Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Zero

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Zero with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops


Download: Adbhelm.mp4

Download: Bdbhelm.mp4

Download: Ddbhelm.mp4

Black Widows

Download: Abwhelm.mp4

Download: Bbwhelm.mp4

Download: Dbwhelm.mp4

Wolf Pack

Download: Awphelm.mp4

Download: Bwphelm.mp4

Download: Dephelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00570000.wav Nav Point Clear Nobody home.
00570001.wav Nav Point Clear You think maybe they just left?
00570002.wav Nav Point Cleared Ok... we appear to be finished here.
00570003.wav Nav Point Cleared Looks like we've taken out everyone in this vicinity.
00570004.wav Nav Point Cleared All clear in this zone.
00570005.wav Nav Point Cleared All clear!
00570006.wav Enemy Sighted Hey, aliens. This is definitely NOT a pleasure meeting you.
00570007.wav Enemy Sighted Alien ships encountered.
00570008.wav Enemy Sighted Looks like we're not getting a day off.
00570009.wav Enemy Sighted There do appear to be a few enemy ships around.
00570010.wav Enemy Sighted Looks like an alien mob! Let's wade in!
00570011.wav Player Kill Way to go, Casey!
00570012.wav Player Kill Nice! Guess they're not so terrifying after all.
00570013.wav KIA I'm gonna DIIIIIEEEEEEEE!
00570014.wav Ejecting Too hot for my blood. I'm bailing!
00570015.wav Ejecting Can't believe this thing is so banged up. Ejecting!
00570016.wav Friendly Fire Easy, Lieutenant.
00570017.wav Friendly Fire HEY! I told you to watch it!
00570018.wav Engaging Enemy I'm tired of waiting. We're going in.
00570019.wav Reinforcements Here Brought my boys here to help you out.
00570020.wav Reinforcements Here We're joining the fray. You can thank us later.
00570021.wav Wingman KIA That's war.
00570022.wav Exclamation Don't flake out on me!
00570023.wav Bridge Destroyed YEAH! Bridge destroyed!
00570024.wav Shields Destroyed Drained those shields!
00570025.wav Engines Destroyed It's got nowhere to go now!
00570026.wav Escorts Cleared We'll keep looking for fighters, but you can hit the big ones now.
00570027.wav Objective Sighted Well, at least we're in the right place.
00570028.wav Objective Not Sighted Guess we've gotta keep moving.
00570029.wav Mission Accomplished We did it!
00570030.wav Mission Failed Damn! This one's FUBAR. Let's go.
00570031.wav Negative Not a chance.
00570032.wav Negative No, sir.
00570033.wav Negative Nope.
00570034.wav Negative You wish.
00570035.wav Attack Turrets Scrape those little turrets right off its skin!
00570036.wav Break and Attack Ok, pilots! Let's mix it up!
00570037.wav Break and Attack Everybody break and attack. Go! Go! Go!
00570038.wav Break and Attack What are we waiting for? Get 'em!
00570039.wav Break and Attack Don't let a few aliens scare you! Get those bastards!
00570040.wav Attacking Capital Ship We're going to tangle with the big ships, so handle the fighters.
00570041.wav Follow Player Orders He's probably right. Do that.
00570042.wav Follow Player Orders No questions. Just go with it.
00570043.wav Form Up Everybody, line up!
00570044.wav Retreat We're outta here! GO!
00570045.wav Engaging Enemy Setting my guns on full.
00570046.wav Engaging Enemy Gonna kick some serious alien ass!
00570047.wav Engaging Enemy I'm already on 'em!
00570048.wav Scored Kill This one's for Dallas!
00570049.wav Ready to Engage Let me loose, man!
00570050.wav Ready to Engage I'm not getting any younger back here.
00570051.wav Ready to Engage Can I please get involved in this fight?
00570052.wav Enemy Sighted Hoo boy! That looks like a challenge!
00570053.wav Enemy Sighted Whoah! They never learn, do they?
00570054.wav Enemy Sighted More on the way!
00570055.wav Enemy Sighted Pilots! Enemy ships inbound!
00570056.wav Enemy Sighted Here they come!
00570057.wav Missile Fired Got a few too many missiles here. Want one?
00570058.wav Missile Fired Launching missile NOW!
00570059.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo away!
00570060.wav Capital Ship Hit Die, you bastards!
00570061.wav Capital Ship Hit That oughta slow those bugs down!
00570062.wav Requesting Assistance Come on, come on! Get over here!
00570063.wav Requesting Assistance He's all over me! Help me out!
00570064.wav Requesting Assistance I can probably handle this, but it wouldn't hurt to have some help.
00570065.wav Helping Player I'm coming in! Hold tight!
00570066.wav Retreating I'm barely in one piece! Heading back.
00570067.wav Scored Kill Right down the ol' pipe!
00570068.wav Scored Kill Die, little bug! Die!
00570069.wav Scored Kill Nailed him!
00570070.wav Scored Kill Yes!
00570071.wav Scored Kill Got that bastard!
00570072.wav Scored Kill Another one bites the dust.
00570073.wav Nav Point Clear I feel like somebody's watching us.
00570074.wav Attack Turrets That bastard's shooting at me!
00570075.wav Attack Turrets How many guns are on that thing?
00570076.wav Moderate Damage Still kicking and screaming, Case.
00570077.wav Severe Damage This isn't my best day ever.
00570078.wav No Damage Bulletproof and ready to rumble!
00570079.wav No Damage Not a scratch.
00570080.wav Moderate Damage I'm gonna make it.
00570081.wav Treason That's it, Casey. You're toast!
00570082.wav Helping Player Guess it's time for Zero to be a hero!
00570083.wav Taking Command I'll pick up this wing.
00570084.wav Reinforcements Here You guys need some better odds.
00570085.wav Taunt Got a bead on him.
00570086.wav Taunt You can't touch me!
00570087.wav Taunt I'm gonna rip your shell off.
00570088.wav Taunt Just wait 'til I'm done with you!
00570089.wav Taunt Kiss my ass, bug!
00570090.wav Taunt I'd love to tie your tentacles in knots!
00570091.wav Taunt If you guys could fly as well as you talk, you'd all be dead already.
00570092.wav Player Rescue I'll remember this.
00570093.wav Player Rescue Hey, folks. We're doing just fine already.
00570094.wav Player Rescue Welcome to the party! Hope you brought lots of testosterone.
00570095.wav Kilrathi present I had a cat once. It died.
00570096.wav Affirmative Yeppers.
00570097.wav Affirmative Yes, sir.
00570098.wav Affirmative Right-o.
00570099.wav Affirmative Well, yeah.
00570100.wav Request Status Everybody check in.