Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Maestro: Difference between revisions

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{{Navbox Communications/Wing Commander Prophecy}}
{{Navbox Communications/Wing Commander Prophecy}}
[[Category:Wing Commander Prophecy Communications]]

Latest revision as of 21:37, 3 November 2023

This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Maestro with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops


Download: Adbhelm.mp4

Download: Bdbhelm.mp4

Download: Ddbhelm.mp4

Black Widows

Download: Abwhelm.mp4

Download: Bbwhelm.mp4

Download: Dbwhelm.mp4

Wolf Pack

Download: Awphelm.mp4

Download: Bwphelm.mp4

Download: Dephelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00220000.wav Nav Point Clear I hate to say it, but I'm bored.
00220001.wav Nav Point Clear There's not a thing here.
00220002.wav Nav Point Cleared Now that wasn't so hard.
00220003.wav Nav Point Cleared All clear. Nap time!
00220004.wav Nav Point Cleared Awwww! Widdle buggies all got dead.
00220005.wav Nav Point Cleared And we are clear!
00220006.wav Nav Point Cleared That appears to be all they're gonna throw at us.
00220007.wav Enemy Sighted How nice! A welcoming party!
00220008.wav Enemy Sighted Looks like we got a room full of nasties!
00220009.wav Enemy Sighted My, oh my... bad guys!
00220010.wav Enemy Sighted Look! A welcoming party!
00220011.wav Enemy Sighted There they are. Let's take it to 'em!
00220012.wav Enemy Sighted Whatever they are, there are a lot of them around!
00220013.wav Enemy Sighted It's a festival of bugs!
00220014.wav Player Kill Smooth move, Mr. Casey!
00220015.wav Player Kill Pretty cool, Case.
00220016.wav Player Kill Nice work, buddy.
00220017.wav Player Kill Niiiice!
00220018.wav Player Kill That was oh so nice!
00220019.wav KIA Casey, I'm hit! Bad! I think...
00220020.wav Ejecting Looks like I'm gonna outlast this ship! Ejecting!
00220021.wav Ejecting I'm bailing! See you later.
00220022.wav Ejecting Somebody's gonna have to find me a new ship!
00220023.wav Friendly Fire Hey, Casey! That's me you're shooting at!
00220024.wav Friendly Fire What's wrong with you?
00220025.wav Reinforcements Here Now that you've handled the easy part, we'll take over.
00220026.wav Reinforcements Here That looks good.
00220027.wav Reinforcements Here We'll take it from here.
00220028.wav Reinforcements Here Here we come to save the day!
00220029.wav Reinforcements Here And the Maestro steps up to bat...
00220030.wav Reinforcements Here Aren't you glad we're around?
00220031.wav Bridge Destroyed Damn! There's a big, smoking crater where the bridge used to be.
00220032.wav Bridge Destroyed Bridge deeeeeestroyed!
00220033.wav Shields Destroyed No more shields. What a pity.
00220034.wav Shields Destroyed Got that shield emitter.
00220035.wav Engines Destroyed Funny... they don't seem to be going anywhere any more.
00220036.wav Engines Destroyed Looks like their engines are out.
00220037.wav Escorts Cleared We did all the work. Go ahead: take all the credit.
00220038.wav Escorts Cleared We've got you cleared, Casey. Make your run.
00220039.wav Objective Sighted That's our objective, Casey. Let's get it done!
00220040.wav Objective Sighted I do believe we've found our objective.
00220041.wav Objective Not Sighted Hellooooo? Nope, it's not here.
00220042.wav Objective Not Sighted No sign of anything resembling an objective.
00220043.wav Mission Successful I think that's all they wanted us to do.
00220044.wav Mission Successful Tadah! A mighty success for the Confederation!
00220045.wav Mission Failed Blew that one pretty good.
00220046.wav Mission Failed Maybe we need to head back to the Academy.
00220047.wav Negative No way, Jose!
00220048.wav Negative I can't do that.
00220049.wav Negative Can't you see I'm busy?
00220050.wav Negative Not an option.
00220051.wav Negative Can you get somebody else?
00220052.wav Negative Not possible.
00220053.wav Attack Turrets Get those mean ol' guns!
00220054.wav Break and Attack Let's rock and roll!
00220055.wav Break and Attack All craft, make your attacks!
00220056.wav Break and Attack Let's give it to 'em!
00220057.wav Break and Attack My wing: let's clear this place out.
00220058.wav Break and Attack Go for the gusto!
00220059.wav Break and Attack Watch our backs. We'll handle the tricky stuff.
00220060.wav Follow Player Orders Listen to the Lieutenant. I taught him everything I know.
00220061.wav Follow Player Orders Do what he said.
00220062.wav Follow Player Orders Carry out that order, pilots.
00220063.wav Follow Player Orders Ditto.
00220064.wav Form Up Let's make an attempt at a formation, folks.
00220065.wav Form Up All craft, form up.
00220066.wav Retreat Let's get outta here!
00220067.wav Retreat Head for the hills!
00220068.wav Engaging Enemy Here I go!
00220069.wav Engaging Enemy Charge!
00220070.wav Engaging Enemy Making my move!
00220071.wav Engaging Enemy Watch this!
00220072.wav Engaging Enemy Weapons ready. I'm off!
00220073.wav Ready to Engage It's a tough situation, but Maestro seems up to the task.
00220074.wav Ready to Engage Ready for the bug hunt, Casey.
00220075.wav Ready to Engage You know, this leash is starting to chafe.
00220076.wav Ready to Engage I'd just like to mention that I am back here on your wing.
00220077.wav Ready to Engage Any time now, Case!
00220078.wav Ready to Engage Can I get on with my job?
00220079.wav Ready to Engage Excuse me, but could I attack or something?
00220080.wav Enemy Sighted Will ya look at that..
00220081.wav Enemy Sighted I spy my little eye on something with lots of guns!
00220082.wav Enemy Sighted Did anybody order take-out?
00220083.wav Enemy Sighted They don't appear to appreciate our presence.
00220084.wav Enemy Sighted Enemies coming! Get ready!
00220085.wav Missile Fired Missile away!
00220086.wav Missile Fired Fox one!
00220087.wav Torpedo Fired I'm letting a torpedo go.
00220088.wav Torpedo Fired One torpedo, coming right up.
00220089.wav Capital Ship Hit Woo hoo! That's gonna piss 'em off!
00220090.wav Capital Ship Hit I'm incredible!
00220091.wav Requesting Assistance Pardon my French, but HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLP!
00220092.wav Requesting Assistance I can't shake this guy!
00220093.wav Requesting Assistance I'm in a jam. Somebody got time to help me out?
00220094.wav Requesting Assistance Need a little bit of assistance here.
00220095.wav Helping Player Nothing the Maestro can't fix.
00220096.wav Helping Player I'll handle it.
00220097.wav Retreating See ya back at the ranch, Casey.
00220098.wav Retreating Gotta run, Casey. See ya later.
00220099.wav Scored Kill Thank you. Thank you very much.
00220100.wav Scored Kill Splits the uprights!
00220101.wav Scored Kill BOOM!
00220102.wav Scored Kill Oh yes!
00220103.wav Scored Kill Look out!
00220104.wav Scored Kill That's right, bug! DIE!
00220105.wav Scored Kill Got one!
00220106.wav Nav Point Clear I have a very bad feeling about this.
00220107.wav Nav Point Clear They're here somewhere. Count on it.
00220108.wav Taking Damage They're using me for target practice!
00220109.wav Taking Damage Ow! Ow! OW!
00220110.wav Turrets Active I don't like turrets very much.
00220111.wav Turrets Active The turrets don't seem to like me.
00220112.wav Moderate Damage What do those sparks mean? Think it's bad?
00220113.wav Moderate Damage I've had worse.
00220114.wav Moderate Damage Looks like I'm around 50% on hull strength.
00220115.wav Moderate Damage Well, I've definitely done better.
00220116.wav No Damage I could very well be invincible.
00220117.wav No Damage Nothing wrong right now.
00220118.wav Severe Damage I'm pretty much totaled!
00220119.wav Severe Damage I've got red all over my damage readout.
00220120.wav Treason And I thought we were friends. Jerk.
00220121.wav Taking Command I suppose I'll just be assuming command now.
00220122.wav Taunt I'm all over this guy!
00220123.wav Taunt Yoo hoo! Mr. Ugly! Hey!
00220124.wav Taunt Pick on somebody your own... um... never mind.
00220125.wav Taunt We're gonna miss you, bug!
00220126.wav Taunt Maestro lines up for the shot.
00220127.wav Taunt Forgive me, but I'm going to have to kill you.
00220128.wav Taunt We haven't been properly introduced: I'm Maestro. You're dead.
00220129.wav Taunt Say good night, roach.
00220130.wav Taunt This is too easy!
00220131.wav Taunt You're not playing very nice.
00220132.wav Player Rescue I'm forever in your debt, oh noble Casey!
00220133.wav Player Rescue My hero!
00220134.wav Player Rescue Hey! Fancy meeting you here!
00220135.wav Player Rescue Did anybody happen to bring some tunes along?
00220136.wav Greeting Kilrathi Hewwo, puddy tats.
00220137.wav Affirmative Sure, Case.
00220138.wav Affirmative Oh, you're soooo clever.
00220139.wav Affirmative Yes, master.
00220140.wav Affirmative I hear and obey.
00220141.wav Affirmative Roger! Over! Under!
00220142.wav Affirmative Right on!
00220143.wav Status Report How's everyone doing in my wing?
00220144.wav Status Report Status report, please.