Lynn Murphy - Mission A (Wing Commander Privateer)

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This article is about the Wing Commander Privateer mission. For the Privateer Righteous Fire mission, see Lynn Murphy - Mission A.

Lynn Murphy - Mission A
File:MM - PRIV - Lynn Murphy A.png
Date 2669
Type Attack Mission
Jumps 0 (Palan)
Payment 15,000 credits
Objectives Go to Palan, Nav 1

Clear navpoint

Cargo Alien Artifact (1)
Designation S4MA
Previous E. Masterson - Mission D
Next Lynn Murphy - Mission B
Saved Game S4MA.SAV

Lynn Murphy - Mission A is a mission in Wing Commander Privateer. It may be accessed by talking to Lynn Murphy at the bar on Basra in the Palan System after completing E. Masterson - Mission D.

Mission Description

Intercept reinforcements at Palan system, Nav 1 and destroy them.

Pays 15000 credits.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Oxford System
Nav 1 1 Merchant Drayman confident pro friendly
5 Pirate Talon fanatical aces


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Lynn Murphy

You here to sign up?
Sign up for what, Miss...?  
'Miss' nothing. The name's Lynn Murphy. I go by Murphy.
Fine, Murphy. Look, all I want is to get down to Palan.
I'm looking old friend, and I can't get through.  
Join the club. You get to cool your heels with the rest of us on Basra awhile.
Bronte Corporation has thrown up a blockade around Palan.
Tough luck...but you could turn a nice profit, if you're smart.
There's two corporations in the Palan System, Rondell and Bronte.
Bronte is responsible for the blockade. They want to block Rondell food exports...
...while kicking up their own to fill the void, stealing Rondell's market share.
I'm organizing the resistance for Rondell from this base. Hired resistance.
My reasons for wanting to get down to Palan are personal.  
Sure, but you'll never break the blockade alone. Smarten up...what's your name?
I am $NM, also known as $CS.  
$CS it is. Why not sign on? The money's good.
This next mission, an intercept operation, pays 15,000 credits. Interested?
Accept Refuse
Hey, if I'm gonna bang up against that blockade, might as well get paid for it.  
Good, I got a mission right now. We've traced several jumps in-system.
They're merc ships, coming to reinforce the Bronte blockade.
I want you to intercept them at Nav 1 of the Palan system...
...and prevent them from joining the main any means necessary.
Funny, you don't look like the type to use euphemisms.  
Just trying to spare you, ace. You look like the squeamish type to me.
Yeah? Guess you've never seen a real man up close. I could arrange it, if you like.  
Sure. If one comes by, let me know.
Just stop those reinforcements, and meet me back here afterwards...
...without the cheap come-ons, got it?
MURPHY're all heart.
I'm not looking to get involved in any corporate war.
I'll take my chances with the blockade alone.  
Your loss, ace, I got no time to argue with you. It's your funeral.


Talk to Lynn Murphy

Didn't I give you a mission to fly, Mister?
Yeah, but I had business to tend to...
Stow it. This is important! If you want this blockade broken...
...and want to get paid, you better listen up!
Merc ships have jumped in-system to reinforce the Bronte blockade of Palan.
Unless you intercept them at Nav 1 of the Palan system...
...and prevent them from joining the main group, this blockade won't end any time soon.
Okay, okay...I'm on my way.


Talk to Lynn Murphy

Back again? If you're here to bust my chops some more...
Chill, Murphy. I'm thinking of signing on after all.  
Yeah? Well, God knows we could use an extra hand.
Bronte has hired mercs to reinforce their blockade of Palan.
The merc ships have jumped in-system, and are set to rendevous with Bronte forces.
We'll pay you 15,000 credits to intercept them at Nav 1 of the Palan system...
...and prevent them from joining the main group...preferably by blowing them to hell.
Afterwards, return here for your pay...and another assignment.
For the last time, are you interested or not?
Accept Refuse
Hey, if I'm gonna bang up against that blockade, might as well get paid for it.  
Prevent those mercs from joining the main any means necessary.
Funny, you don't look like the type to use euphemisms.  
Just trying to spare you, ace. You look like the squeamish type to me.
Yeah? Guess you've never seen a real man up close. I could arrange it, if you like.  
Sure. If one comes by, let me know.
Just stop those reinforcements, and meet me back here afterwards...
...without the cheap come-ons, got it?
PLAYER're all heart.
I guess I'll still take my chances with the blockade alone.  
If you don't want my missions, then leave me alone, got it?


Talk to Lynn Murphy

What's the matter, Murphy? You look more sour than usual.  
You want it straight? Well here it is.
I don't think much of your flying. You're sloppy.
You fail to realize mission objectives. We can't afford to waste time with you.
You're washed up here. Collect your things and pull out.
But we have the same goal. I have to get down to Palan.  
Then you'll have to do it alone. Good-bye.

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Summary Due to the blockade of Palan, you find yourself fleeing to its sister base, Basra. From the bar on Basra, Lynn Murphy organizes the resistance to the blockade. The resistance is your best chance of getting through to Palan. They'll employ you to help break the blockade. Your first mission for them is to prevent reinforcements from reaching the blockade.
Payment 15,000 credits.
Requirements Kill all ten Demons moving in to reinforce the blockade.
Opponents At Palan's Nav 1, you'll find four hostile Demons (confident aces) followed by a wave of three more and then a final wave of three more.
  • You will fight several fighters at once in this scenario. Just keep on the afterburn-ers and change direction constantly to keep their aim off Try to take out their shields with a set of missiles then finish the ship off with your guns. — "Havoc"

WC:CIC Game Guide


To get to Palan, you need to break the blockade. Fortunately Murphy is willing to pay you to do so. Finally you aren't flying to get favors any more.


Intercept and destroy blockade reinforcements at Nav 1, then return to Basra.

Scripted Encounters

Bounty hunters at Nav 1


  • You are greeted by a total force of up to 10 Demons at Nav 1. You can't afford to take damage here, especially early on. Remember these ships can stand the impact of two missiles, so weaken the shields before firing.

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