ya, mama, what the hell?
00100031 Enemies Inbound Enemies approaching, sir!
00100032 Missile Fired Fox one!
00100033 Torpedo Fired Torpedo away!
00100034 Capital Ship Hit Direct hit, sir!
00100035 Need Help Requesting assistance, sir!
00100036 Helping Player I have him, sir!
00100037 Returning to Base Returning to base, sir!
00100038 Scored Kill Woo! Enemy target destroyed, sir!
00100039 Scored Kill That's it! Target eliminated, sir!
00100040 Scored Kill I report one enemy casualty, sir!
00100041 Nav Point Clear I'm on the lookout, sir!
00100042 Enemy Turrets Active Sustaining heavy damage from turrets, sir!
00100043 Some Damage Damage is moderate, sir.
00100044 No Damage No damage, sir!
00100045 Worst Damage Heavy damage, sir!
00100046 Player Traitor Where is your honor, swamprat?!
00100047 Taking Command Assuming command of my wing, sir!
00100048 Taunt Oo, it looks like we got us some mud bugs out there!
00100049 Taunt Oo now, let me have this one.
00100050 Taunt Oh yeah! These big-eyed bugs make some very good gumbo!
00100051 Taunt I'm on that one, sir, me!
00100052 Saved by Player Thank you, sir!
00100053 Saved by Player A pleasure, sir!
00100054 Affirmative Sir, yes, sir!
00100055 Affirmative Yes, sir!