Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Mustang: Difference between revisions

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{{Navbox Communications/Wing Commander Prophecy}}
{{Navbox Communications/Wing Commander Prophecy}}
[[Category:Wing Commander Prophecy Communications]]

Revision as of 22:43, 3 November 2023

This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Mustang with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: Awphelm.mp4

Download: Bwphelm.mp4

Download: Dephelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00250000.wav No Enemies They're hiding from us!
00250001.wav Some Enemies Here's a few targets!
00250002.wav Some Enemies I think we're in for a fight!
00250003.wav Many Enemies This does NOT look good.
00250004.wav Player Kill Way to go, sir! Great shot!
00250005.wav Player Kill Fine piece of work, sir!
00250006.wav Player Kill That was one in a million!
00250007.wav KIA Stupid reactor! It's gonna BLOOOOW!
00250008.wav Ejecting This hunk of metal is doomed. I'm bailing.
00250009.wav Ejecting Gotta get out of here!
00250010.wav Friendly Fire Hey! I'm on your side!
00250011.wav Friendly Fire I thought we were friends.
00250012.wav Fighters Cleared I think it's safe. We're gonna try a run.
00250013.wav Reinforcements Here Hope you got 'em all before we got here.
00250014.wav Reinforcements Here Maybe we can help a little.
00250015.wav Wingman KIA Man, that could have been me!
00250016.wav Bridge Destroyed Ok. Bridge is out. Can we go home?
00250017.wav Shields Destroyed Those shields are down. Somebody jump on it.
00250018.wav Engines Destroyed They're dead in space.
00250019.wav Escorts Cleared How come you guys get the easy part?
00250020.wav Objective Sighted We're here. Who wants to go first?
00250021.wav Objective Not Sighted Well, they're not here. Let's go home.
00250022.wav Mission Successful Well I'll be... We did it!
00250023.wav Mission Failed See? If we had better equipment, we'd do better!
00250024.wav Negative Can't do it.
00250025.wav Negative I would, but I'm having some technical problems!
00250026.wav Negative Sorry, sir.
00250027.wav Negative Uh... can't do that.
00250028.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Get the turrets!
00250029.wav Wing: Break and Attack Let's jump those bastards!
00250030.wav Wing: Break and Attack Lock and load, pilots!
00250031.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Get those bugs off of us!
00250032.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders Do what the man says.
00250033.wav Wing: Attack Target Follow him, not me.
00250034.wav Wing: Disengage Everybody form up.
00250035.wav Wing: Retreat There are too many of them. Fall back!
00250036.wav Attacking Capital Ship I hope this works.
00250037.wav Ready to Engage I'm ready to engage.
00250038.wav Exclamation Like to take a crack at them, sir.
00250039.wav Enemies Inbound Uh oh!
00250040.wav Enemies Inbound They're coming!
00250041.wav Enemies Inbound Looks like we waited too long to leave!
00250042.wav Missile Fired Missile away!
00250043.wav Torpedo Fired Whaddya know? It actually launched!
00250044.wav Capital Ship Hit I AM the man!
00250045.wav Need Help There are too many of them!
00250046.wav Helping Player I'd love some help here. Mess with my buddy, will ya!
00250047.wav Returning to Base I'm limping for home... if I can make it that far.
00250048.wav Scored Kill Ka-BOOM!
00250049.wav Scored Kill Bullseye!
00250050.wav Scored Kill They'll have a hard time cleaning THAT up.
00250051.wav Scored Kill Ouch! That's GOT to hurt!
00250052.wav Nav Point Clear What say we blaze out of here before they show up?
00250053.wav Enemy Turrets Active There's a lot of firepower here!
00250054.wav Some Damage Why does this always happen to me?
00250055.wav Some Damage You go on without me.
00250056.wav No Damage How come they never clean these seats?
00250057.wav Worst Damage I don't think I've got any systems working.
00250058.wav Player Traitor Oh, sure! Now you're against me, too?
00250059.wav Taking Command I'm promoting myself to wing leader.
00250060.wav Taunt Die!
00250061.wav Taunt Something's wrong with your gunsight!
00250062.wav Taunt Buzz off, maggot!
00250063.wav Taunt Is your targeting computer working?
00250064.wav Taunt You just wait, bug!
00250065.wav Taunt Thanks a million!
00250066.wav Saved by Player If there's ever anything I can do...
00250067.wav Saved by Player You got here just in time!
00250068.wav Affirmative Yeah.
00250069.wav Affirmative All right.
00250070.wav Affirmative O.K.
00250071.wav Affirmative I suppose so.