Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Blair

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Blair with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: agenhelm.mp4

Download: Bgenhelm.mp4

Download: Cgenhelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
01300000.wav Nav Point Clear Guess they weren't expecting us.
01300001.wav Nav Point Clear I don't see anything.
01300002.wav Nav Point Cleared Looks like the last of them.
01300003.wav Nav Point Cleared Nothing more on my scope. Let's move on.
01300004.wav Enemy Sighted Ok... Maybe they were expecting us.
01300005.wav Enemy Sighted Look alive! We've got enemies nearby!
01300006.wav Enemy Sighted Looks like we've got our work cut out for us.
01300007.wav Player Kill Nice work, Casey.
01300008.wav Player Kill Not bad, kid.
01300009.wav KIA Son of a bitch! AAIIIIIIIIIGH!
01300010.wav Ejecting I just hope they hooked up my ejection seat.
01300011.wav Friendly Fire Watch it Casey!
01300012.wav Friendly Fire You'd better think about who you're shooting at, buster.
01300013.wav Landing I'm going in, Casey. You wait here in case anyone gets curious.
01300014.wav Escort Proceed All right, Marines. You're cleared to head in.
01300015.wav Escort Proceed There's your target, Dekker.
01300016.wav Negative Not a chance, Casey.
01300017.wav Negative Think again, smart guy.
01300018.wav Ready to Engage Let's get going!
01300019.wav Ready to Engage All right, Casey. Let's go get 'em!
01300020.wav Requesting Assistance Watch my back, Casey.
01300021.wav Requesting Assistance Keep those bugs away, and I'll do what I can.
01300022.wav Landing I'm going in.
01300023.wav Enemy Sighted Pay attention, now. We've got enemies coming at us.
01300024.wav Enemy Sighted Maybe they've heard of me.
01300025.wav Enemy Sighted Here they come!
01300026.wav Enemy Sighted How many of these things are there?
01300027.wav Missile Fired Missile away!
01300028.wav Torpedo Fired C'mon... lock up... FIRE!
01300029.wav Requesting Assistance You want to help me out, partner?
01300030.wav Requesting Assistance I could use some firepower over my way, Lieutenant.
01300031.wav Helping Blair here. I'm on my way.
01300032.wav Helping I'm on my way to you now, Lieutenant Casey.
01300033.wav Retreating Guess I'm a little bit rusty. I'm heading back.
01300034.wav Look at that!
01300035.wav Scored Kill Guess I'm not too rusty, after all.
01300036.wav Scored Kill It's getting worse.
01300037.wav Scored Kill Actually, this is more like the good old days!
01300038.wav Severe Damage Shuttles aren't built for this.
01300039.wav Moderate Damage I'm getting a little scorched here.
01300040.wav No Damage Just like the good old days!
01300041.wav Moderate Damage I'd prefer a fighter.
01300042.wav No Damage No... THIS is how it used to be.
01300043.wav Severe Damge This is going to be a really short mission!
01300044.wav Taunt You think you're pretty good, huh? We'll see...
01300045.wav Treason You are a disgrace to that uniform, boy!
01300046.wav Taunt I've blown up whole planets! You bugs are nothing!
01300047.wav Taunt Cats, bugs, whatever! You all die the same!
01300048.wav Taunt Do you actually know who you're dealing with here?
01300049.wav Taunt Look out, bugs: Blair is back!
01300050.wav Player Rescue Thanks, kid.
01300051.wav Affitmative That sounds good to me.
01300052.wav Affitmative Good idea, Casey!
01300053.wav Affitmative All right.