CF-105 Scimitar

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CF-105 Scimitar
Type Medium Fighter
Manufacturer Origin Aerospace
Primary User Terran Confederation
Additional Users Free Republic of the Landreich,
Union of Border Worlds
Introduction pre-2536
General Characteristics
Length 25 meters
Mass 16 tonnes
Crew 1 (pilot)
Maximum Yaw 6 dps
Maximum Pitch 6 dps
Maximum Roll 7 dps
Acceleration Good
Cruise 150 kps
Maximum 360 kps
Maximum Afterburner 1120 kps
Mk. 30A Mass Driver Cannons (2)
Default Missile Loadout
Dart DF (3)

Javelin HS (2)

Decoys None
Cloaking Device No
Jump Drive No
Fore 4 cm equivalent
Aft 4 cm equivalent
Front 6 cm
Rear 6 cm
Right 5 cm
Left 5 cm
CF-105 Target Identification circa 2654
Source Claw Marks

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The CF-105 Scimitar was a Terran Confederation medium fighter. It was included in Joan's Fighting Spacecraft Vega Sector Supplement for 2654.092.

The Scimitar is one of the longest-serving fighters in Confederation history, having been introduced before the CF-117 Rapier, which was introduced in 2536 - almost a century prior to the Terran-Kilrathi War.

In March 2654, a pair of Scimitars dispatched by the TCS Tiger's Claw as part of an assault on the KIS Rathtak were ambushed and destroyed by a wing of Jalthi. The Scimitars encountered two crippled Jalthi en-route to their target. One thrusted away intermittently as though it had suffered engine damage while the other spun powerlessly. Against orders from his wingleader, Captain R.A. Skinner, Lt. Larry Dibbles broke and attacked the active Jalthi. Neither Jalthi was damaged. The disabled ship powered up and destroyed Skinner's fighter, then joined the other to shoot down Dibbles. The incident became the impetus for Taggart's Tactics.

Though it earned the scorn of both space superiority and strike craft pilots alike, earning the derisive nickname "Space Slug", the Scimitar was fully capable of routine interdiction and light strike duties. Scimitars served with distinction on-board Bengal-Class Strike Carrier ships like the Tiger's Claw, the TCS Trafalgar and the TCS Eagle's Talon through the final days of the Vega Sector Campaign. The famous Blue Devil Squadron even managed to destroy a heavily armed Kilrathi depot using only a pair of Scimitars during Operation Thor's Hammer.

The Space Force's Flight School used a lightly-armed trainer variant of the Scimitar for live fire practice. Two-seat Scimitar trainers often found themselves on the front lines during command school exercises.

By the time of its official retirement in in 2655, the Scimitar was well over one hundred years old and had outlived its nominal replacement, the CF-117 Rapier, which had begun its development cycle in 2527 and had been retired the year before, in 2654. Surplus Scimitars would continue to see service with the Free Republic of the Landreich through 2668, and they would again show up in the service of the Union of Border Worlds Outer Worlds Fleet during the 2673 Border Worlds Conflict.


CF-105 Scimitar WC1-Scimitar.png CF-105 Scimitar Bp-scimitarside.png CF-105 Scimitar SWCscim.jpg CF-105 Scimitar Wcatv-scimitar.jpg
Source: Wing Commander Claw Marks Super Wing Commander Academy TV
Class: Medium Fighter Medium Fighter Medium Fighter Trainer
Length: 25 meters 25 meters 25 meters 25 meters
Mass: 16 tonnes 16 tonnes 16 tonnes 16 tonnes
Max Velocity: 360 KPS 360 KPS 360 KPS 360 KPS
Cruising velocity: 150 KPS 150 KPS 150 KPS 150 KPS
Afterburner Velocity: 1120 KPS 1120 KPS 1120 KPS 1120 KPS
Acceleration: Good Good Good Good
Max. YPR: 6/6/7 DPS 6/6/7 DPS 6/6/7 DPS 6/6/7 DPS
Guns Mk. 30A Mass Driver Cannon (2) Mk. 30A Mass Driver Cannon (2) Mk. 30A Mass Driver Cannon (2) Mk. 25 Laser Cannon (2)
Missiles Javelin Heatseeker (2) Javelin Heatseeker (2) Javelin Heatseeker (4) Javelin Heatseeker (5)
Weapons Dart Dumbfire (3) Dart Dumbfire (3) Dart Dumbfire (6) Single Mount Laser Turret
Tractor Beam no no no yes
Armor (Fore/Aft/Sides): 8.5/8.0/6.5 cm 6.0/6.0/5.0 cm 6.0/6.0/5.0 cm 6.0/6.0/5.0 cm
Shields (Fore/Aft): 6.0/5.0 cm 4.0/4.0 cm 4.0/4.0 cm 4.0/4.0 cm
Shield Recharge: 6 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds
Missile Decoys: none none none 9
Jump Capable: No No No No
Crew: 1 (Pilot) 1 (Pilot) 1 (Pilot) 2 (Pilot, Instructor)


Confederation Handbook

"The Rapier has now largely supplanted the earlier CF-105 Scimitar, particularly in frontline operations. The Rapier combines acceleration, maneuverability and firepower to make it the premier one-on-one dog fighter in space today. Its handling superiority is necessary, since its short-range neutron guns require close approach to the enemy in combat."

Wing Commander: Academy TV

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Wing Commander/Super Wing Commander

Wing Commander Conversations

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Wing Commander Missions

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The Secret Missions Missions

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Wing Commander: Fleet Action

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  • "Doomsday punched in an aft visual and saw an expanding fireball of light erupting from the carrier's main engine bank. A second ball of light snapped as one of Doomsday's torpedoes slammed into the explosion. Four of the Landreich's old obsolete scimitars darted in towards the carrier's tail, disappearing into the inferno, two of them reemerging from the fireball seconds later and as they pulled out, a solid ripple of explosions shuddered across the carrier's stern from the missile spread they had launched, now that the aft shielding was overloaded and down. The entire aft end of the carrier suddenly disappeared in a white hot light.
    • Doomsday watched the Scimitars, amazed yet again at the suicidal tactics of the Landreich pilots, flying fighters that should have been on the scrap heap years ago.
    • "Fuel igniting, she's going!"
    • The explosion burst out, the blast wave washing over Doomsday's Sabre, shuddering it as if from a direct hit. He lost sight of the two surviving Scimitars, who were simply consumed in the ball of light, the enemy fighters pursuing them disappearing as well."

