Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Royal

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Royal and Pinpoint with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops


Download: Adbhelm.mp4

Download: Bdbhelm.mp4

Download: Ddbhelm.mp4

Wolf Pack

Download: Awphelm.mp4

Download: Bwphelm.mp4

Download: Dephelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00390000.wav No Enemies I don't see anything.
00390002.wav Many Enemies Quite a lot of the buggers here.
00390004.wav Player Kill Remarkable.
00390006.wav Ejecting Got to punch out now!
00390007.wav Friendly Fire Try to be a bit more careful.
00390009.wav Reinforcements Here Got yourselves in a bit of a jam, eh?
00390010.wav Some Enemies Could be a bit tight here.
00390010.wav Player Kill Impressive.
00390010.wav KIA Bloody hell! AAAAAAAAAAAH!
00390010.wav Fighters Cleared Good show! Bombers, on my mark.
00390010.wav Wingman KIA Now is not the time for mourning.
00390011.wav Bridge Destroyed Bridge has been destroyed.
00390012.wav Shields Destroyed Shield emitter is off line.
00390013.wav Engines Destroyed We've taken their engines out of commission.
00390014.wav Escorts Cleared We've done the difficult part.
00390015.wav Objective Sighted We've got a job to do.
00390016.wav Objective Not Sighted Keep moving.
00390017.wav Mission Successful We've done it!
00390018.wav Mission Failed Pinched that one, I'd say.
00390019.wav Negative Not possible.
00390020.wav Negative No, sir.
00390021.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Will somebody hit those turrets?
00390022.wav Wing: Break and Attack Give 'em hell!
00390023.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Stay with us...
00390024.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders Listen to him.
00390025.wav Wing: Attack Target Casey's right.
00390026.wav Wing: Disengage Assume formation.
00390027.wav Wing: Retreat Back to the Midway, people.
00390028.wav Attacking Capital Ship I'll have a go at it.
00390029.wav Ready to Engage I'd like to get involved in this.
00390030.wav Exclamation That's bloody amazing!
00390031.wav Enemies Inbound Wide awake now, lads: they're on us!
00390032.wav Missile Fired Missile off!
00390033.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo off!
00390034.wav Capital Ship Hit That should show 'em.
00390035.wav Need Help Could use a bit of a hand here.
00390036.wav Helping Player Good thing I'm around to handle your problems.
00390037.wav Returning to Base Aborting mission.
00390038.wav Scored Kill Tagged that bugger!
00390039.wav Scored Kill Enemy craft eliminated.
00390040.wav Scored Kill A direct hit!
00390041.wav Nav Point Clear Something's not quite right here.
00390042.wav Enemy Turrets Active They're opening up with everything they've got!
00390043.wav Some Damage Can't really complain.
00390044.wav No Damage I'm just fine, thanks.
00390045.wav Worst Damage It's an awful mess in here.
00390046.wav Player Traitor I'm going to have to teach you a lesson.
00390047.wav Taking Command Lost my wing leader. I'll take up the reins.
00390048.wav Taunt C'mon, you bastard.
00390049.wav Taunt Tallyho!
00390050.wav Taunt What swamp did you crawl out of?
00390051.wav Taunt Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
00390052.wav Saved by Player bout time you pulled your own weight.
00390053.wav Saved by Player Cheers!
00390054.wav Affirmative Aye, sir.
00390055.wav Affirmative Indeed.

Snake, Nomad & Twitch

Speech Download Role Transcript
00400000.wav No Enemies Nobody here at all that I can see.
00400001.wav Some Enemies Radar's showing lots of red. Enemies present!
00400002.wav Some Enemies Oh man oh man oh man! We in trouble!
00400003.wav Many Enemies Big time alien action here.
00400004.wav Player Kill That ROCKS!
00400005.wav Player Kill Where'd you learn how to fly?
00400006.wav Player Kill Stunning. Just stunning.
00400007.wav KIA Wo-oh-oooooh!
00400008.wav Ejecting EJECT! EJECT! EJECT!
00400009.wav Ejecting Goin' for a little spacewalk.
00400010.wav Friendly Fire Are you shooting at me?
00400011.wav Friendly Fire You must be shooting at me!
00400012.wav Fighters Cleared Nice shooting. We'll take it from here.
00400013.wav Reinforcements Here Showtime!
00400014.wav Reinforcements Here Isn't it nice that we can all work together like this?
00400015.wav Wingman KIA Who was that? Where did that come from?
00400016.wav Bridge Destroyed Yeah, baby! The bridge is GONE!
00400017.wav Shields Destroyed Dropped those shields! Now plug the bastards.
00400018.wav Engines Destroyed Hope they packed a lunch!
00400019.wav Escorts Cleared You think that was good? Watch THIS!
00400020.wav Objective Sighted There they are. Everybody ready?
00400021.wav Objective Not Sighted They're not here. That's a wrap!
00400022.wav Mission Successful That's a wrap!
00400023.wav Mission Failed Screwed the pooch big time.
00400024.wav Negative No way, Jose! Not my style.
00400025.wav Negative Not my style.
00400026.wav Negative No can do, boss.
00400027.wav Negative Thanks for playing!
00400028.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Got a few nasty turrets here that need removing.
00400029.wav Wing: Break and Attack Let 'em have it, team!
00400030.wav Wing: Break and Attack What are you waiting for? Go get 'em!
00400031.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Stop sitting on your butt and start covering mine!
00400032.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders Hey guys, whatever he said!
00400033.wav Wing: Attack Target Did you hear that? Then do it!
00400034.wav Wing: Disengage Let's get into position, folks.
00400035.wav Wing: Retreat Today's not the day to die. Head for home, folks!
00400036.wav Attacking Capital Ship Letting 'em have it!
00400037.wav Ready to Engage When do we attack?
00400038.wav Exclamation Somebody wake me up when it's time to DO something.
00400039.wav Enemies Inbound Geez Louise! Get a load of that!
00400040.wav Enemies Inbound Here they come!
00400041.wav Enemies Inbound Looks like the bad guys are on to us!
00400042.wav Missile Fired Taking a shot!
00400043.wav Torpedo Fired Bombs away!
00400044.wav Capital Ship Hit Look at it burn!
00400045.wav Need Help Where? Wait, I see him...
00400046.wav Helping Player Somebody get this guy!
00400047.wav Returning to Base I'm on it!
00400048.wav Scored Kill Gotta run! A-B-C ya!
00400049.wav Scored Kill Yowza!
00400050.wav Scored Kill See ya! Wouldn't want to be ya!
00400051.wav Scored Kill Eat that, bug!
00400052.wav Nav Point Clear Something smells funny here.
00400053.wav Enemy Turrets Active Get these turrets off my case!
00400054.wav Some Damage It's not exactly pretty, but it'll hold up.
00400055.wav Some Damage These guys are better than I thought.
00400056.wav No Damage They can't stop me!
00400057.wav Worst Damage Could blow any minute, or maybe not...
00400058.wav Player Traitor Oh yeah? Take some of that, you bastard!
00400059.wav Taking Command Follow my lead, team.
00400060.wav Taunt You want some of me?!
00400061.wav Taunt I'll splatter your green guts across the system!
00400062.wav Taunt Come and get a little of this!
00400063.wav Taunt Bring it on!
00400064.wav Taunt Does your face hurt, bug? 'cause it's killing me!
00400065.wav Taunt You just ran out of luck, creepy!
00400066.wav Saved by Player Thanks!
00400067.wav Saved by Player Ready to rock 'n' roll?
00400068.wav Affirmative Yo!
00400069.wav Affirmative You got it!
00400070.wav Affirmative All right.
00400071.wav Affirmative Roger that!