Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Sprite

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Sprite and Comet with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: Adbhelm.mp4

Download: Bdbhelm.mp4

Download: Ddbhelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00410000.wav No Enemies My scanners read nothing, sir.
00410002.wav Many Enemies Detecting heavy enemy presence.
00410004.wav Player Kill Congratulations, sir.
00410006.wav Ejecting Bailing out. Request search and rescue assist.
00410007.wav Friendly Fire Take care, sir.
00410009.wav Reinforcements Here Do you need a hand, sir?
00410010.wav Some Enemies Enemies approaching.
00410010.wav Player Kill Nice shot, sir.
00410010.wav KIA Breaking up! I'm breaking u...
00410010.wav Fighters Cleared Good work, escort. We're going in.
00410010.wav Wingman KIA I couldn't get there fast enough.
00410011.wav Bridge Destroyed The bridge is destroyed.
00410012.wav Shields Destroyed Shield emitter disabled.
00410013.wav Engines Destroyed Engines down!
00410014.wav Escorts Cleared All clear for your attack run, sir.
00410015.wav Objective Sighted Objective sighted.
00410016.wav Objective Not Sighted No sign of the objective. Continuing to scan.
00410017.wav Mission Successful Mission accomplished, sir.
00410018.wav Mission Failed Sorry to have failed you, sir.
00410019.wav Negative No, sir.
00410020.wav Negative Unable to comply, sir.
00410021.wav Wing: Attack Turrets My pilots: target those turrets.
00410022.wav Wing: Break and Attack My wing, break and attack.
00410023.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Requesting cover immediately.
00410024.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders My pilots, carry out that order.
00410025.wav Wing: Attack Target Go to it, pilots.
00410026.wav Wing: Disengage My wing, form on me.
00410027.wav Wing: Retreat Scrub mission.
00410028.wav Attacking Capital Ship All pilots return to carrier.
00410029.wav Ready to Engage Starting my attack run.
00410030.wav Exclamation Awaiting your orders, sir.
00410031.wav Enemies Inbound My God! Enemies inbound!
00410032.wav Missile Fired Fox 1!
00410033.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo away!
00410034.wav Capital Ship Hit Target destroyed!
00410035.wav Need Help Requesting assistance.
00410036.wav Helping Player Picking up your target, sir.
00410037.wav Returning to Base I must abort, sir.
00410038.wav Scored Kill Direct hit!
00410039.wav Scored Kill That's a hit.
00410040.wav Scored Kill Got one!
00410041.wav Nav Point Clear It's too quiet.
00410042.wav Enemy Turrets Active I'm taking heavy fire from their turrets!
00410043.wav Some Damage Damage is nominal.
00410044.wav No Damage Nothing to report.
00410045.wav Worst Damage Heavy damage, but I remain functional.
00410046.wav Player Traitor You are a traitor to the Confederation.
00410047.wav Taking Command Assuming command at this time, sir.
00410048.wav Taunt I'm on him.
00410049.wav Taunt Picked one up.
00410050.wav Taunt You're no match for me, bug!
00410051.wav Taunt Locking weapons...
00410052.wav Saved by Player Thanks for your assistance, sir.
00410053.wav Saved by Player It's good to see you, Casey.
00410054.wav Affirmative Yes, sir.
00410055.wav Affirmative Affirmative.