Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Maniac: Difference between revisions

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{{Navbox Communications/Wing Commander Prophecy}}
{{Navbox Communications/Wing Commander Prophecy}}
[[Category:Wing Commander Prophecy Communications]]

Latest revision as of 21:38, 3 November 2023

This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Maniac with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

Download: Abwhelm.mp4

Download: Bbwhelm.mp4

Download: Dbwhelm.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00240000.wav Nav Point Clear Just like I thought. Waste of time.
00240001.wav Nav Point Clear They're around here somewhere. Keep looking.
00240002.wav Nav Point Clear Ha! Thanks to me, they're all gone.
00240003.wav Nav Point Cleared Was everybody watching that?
00240004.wav Enemy Sighted This place has got a big termite problem.
00240005.wav Enemy Sighted I think we got them all. Whoa!
00240006.wav Enemy Sighted Heads up, plebes! We've got company!
00240007.wav Enemy Sighted Looks like they were expecting us.
00240008.wav Enemy Sighted Do you see what I see?
00240009.wav Enemy Sighted We've got company!
00240010.wav Enemy Sighted Scope's lit up. We're in for a furball.
00240011.wav Enemy Sighted This place is crawling with bugs!
00240012.wav Enemy Sighted Anybody else getting a little warm in here?
00240013.wav Player Kill I coulda done that.
00240014.wav Player Kill I'm almost impressed.
00240015.wav Player Kill Good shot, for a plebe.
00240016.wav Player Kill Not bad, kid.
00240017.wav Player Kill Maybe we'll make a pilot out of you after all.
00240018.wav KIA I think I'm gonna make it! Almost clear! AAAAAAAAH!
00240019.wav Ejecting This bucket of bolts is falling apart! I'm bailing.
00240020.wav Ejecting Don't forget to pick me up.
00240021.wav Friendly Fire Watch it, rookie!
00240022.wav Friendly Fire Watch it!
00240023.wav Friendly Fire I told you to watch it!
00240024.wav Engaging Enemy Now watch what a real pilot can do!
00240025.wav Reinforcements Here We're taking over.
00240026.wav Reinforcements Here Good thing we're around to bail you guys out.
00240027.wav Reinforcements Here Oh yeah - we gotcha covered!
00240028.wav Reinforcements Here We're here. You're welcome.
00240029.wav Reinforcements Here You guys watch your asses out there!
00240030.wav Wingman KIA Damn! Lost another one!
00240031.wav Bridge Destroyed Looks like the bugs are short a command crew.
00240032.wav Bridge Destroyed Got the bridge!
00240033.wav Shields Destroyed All right - they're naked!
00240034.wav Shields Destroyed Their shields're down.
00240035.wav Engines Destroyed They're not going anywhere for a long time.
00240036.wav Engines Destroyed Widdle buggies are all out of gas!
00240037.wav Escorts Cleared We got you covered, kid.
00240038.wav Escorts Cleared All right, that's it.
00240039.wav Objective Sighted There it is!
00240040.wav Objective Not Sighted Aw, c'mon! Where is it?
00240041.wav Mission Accomplished Not too bad, for a plebe. Let's go home.
00240042.wav Mission Accomplished Oh yeah! Mission accomplished!
00240043.wav Mission Failed Aw, now you've screwed everything up. Let's get out of here.
00240044.wav Mission Failed We blew it. Let's get outta here.
00240045.wav Negative I'd like to remind you just who outranks who in this outfit.
00240046.wav Negative No can do, buddy.
00240047.wav Negative Who died and made YOU boss?
00240048.wav Negative I'd love to, but...
00240049.wav Negative Don't let your promotion go to your head.
00240050.wav Clear Turrets Let's take out those turrets!
00240051.wav Break and Attack Crap! All craft, break and attack!
00240052.wav Break and Attack Lets show 'em who's boss!
00240053.wav Break and Attack Break up and kick their asses!
00240054.wav Break and Attack You know the drill. Go get 'em.
00240055.wav Break and Attack Break and attack, but don't do anything stupid.
00240056.wav Break and Attack Handle those fighters, and we'll do the hard part.
00240057.wav Follow Player's Orders Do what he said.
00240058.wav Follow Player's Orders Humor him, folks.
00240059.wav Form Up Let's go, Plebe Patrol. Form up.
00240060.wav Form Up Let's get in line, folks!
00240061.wav Retreating Let's go home.
00240062.wav Engaging Enemy I'm taking it to them!
00240063.wav Engaging Enemy Watch the Maniac attack!
00240064.wav Engaging Enemy Hope there are some left for you guys.
00240065.wav Engaging Enemy Hoo! The Maniac is loose!
00240066.wav Engaging Enemy They're the problem, and I'm the solution!
00240067.wav Ready to Engage Ready when you are, Ace.
00240068.wav Ready to Engage Any time you're ready, lieutenant.
00240069.wav Ready to Engage Are we gonna go get 'em, or what?
00240070.wav Ready to Engage What are we waiting for?
00240071.wav Enemy Sighted Wouldya look at that!
00240072.wav Enemy Sighted Whoa! Heads up, plebes! We've got company!
00240073.wav Enemy Sighted Where the hell did they come from?
00240074.wav Enemy Sighted Uh oh! Reinforcements!
00240075.wav Enemy Sighted Oh, man, are we in for it now!
00240076.wav Missile Fired Ha! Eat this, freak!
00240077.wav Missile Fired Let's see how you like this missile, bug!
00240078.wav Torpedo Fired Say hello to Mr. Torpedo!
00240079.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo locked and... FIRE!
00240080.wav Capital Ship Hit Ka-BOOM! Oh, Baby! Yeah!
00240081.wav Player Rescue Somebody get this thing off me!
00240082.wav Player Rescue You plebes mind actually pulling your weight?
00240083.wav Player Rescue Somebody help me! They're all over me!
00240084.wav Player Rescued Did somebody call for the cavalry?
00240085.wav Player Rescued Of course I can save your butt.
00240086.wav Retreating Sorry, kids, I've gotta get back home.
00240087.wav Retreating Well, I suppose I'll be going now.
00240088.wav Scored Kill Yep! I've still got it!
00240089.wav Scored Kill Did you see that?
00240090.wav Scored Kill That's how it's done, plebes!
00240091.wav Scored Kill Take that, you freak!
00240092.wav Scored Kill Ouch! That's gotta hurt!
00240093.wav Scored Kill I do believe that's a kill for the Maniac.
00240094.wav Nav Point Clear Something ain't right here.
00240095.wav Taking Damage Why are they always shooting at ME?
00240096.wav Taking Damage I'm taking a lot of fire here.
00240097.wav Moderate Damage A few scratches... Nothing I can't handle.
00240098.wav Moderate Damage Well, I'm not exactly having a good time!
00240099.wav Moderate Damage I'm taking a lot of hits.
00240100.wav No Damage I'm perfect, as usual.
00240101.wav No Damage No problems.
00240102.wav Severe Damage What do they make these things out of? Tin foil?
00240103.wav Severe Damage They don't build ships like they used to.
00240104.wav Treason That's the last straw, junior!
00240105.wav Taking Command Ok. I'm in charge now, folks.
00240106.wav Turrets Active Watch out for those turrets!
00240107.wav Taunt You bugs picked the wrong place to slither into.
00240108.wav Taunt You creeps haven't heard of me?!
00240109.wav Taunt Bet they're quaking in their bug boots.
00240110.wav Taunt He's a Maniac, Maniac...
00240111.wav Taunt Come meet the Maniac, uglies!
00240112.wav Taunt Eat your heart out, Blair!
00240113.wav Taunt Time for a little bug funeral.
00240114.wav Player Rescue I owe you one, but don't tell anybody that.
00240115.wav Player Rescue About time you rookies decided to join us.
00240116.wav Player Rescue About time you guys showed up.
00240117.wav Kilrathi Sighted Somebody forget to empty the litter box?
00240118.wav Affirmative I was gonna do that already.
00240119.wav Affirmative Oh, yes sir!
00240120.wav Affirmative Sure.
00240121.wav Affirmative Uh... whatever.
00240122.wav Affirmative If you say so.
00240123.wav Status Report How's it going, folks?