0370 (Wing Commander Prophecy cutscene)

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WCP Cutscene 0370.png
Production Wing Commander Prophecy
Type Plot
Series G'wriss
Disc CD1
Run Time 1m42s
Previous 0175
Scenes 37
Locations Rec Room

0370 is a cutscene from Wing Commander Prophecy. It plays when you click "Talk to Dallas" in the Rec Room before G'wriss C1.


CASEY: You okay?

DALLAS: I would be a whole lot better if I had a one-way ticket home. We are in a fine mess.

CASEY: Look, Dallas.

DALLAS: No you look, flyboy. And I will talk very slowly. The Kilrathi were tied up on the Feudal Planets, they've got problems of their own. The Border Worlds were dead quiet what with the Black Lance out of the picture. Things have been pretty cozy around here for some time and the last thing I expected was actually having to fight! I am so hosed.

CASEY: We joined Confed to do a job. There are no guarantees.

DALLAS: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

CASEY: No. Look, I don't know what we're dealing with here but whatever it is, it's gonna have to be stopped. And we're the only ones out this far. So all we have to rely on is each other. That's it! Now, until we get word back to Confed, it's gonna have to be you for me me for you, one hundred percent. got it?





Wing Commander Prophecy's cutscenes were dubbed for the German release.



A DVD version of Wing Commander Prophecy was developed but not released. It contained almost every cutscene from the CD-ROM release. Mark Day has provided a copy.


Shooting Script

A Wing Commander Prophecy Absolute Very Last Ultimate Final Draft Script dated April 30, 1997 and used during the game's shooting has been provided by Adam Foshko.


As Casey joins a tense Dallas the back window.

You okay?
I'd be a whole lot better if I had
a one-way ticket home. (beat)
We're in a fine mess...

You lost me.

Okay, I'll talk real slow. The
Kilrathi were tied up on the Feudal
Planets--they got problems of their
own. The Border Worlds were dead
quiet with the slack Lance out of
the picture. Things have been
pretty cozy around here for some
time. Last thing I expected was
actually having to fight. I am so
We're in Confed to do a job. There
are no guarantees.


Is that supposed to make me feel
No...but we have to stop whatever
is going on here. Dallas, listen
to me, we're the only ones out this
far. That means_we can only depend
on each other. That's it.

He pounds Dallas' shoulder with his fist for emphasis.

Until we get word back to Confed,
we need to be there for each other,
one hundred percent. You for me
and me for you. Got it?

Dallas appears fortified. As Dallas exits, Casey notices
Stiletto at the bar, looking his way. She's clearly overheard
everything. She raises her glass and smiles a very little bit.
She's de-icing.

12/18/96 Draft

A Wing Commander Prophecy First Draft Script dated December 18, 1996 has been provided by Billy Cain.


As Casey joins a tense Dallas at the Diamondback table.

You look like you need a friend.
What I really need is a one way ticket
home. This mess we're in... talk about
bait and switch.
You lost me.
Okay, I'll talk real slow. The Kilrathi
are penned up on the Feudal Planets,
the Border Worlds are dead quiet, and a
career in Confed was supposed to be a
cushy ride to an early pension. Last
thing I expected was actually havin' to
fight somebody! (a sigh) Like I said,
bait and switch.
There are no guarantees in this life,
That supposed to make me feel better?
No, it's just a reminder we're all in
the same boat... scared stiff, with not
a whole lot of say in what happens

He places a comforting hand on Dallas's shoulder.

The only thing we can all do is hope
for the best, and keep on flying.

Dallas manages a grin: "Thanks, pal." Casey looks up to see Stiletto has
ENTERED. She's clearly overheard everything; gives Casey an encouraging



As Casey EXITS into the Ready Room...

Shooting Schedule

A Wing Prophecy Green Schedule from the Origin Museum has been archived by Dominik Reichardt.