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[[0510 (Wing Commander Prophecy cutscene|0510]] is a cutscene from [[Wing Commander Prophecy]]. It plays when you click "Talk to Zero" in the [[Rec Room (TCS Midway)|Rec Room]] before [[G'wriss C3a]] or [[G'wriss C3b|C3b]].
[[0510 (Wing Commander Prophecy cutscene)|0510]] is a cutscene from [[Wing Commander Prophecy]]. It plays when you click "Talk to Zero" in the [[Rec Room (TCS Midway)|Rec Room]] before [[G'wriss C3a]] or [[G'wriss C3b|C3b]].


Revision as of 21:01, 28 October 2023

WCP Cutscene 0510.png
Production Wing Commander Prophecy
Type Plot
Series G'wriss
Disc CD1
Run Time 3m30s
Scenes 51
Locations Rec Room

0510 is a cutscene from Wing Commander Prophecy. It plays when you click "Talk to Zero" in the Rec Room before G'wriss C3a or C3b.


ZERO: Can't a man commune quietly with his drink?

CASEY: I didn't see the "Do Not Disturb" sign, sorry.

ZERO: What was it like? What was what like? Being the Iceman's son. You must have had a free ride straight through the Academy.

CASEY: I never had a 'free ride.' Not to the Academy. Not anywhere.

ZERO: Get off it, Casey! Your old man was a great war hero.

CASEY: Yeah, he was a hero all right! One of the most decorated pilots of the Confederation. So good they named a flight maneuver after him. Only problem is he died when I was just a kid. I think my mother got his last medal when I was in diapers. No, having a hero for a father was no help to me, if anything I spent my career trying to live up to the reputation of a man I never knew. Every time I fly, I feel like I'm flying against him.

ZERO: You're probably better off. My Father was alive but you never would've known it. He was a cultural anthropologist. Then Confed Intel got ahold of him and put him to work in the Kilrathi war. He spent years studying the Kilrathi-- their history, their technology-- 'to get an edge,' he used to say. And then, he couldn't even talk about it. Funny, I wanted to be just like him.

CASEY: Well, maybe you are. So, what do you think we're up against here, Zero? What about the Kn'thrak?

ZERO: Well, my father was the real expert. I heard the word Kn'thrak once or twice before and it was in relation to some ancient Terran biblical text and a race called "Nephilem." I thought it was a fairy tale really. I can remember being so scared that I had to sleep with the light on for days. Ah, what the hell. It doesn't matter anyway.

CASEY: You know, we're alike, you and I. We both fly to outrun our father's shadows.




Wing Commander Prophecy's cutscenes were dubbed for the German release.



A DVD version of Wing Commander Prophecy was developed but not released. It contained almost every cutscene from the CD-ROM release. Mark Day has provided a copy.


Shooting Script

A Wing Commander Prophecy Absolute Very Last Ultimate Final Draft Script dated April 30, 1997 and used during the game's shooting has been provided by Adam Foshko.


Casey ENTERS with his ICIS and a drink to find Zero playing a
coin over his knuckles. Casey deposits the ICIS on the table.

Can't a guy quietly commune with
his drink?
Sorry, I didn't notice the Do Not
Disturb sign.

Casey sits, then stares glumly at his own drink...Zero sneaking
him looks. Finally, Zero can't help himself--he has to ask the
question that's been bugging him for days.

...What's it like?
What's what like?
Being the Iceman's son. I bet you
got a free ride straight through
the Academy?


Zero has struck a chord.

I never got a "free ride." Not to
the Academy. Not anywhere.
Get off it, Casey. Your old man
was a great war hero.
He was great alright. Highly
decorated by the Confederation
during his illustrious career--
and, of course, posthumously. My
mother received his last medal
while I was still in diapers. If
anything, being his son made it
harder because I had to live up to
the reputation of someone I never
really knew.

Zero digests this. Slowly nods.

God. Maybe you were better off.
My Dad was alive...but you never
would've known it. He was a
cultural anthropologist, at least
before Confed Intel got ahcld and
put him to work during the Kilrathi
war. He spent years studying the
Kilrathi; their history and
technology--"to give us an edge",
he used to say. And then, he could
never really talk about it. Funny,
I wanted to be just like him.
Maybe you are.

Zero raises his glass in acknowledgment of Casey's observation

Zero, what do you think we're up
against here? What about the
My father was the real expert.
heard the word Kn'thrak only once
or twice before...


ZERO (Cont'd)
and that was in relation to an
ancient Terran Biblical text and a
race called the Nephilem. I
thought it was a fairy tale really.
I can remember being so scared that
I had to sleep with the light on
for days.

Zero stops his musings when he sees Casey looking lost.

Oh, what the hell. It doesn't
matter anyway.
Yes it does, Zero. We're two of a
kind, you and I. We both fly to
outrun our father's shadows.

Zero reacts to the tone in his voice. And softens.

And those shadows can be damn long.

They clink classes and slam their drinks down.

12/18/96 Draft

A Wing Commander Prophecy First Draft Script dated December 18, 1996 has been provided by Billy Cain.


Casey ENTERS to find Zero staring at the bottom of a glass. As Casey takes
a seat he turns and glares at Casey.

A guy can't quietly commune with his
Sorry. I didn't notice the do not
disturb sign.

Casey stares glumly at his own drink; Zero sneaking him looks. Finally, he
can't help himself; he has to ask the question that's been bugging him for

So what's it like?
What's what like?
Being the Iceman's son. I bet that got
you a free ride straight into the
Academy. (to Casey's silence) Me, I had
to work my up through the ranks.

Casey is stung. Years of resentment well up out of him.

I never got a "free ride." Not to the
Academy. Or anywhere else.
Get off it. Your Dad probably held your
hand every step of the way...
(cutting him off)
I never knew my Dad. He died when I was
still in diapers. I had to work my way
through the Academy. I could have used
my Dad's help, but he wasn't there.


Zero digests this. Slowly nods.

Maybe you were better off. My old man
stayed home. And stayed drunk. Until
he beat me half to death.

Casey is moved by this revelation.

I'm sorry... I didn't know...
Yeah. My old man was a great guy.
Inspired me to run away from home at
sixteen. That's how I wound up in the
What the hell. None of that's important
It is to me.

Zero reacts to the tone in his voice. And softens.

Next time we meet up in Pilot
Country... I owe you a drink...

Casey grins and get up from the table to leave.

Shooting Schedule

A Wing Prophecy Green Schedule from the Origin Museum has been archived by Dominik Reichardt.