Ernesto Sandoval - Mission A

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Ernesto Sandoval - Mission A
MM - PRIV - Ernesto Sandoval A.png
Date 2669
Type Cargo Mission
Jumps 2 (New Detroit, New Constantinople, Newcastle)
Payment Steltek artifact
Objectives Go to Newcastle, Nav 3

Deliver cargo to Liverpool

Cargo Mission Cargo (10)

Alien Artifact (1)

Designation S0MA
Next Tayla - Mission A
Saved Game S0MA.SAV

Ernesto Sandoval - Mission A is a mission in Wing Commander Privateer. It may be accessed by talking to Ernesto Sandoval at the bar on New Detroit in the New Detroit System. It is the first mission in the game's story.

Mission Description

Travel to Liverpool refinery in Newcastle system and deliver Sandoval's cargo of Iron.

Pays 15000 credits.

Return to New Detroit to receive pay in exchange for alien artifact.


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Sandoval

Welcome to New Detroit. You look like a man who's hungry for work.
Among other things. You hiring?
Indeed I am. A simple delivery of iron, strictly legit.
I've heard that song before, Mr...?  
Sandoval, Ernesto Sandoval. And you are...?
$NM. Call me $CS.  
$CS, you'll be running the load of iron to the Liverpool refinery in Newcastle...
...which is just a short jump from here. No contraband, no hassles.
Just dock at the station. My people will pick up the cargo.
Afterwards, return here for your payment, 15,000 credits. Interested?
Sure, why not? I could use the credits. What about an advance?
Will this do?
What is it, some sort of...sculpture?
It's an alien artifact. Extremely valuable.
Soon I'll be selling it for a considerable sum.
In the meantime, I'll let you hold on to it as collateral.
In other words, it's hot and you want to distance yourself from it.
For awhile. If you'll just hold onto it for me, just for this run...
...I'll pay you a bonus of 5,000 when you return. Fair enough?
Accept Refuse
I suppose...though I'm sure I'll wind up regretting this...  
Go with God, my suspicious friend. And hurry back.
Sorry, I'm looking for a higher paying mission right now.
You fool, you have no idea...
All right, fine. Take a hike, I've got my own problems.


Talk to Sandoval

What are you doing here? You should've been gone long ago!
Some other business came up.  
This delay is risking us both!
I thought this job was just a run of iron to the Liverpool refinery base.
The artifact. Is it safe?
Sure. Why wouldn't it be?  
Just get it off this base, $CS.
What's the hurry?  
You don't want to know. Trust me.
Run the iron from here to the Liverpool refinery in Newcastle.
Your ship has already been loaded.
Deliver the iron, return here, and I'll pay you 15,000 for your trouble...
...along with a 5,000 bonus when you return my artifact.
All right, I'll get right on it. You've made your point.  
I hope so...for both our sakes...


Talk to Sandoval

I'm reconsidering your offer, Sandoval.  
A wise move. I can't understand why you walked away from such an easy job.
I have something here that I want to show you, $CS.
What is it, some sort of...sculpture?
It's an alien artifact. Extremely valuable.
I'll be selling it for a considerable sum.
If you accept my mission I'll let you hold on to it as collateral.
You'll run iron from here to the Liverpool refinery in Newcastle.
Once there, dock and allow my men to retrieve the cargo.
Return here with my artifact, and I'll pay you a 15,000 fee...
...along with 5,000 for the artifact's return.
Do we have a deal?
Accept Refuse
Good. Keep this artifact in a safe place.
I will have your ship loaded with iron immediately.
Get moving.
Maybe later, Sandoval.  
I need to find someone right away, so don't take too long to make up your mind.

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Summary Sandoval needs you to take iron to Liverpool (Newcastle system) and return to New Detroit for payment.
Payment 15,000 credits promised, but not delivered; alien artifact is given to you as collateral.
Requirements Land at Liverpool (Newcastle) and return to New Detroit.
Opponents None created by mission. Any hostile encounters are random.
  • Since you won't be getting paid for anything on this mission, go ahead and enter the commodity exchange in New Detroit and fill up on goods such as construction equip-ment, software, weapons, or advanced fuels, so you can at least get some money from the trip. - "Deetchman"

WC:CIC Game Guide


Sandoval is sitting in the bar on New Detroit, and offers you a mission. 15,000 credits to run Iron to Liverpool Refinery. That's a lot of money for running Iron. Plus a bonus of 5,000 credits to hold on to his expensive (stolen) alien artifact. What a great guy! Or is he...


Carry cargo of Iron to Liverpool refinery, land, then return to New Detroit.

Scripted Encounters



  • You are bound to meet some enemies along the way. Try not to take damage. It's expensive, you don't get paid, and there is no shipyard on Liverpool.
  • When you get back to New Detroit, Sandoval is gone... so instead talk to Tayla.

User Comments

Submitted by : Helge Helgesen (

Mission : Sandoval's mission

Comments : Actually, once you leave the planet New Detroit, land again immediately. Tayla will then be in the bar. You don't have to go to Liverpool in Newcastle.

Submitted by : Cerekk (

Mission : Sandoval

Comments : There's no need to even run the cargo--just launch and land again, Talya will be waiting for you.

Submitted by : The Ghoce_>0 (

Mission : Sandoval

Comments : I don't really know what I did wrong, but the pirates were not friendly to me... and going to a pirate base caused many problems with fighting (especially since I hadn't upgraded that much...)